youtube-dl.js 8.68 KB
'use strict'

const execFile = require('child_process').execFile
const streamify = require('streamify')
const request = require('request')
const hms = require('hh-mm-ss')
const path = require('path')
const http = require('http')
const url = require('url')
const fs = require('fs')

const {
} = require('./util')

const detailsPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'bin/details')

const TEN_MEGABYTES = 1000 * 1000 * 10

const execFileOpts = { maxBuffer: TEN_MEGABYTES }

let ytdlBinary = (() => {
  if (fs.existsSync(detailsPath)) {
    const details = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(detailsPath))
    return details.path
      ? details.path
      : path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'bin', details.exec)

  if (!fs.existsSync(ytdlBinary)) {
      'ERROR: unable to locate youtube-dl details in ' +

function youtubeDl (args, options, cb) {
  execFile(ytdlBinary, args, { ...execFileOpts, ...options }, function done (
  ) {
    if (err) return cb(err)
    return cb(null, stdout.trim().split(/\r?\n/))

 * Processes data
 * @param {Object} data
 * @param {Object} options
 * @param {Object} stream

function processData (data, options, stream) {
  const item = !data.length ? data : data.shift()

  // fix for pause/resume downloads
  const headers = Object.assign(
    { Host: url.parse(item.url).hostname },

  if (options && options.start > 0 && options.end > 0) {
    headers.Range = 'bytes=' + options.start + '-' + options.end

  const req = request({ url: item.url, headers: headers, ecdhCurve: 'auto' })

  req.on('response', function response (res) {
    const size = parseInt(res.headers['content-length'], 10)
    if (size) item.size = size

    if (options && options.start > 0 && res.statusCode === 416) {
      // the file that is being resumed is complete.
      return stream.emit('complete', item)

    if (res.statusCode !== 200 && res.statusCode !== 206) {
      return stream.emit('error', new Error('status code ' + res.statusCode))

    stream.emit('info', item)

    stream.on('end', function end () {
      if (data.length) stream.emit('next', data)

  return stream.resolve(req)

 * Downloads a video.
 * @param {String} videoUrl
 * @param {!Array.<String>} args
 * @param {!Object} options
const ytdl = (module.exports = function (videoUrl, args, options) {
  const stream = streamify({
    superCtor: http.ClientResponse,
    readable: true,
    writable: false

  if (!isString(videoUrl)) {
    processData(videoUrl, options, stream)
    return stream

  ytdl.getInfo(videoUrl, args, options, function getInfo (err, data) {
    return err ? stream.emit('error', err) : processData(data, options, stream)

  return stream

 * Calls youtube-dl with some arguments and the `cb`
 * gets called with the output.
 * @param {String|Array.<String>}
 * @param {Array.<String>} args
 * @param {Array.<String>} args2
 * @param {Object} options
 * @param {Function(!Error, String)} cb
function call (urls, args1, args2, options = {}, cb) {
  let args = args1
  if (args2) args = args.concat(args2)

  // check if encoding is already set
  if (isWin && !args.includes('--encoding')) {

  if (urls !== null) {
    if (isString(urls)) urls = [urls]

    for (let i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
      const video = urls[i]
      if (isYouTubeRegex.test(video)) {
        // Get possible IDs.
        const details = url.parse(video, true)
        let id = details.query.v || ''
        if (id) {
          args.push('' + id)
        } else {
          // Get possible IDs for from urladdr.
          id = details.pathname.slice(1).replace(/^v\//, '')
          if (id) {
      } else {
        if (i === 0) args.push('--')

  return youtubeDl(args, options, cb)

 * Calls youtube-dl with some arguments and the `cb`
 * gets called with the output.
 * @param {String} url
 * @param {Array.<String>} args
 * @param {Object} options
 * @param {Function(!Error, String)} cb
ytdl.exec = function exec (url, args, options, cb) {
  return call(url, [], args, options, cb)

 * @param {Object} data
 * @returns {Object}
function parseInfo (data) {
  // youtube-dl might return just an url as a string when using the "-g" or "--get-url" flag
  if (isString(data) && data.startsWith('http')) {
    data = JSON.stringify({ url: data })

  const info = JSON.parse(data)

  info._duration_raw = info.duration
  info._duration_hms = info.duration
    ? hms.fromS(info.duration, 'hh:mm:ss')
    : info.duration
  info.duration = info.duration ? formatDuration(info.duration) : info.duration

  return info

 * Set path from youtube-dl.
 * @param {String} path
ytdl.setYtdlBinary = function setYtdlBinary (path) {
  ytdlBinary = path

 * Get path from youtube-dl.
 * @param {String} path
ytdl.getYtdlBinary = function getYtdlBinary () {
  return ytdlBinary

 * Gets info from a video.
 * @param {String} url
 * @param {Array.<String>} args
 * @param {Object} options
 * @param {Function(!Error, Object)} cb
ytdl.getInfo = function getInfo (url, args, options, cb) {
  if (typeof options === 'function') {
    cb = options
    options = {}
  } else if (typeof args === 'function') {
    cb = args
    options = {}
    args = []
  const defaultArgs = ['--dump-json']
  if (
    !args ||
    (!has(args, '-f') &&
      !has(args, '--format') &&
      args.every(function (a) {
        return a.indexOf('--format=') !== 0
  ) {

  call(url, defaultArgs, args, options, function done (err, data) {
    if (err) return cb(err)
    let info

    // If using the "-g" or "--get-url" flag youtube-dl will return just a string (the URL to the video) which messes up the parsing
    // This fixes this behaviour
    if (has(args, '-g') || has(args, '--get-url')) {
      if (Array.isArray(data) && data.length >= 2) data.splice(0, 1)

    try {
      info =
    } catch (err) {
      return cb(err)

    return cb(null, info.length === 1 ? info[0] : info)

 * @param {String} url
 * @param {Object} options
 *   {Boolean} auto
 *   {Boolean} all
 *   {String} lang
 *   {String} format
 *   {String} cwd
 * @param {Function(!Error, Object)} cb
ytdl.getSubs = function getSubs (url, options, cb) {
  if (typeof options === 'function') {
    cb = options
    options = {}

  const args = ['--skip-download']
  args.push('--write' + ( ? '-auto' : '') + '-sub')
  if (options.all) args.push('--all-subs')
  if (options.lang) args.push('--sub-lang=' + options.lang)
  if (options.format) args.push('--sub-format=' + options.format)
  if (!options.warrning) args.push('--no-warnings')

  call(url, args, [], { cwd: options.cwd }, function (err, data) {
    if (err) return cb(err)

    const files = []

    for (let i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {
      const line = data[i]
      if (line.indexOf('[info] Writing video subtitles to: ') === 0) {

    return cb(null, files)

 * @param {String} url
 * @param {Object} options
 *   {Boolean} all
 *   {String} cwd
 * @param {Function(!Error, Object)} cb
ytdl.getThumbs = function getThumbs (url, options, cb) {
  if (typeof options === 'function') {
    cb = options
    options = {}

  const args = ['--skip-download']

  if (options.all) args.push('--write-all-thumbnails')
  else args.push('--write-thumbnail')

  if (!options.warrning) args.push('--no-warnings')

  call(url, args, [], { cwd: options.cwd }, function (err, data) {
    if (err) return cb(err)

    const files = []

    for (let i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {
      const line = data[i]
      const info = 'Writing thumbnail to: '
      if (has(line, info)) {
        files.push(line.slice(line.indexOf(info) + info.length))

    return cb(null, files)

 * @param {!Boolean} descriptions
 * @param {!Object} options
 * @param {Function(!Error, Object)} cb
ytdl.getExtractors = function getExtractors (descriptions, options, cb) {
  if (typeof options === 'function') {
    cb = options
    options = {}
  } else if (typeof descriptions === 'function') {
    cb = descriptions
    options = {}
    descriptions = false

  const args = descriptions
    ? ['--extractor-descriptions']
    : ['--list-extractors']

  return call(null, args, null, options, cb)