RequestHandler.js 5.6 KB
'use strict';

const AsyncQueue = require('./AsyncQueue');
const DiscordAPIError = require('./DiscordAPIError');
const HTTPError = require('./HTTPError');
const {
  Events: { RATE_LIMIT },
} = require('../util/Constants');
const Util = require('../util/Util');

function parseResponse(res) {
  if (res.headers.get('content-type').startsWith('application/json')) return res.json();
  if (browser) return res.blob();
  return res.buffer();

function getAPIOffset(serverDate) {
  return new Date(serverDate).getTime() -;

function calculateReset(reset, serverDate) {
  return new Date(Number(reset) * 1000).getTime() - getAPIOffset(serverDate);

class RequestHandler {
  constructor(manager) {
    this.manager = manager;
    this.queue = new AsyncQueue();
    this.reset = -1;
    this.remaining = -1;
    this.limit = -1;
    this.retryAfter = -1;

  async push(request) {
    await this.queue.wait();
    try {
      return await this.execute(request);
    } finally {

  get limited() {
    return Boolean(this.manager.globalTimeout) || (this.remaining <= 0 && < this.reset);

  get _inactive() {
    return this.queue.remaining === 0 && !;

  async execute(request) {
    // After calculations and requests have been done, pre-emptively stop further requests
    if ( {
      const timeout = this.reset + this.manager.client.options.restTimeOffset -;

      if (this.manager.client.listenerCount(RATE_LIMIT)) {
         * Emitted when the client hits a rate limit while making a request
         * @event Client#rateLimit
         * @param {Object} rateLimitInfo Object containing the rate limit info
         * @param {number} rateLimitInfo.timeout Timeout in ms
         * @param {number} rateLimitInfo.limit Number of requests that can be made to this endpoint
         * @param {string} rateLimitInfo.method HTTP method used for request that triggered this event
         * @param {string} rateLimitInfo.path Path used for request that triggered this event
         * @param {string} rateLimitInfo.route Route used for request that triggered this event
        this.manager.client.emit(RATE_LIMIT, {
          limit: this.limit,
          method: request.method,
          path: request.path,
          route: request.route,

      if (this.manager.globalTimeout) {
        await this.manager.globalTimeout;
      } else {
        // Wait for the timeout to expire in order to avoid an actual 429
        await Util.delayFor(timeout);

    // Perform the request
    let res;
    try {
      res = await request.make();
    } catch (error) {
      // Retry the specified number of times for request abortions
      if (request.retries === this.manager.client.options.retryLimit) {
        throw new HTTPError(error.message,, error.status, request.method, request.path);

      return this.execute(request);

    if (res && res.headers) {
      const serverDate = res.headers.get('date');
      const limit = res.headers.get('x-ratelimit-limit');
      const remaining = res.headers.get('x-ratelimit-remaining');
      const reset = res.headers.get('x-ratelimit-reset');
      const retryAfter = res.headers.get('retry-after');

      this.limit = limit ? Number(limit) : Infinity;
      this.remaining = remaining ? Number(remaining) : 1;
      this.reset = reset ? calculateReset(reset, serverDate) :;
      this.retryAfter = retryAfter ? Number(retryAfter) : -1;

      if (request.route.includes('reactions')) {
        this.reset = new Date(serverDate).getTime() - getAPIOffset(serverDate) + 250;

      // Handle global ratelimit
      if (res.headers.get('x-ratelimit-global')) {
        // Set the manager's global timeout as the promise for other requests to "wait"
        this.manager.globalTimeout = Util.delayFor(this.retryAfter);

        // Wait for the global timeout to resolve before continuing
        await this.manager.globalTimeout;

        // Clean up global timeout
        this.manager.globalTimeout = null;

    // Handle 2xx and 3xx responses
    if (res.ok) {
      // Nothing wrong with the request, proceed with the next one
      return parseResponse(res);

    // Handle 4xx responses
    if (res.status >= 400 && res.status < 500) {
      // Handle ratelimited requests
      if (res.status === 429) {
        // A ratelimit was hit - this should never happen
        this.manager.client.emit('debug', `429 hit on route ${request.route}`);
        await Util.delayFor(this.retryAfter);
        return this.execute(request);

      // Handle possible malformed requests
      let data;
      try {
        data = await parseResponse(res);
      } catch (err) {
        throw new HTTPError(err.message,, err.status, request.method, request.path);

      throw new DiscordAPIError(request.path, data, request.method, res.status);

    // Handle 5xx responses
    if (res.status >= 500 && res.status < 600) {
      // Retry the specified number of times for possible serverside issues
      if (request.retries === this.manager.client.options.retryLimit) {
        throw new HTTPError(res.statusText,, res.status, request.method, request.path);

      return this.execute(request);

    // Fallback in the rare case a status code outside the range 200..=599 is returned
    return null;

module.exports = RequestHandler;