spooky.js 7.57 KB
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var util = require('util');

var _ = require('underscore');

var async = require('async');

var carrier = require('carrier');
var duplex = require('duplexer');

var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
var Stream = require('stream');

var RequestStream = require('./spooky/request-stream');
var FilteredStream = require('./spooky/filtered-stream');

var tinyjsonrpc = require('tiny-jsonrpc');

var defaults = {
    transport: {
        http: {
            host: 'localhost'
    child: {
        command: 'casperjs',
        port: 8081,
        script: __dirname + '/bootstrap.js',
        spooky_lib: __dirname + '/../',
        transport: 'stdio',
        spawnOptions: {}
    casper: {
        verbose: true,
        logLevel: 'debug'

function isJsonRpcRequest(s) {
    try {
        s = JSON.parse(s);
        return s.jsonrpc === '2.0' && 'method' in s;
    } catch (e) { /* intentionally empty */ }
    return false;

function isJsonRpcResponse(s) {
    try {
        s = JSON.parse(s);
        return s.jsonrpc === '2.0' &&
            ('result' in s || 'error' in s);
    } catch (e) { /* intentionally empty */ }
    return false;

function isFunctionTuple(a) {
    return _.isArray(a) &&
        a.length === 2 &&
        _.isObject(a[0]) &&

function serializeFunctions(x) {
    if (_.isFunction(x)) {
        x = x.toString();
    } else if (isFunctionTuple(x)) {
        x[1] = x[1].toString();

    return x;

// serialize function values recursively
function serializeMethods(o) {
    var v;

    for (var k in o) {
        v = o[k];

        if (_.isObject(v) && !_.isArray(v) && !_.isFunction(v)) {
        } else {
            o[k] = serializeFunctions(v);

function Spooky(options, callback) {
    this.options = options = _.defaults(_.clone(options || {}), defaults);

    for (var k in defaults) {
        if (defaults[k] && _.isObject(defaults[k]) && !_.isArray(defaults[k])) {
            this.options[k] =
                _.defaults(_.clone(options[k] || {}), defaults[k]);
    options.transport = _.defaults(options.transport, defaults.transport);

    this._q = async.queue(this._callWorker.bind(this), 1);


    if (options.child.transport === 'http') {
        this._child = Spooky._instances[options.port] = this._spawnChild();

        this._rpcClient = new tinyjsonrpc.StreamClient({
            server: new RequestStream({
                host: options.transport.http.host,
                port: options.child.port
    } else if (options.child.transport === 'stdio') {
        this._child =
            Spooky._instances['stdio' + Spooky._nextInstanceId++] =

        this._rpcClient = new tinyjsonrpc.StreamClient({
            server: duplex(this._child.stdin,
                new FilteredStream(this._child.stdout, isJsonRpcResponse))

        // must terminate requests with a linefeed
        this._rpcClient._send = function _send (request) {
            if (this._server.full) {
            } else {
                try {
                    request = JSON.stringify(request);
                } catch (e) {
                    throw 'Could not serialize request to JSON';

                this._server.full = !this._server.stream.write(request + '\n');
    } else {
        throw new Error('Unknown transport ' + options.child.transport);

    // listen for JSON-RPC requests from the child
    this._rpcServer = new tinyjsonrpc.StreamServer();
            new FilteredStream(this._child.stdout, isJsonRpcRequest)));

        emit: function () {
            this.emit.apply(this, arguments);

            return true;

    this.once('ready', function () {
            this._onCreate.bind(this, callback),

util.inherits(Spooky, EventEmitter);

Spooky._instances = {};
Spooky._nextInstanceId = 0;

// clean up if spooky dies
process.on('exit', function () {
    _.each(Spooky._instances, function (server) {

Spooky.prototype._spawnChild = function () {
    var options = this.options.child;
    var args = [ options.script ];
    var child;

    for (var k in options) {
        if (k !== 'script') {
            args.push('--' + k + '=' + options[k]);

    if (Spooky._instances[options.port]) {
        throw new Error('Already running a server on port ' + options.port);

    child = this._child = spawn(options.command, args, options.spawnOptions);

    var stdout = child.stdout;
    child.stdout = new Stream();
    carrier.carry(stdout).on('line', function (line) {
        this.stdout.emit('data', line);

    // emit anything that isn't JSON-RPC traffic as a console event
    (new FilteredStream(child.stdout, function (data) {
        return !isJsonRpcResponse(data) && !isJsonRpcRequest(data);
    })).on('data', function (data) {
        this.emit('console', data.toString());

    child.on('exit', function (code, signal) {
        var e;

        if (code) {
            e = new Error('Child terminated with non-zero exit code ' + code);
            e.details = {
                code: code,
                signal: signal
            this.emit('error', e);
    return child;

Spooky.prototype.destroy = function () {
    delete Spooky._instances[this.options.child.port];

Spooky.create = function (options, callback) {
    return new Spooky(options, callback);

Spooky.prototype._onLine = function (line) {
    var response;

    try {
        response = JSON.parse(this._rpcServer.respond(line));
        if (response.result === true) {
    } catch (e) { /* not JSON */ }
    // either the line was not valid JSON or not a valid JSON-RPC request

    this.emit('console', line);

Spooky.prototype._call = function (method, callback) {
    var args = _.toArray(arguments);
    var params = args.slice(2);

    for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
        params[i] =  serializeFunctions(params[i]);

        method: method,
        callback: callback,
        params: params

// FIXME: does `callback` ever get used?
Spooky.prototype._callWorker = function (options, callback) {
    var userCallback = options.callback;

    options.callback = function (error, response) {
        if (userCallback) {
            userCallback.apply(this, arguments);

        if (error) {
            this.emit('error', error);

        callback(error, response);

    //call.apply(this, params);

Spooky.prototype._onCreate = function (callback, error, response) {
    var e;

    if (!error) {
        response.methods.forEach(function (method) {
                this[method] =
                    this.constructor.prototype._call.bind(this, method, null);
            }, this);

    if (callback) {
        callback(error, response);
    } else if (error) {
        e = new Error('Could not create Spooky instance');
        e.details = error;
        throw e;

module.exports = Spooky;