VoiceChannel.js 4 KB
'use strict';

const GuildChannel = require('./GuildChannel');
const { Error } = require('../errors');
const Collection = require('../util/Collection');
const { browser } = require('../util/Constants');
const Permissions = require('../util/Permissions');

 * Represents a guild voice channel on Discord.
 * @extends {GuildChannel}
class VoiceChannel extends GuildChannel {
  _patch(data) {
     * The bitrate of this voice channel
     * @type {number}
    this.bitrate = data.bitrate;

     * The maximum amount of users allowed in this channel - 0 means unlimited.
     * @type {number}
    this.userLimit = data.user_limit;

   * The members in this voice channel
   * @type {Collection<Snowflake, GuildMember>}
   * @readonly
  get members() {
    const coll = new Collection();
    for (const state of this.guild.voiceStates.cache.values()) {
      if (state.channelID === this.id && state.member) {
        coll.set(state.id, state.member);
    return coll;

   * Checks if the voice channel is full
   * @type {boolean}
   * @readonly
  get full() {
    return this.userLimit > 0 && this.members.size >= this.userLimit;

   * Whether the channel is deletable by the client user
   * @type {boolean}
   * @readonly
  get deletable() {
    return super.deletable && this.permissionsFor(this.client.user).has(Permissions.FLAGS.CONNECT, false);

   * Whether the channel is editable by the client user
   * @type {boolean}
   * @readonly
  get editable() {
    return this.manageable && this.permissionsFor(this.client.user).has(Permissions.FLAGS.CONNECT, false);

   * Whether the channel is joinable by the client user
   * @type {boolean}
   * @readonly
  get joinable() {
    if (browser) return false;
    if (!this.viewable) return false;
    if (!this.permissionsFor(this.client.user).has(Permissions.FLAGS.CONNECT, false)) return false;
    if (this.full && !this.permissionsFor(this.client.user).has(Permissions.FLAGS.MOVE_MEMBERS, false)) return false;
    return true;

   * Checks if the client has permission to send audio to the voice channel
   * @type {boolean}
   * @readonly
  get speakable() {
    return this.permissionsFor(this.client.user).has(Permissions.FLAGS.SPEAK, false);

   * Sets the bitrate of the channel.
   * @param {number} bitrate The new bitrate
   * @param {string} [reason] Reason for changing the channel's bitrate
   * @returns {Promise<VoiceChannel>}
   * @example
   * // Set the bitrate of a voice channel
   * voiceChannel.setBitrate(48000)
   *   .then(vc => console.log(`Set bitrate to ${vc.bitrate}bps for ${vc.name}`))
   *   .catch(console.error);
  setBitrate(bitrate, reason) {
    return this.edit({ bitrate }, reason);

   * Sets the user limit of the channel.
   * @param {number} userLimit The new user limit
   * @param {string} [reason] Reason for changing the user limit
   * @returns {Promise<VoiceChannel>}
   * @example
   * // Set the user limit of a voice channel
   * voiceChannel.setUserLimit(42)
   *   .then(vc => console.log(`Set user limit to ${vc.userLimit} for ${vc.name}`))
   *   .catch(console.error);
  setUserLimit(userLimit, reason) {
    return this.edit({ userLimit }, reason);

   * Attempts to join this voice channel.
   * @returns {Promise<VoiceConnection>}
   * @example
   * // Join a voice channel
   * voiceChannel.join()
   *   .then(connection => console.log('Connected!'))
   *   .catch(console.error);
  join() {
    if (browser) return Promise.reject(new Error('VOICE_NO_BROWSER'));
    return this.client.voice.joinChannel(this);

   * Leaves this voice channel.
   * @example
   * // Leave a voice channel
   * voiceChannel.leave();
  leave() {
    if (browser) return;
    const connection = this.client.voice.connections.get(this.guild.id);
    if (connection && connection.channel.id === this.id) connection.disconnect();

module.exports = VoiceChannel;