referrer.js 11.5 KB
import {isIP} from 'node:net';

 * @external URL
 * @see {@link|URL}

 * @module utils/referrer
 * @private

 * @see {@link|Referrer Policy §8.4. Strip url for use as a referrer}
 * @param {string} URL
 * @param {boolean} [originOnly=false]
export function stripURLForUseAsAReferrer(url, originOnly = false) {
	// 1. If url is null, return no referrer.
	if (url == null) { // eslint-disable-line no-eq-null, eqeqeq
		return 'no-referrer';

	url = new URL(url);

	// 2. If url's scheme is a local scheme, then return no referrer.
	if (/^(about|blob|data):$/.test(url.protocol)) {
		return 'no-referrer';

	// 3. Set url's username to the empty string.
	url.username = '';

	// 4. Set url's password to null.
	// Note: `null` appears to be a mistake as this actually results in the password being `"null"`.
	url.password = '';

	// 5. Set url's fragment to null.
	// Note: `null` appears to be a mistake as this actually results in the fragment being `"#null"`.
	url.hash = '';

	// 6. If the origin-only flag is true, then:
	if (originOnly) {
		// 6.1. Set url's path to null.
		// Note: `null` appears to be a mistake as this actually results in the path being `"/null"`.
		url.pathname = '';

		// 6.2. Set url's query to null.
		// Note: `null` appears to be a mistake as this actually results in the query being `"?null"`. = '';

	// 7. Return url.
	return url;

 * @see {@link|enum ReferrerPolicy}
export const ReferrerPolicy = new Set([

 * @see {@link|default referrer policy}
export const DEFAULT_REFERRER_POLICY = 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin';

 * @see {@link|Referrer Policy §3. Referrer Policies}
 * @param {string} referrerPolicy
 * @returns {string} referrerPolicy
export function validateReferrerPolicy(referrerPolicy) {
	if (!ReferrerPolicy.has(referrerPolicy)) {
		throw new TypeError(`Invalid referrerPolicy: ${referrerPolicy}`);

	return referrerPolicy;

 * @see {@link|Referrer Policy §3.2. Is origin potentially trustworthy?}
 * @param {external:URL} url
 * @returns `true`: "Potentially Trustworthy", `false`: "Not Trustworthy"
export function isOriginPotentiallyTrustworthy(url) {
	// 1. If origin is an opaque origin, return "Not Trustworthy".
	// Not applicable

	// 2. Assert: origin is a tuple origin.
	// Not for implementations

	// 3. If origin's scheme is either "https" or "wss", return "Potentially Trustworthy".
	if (/^(http|ws)s:$/.test(url.protocol)) {
		return true;

	// 4. If origin's host component matches one of the CIDR notations or ::1/128 [RFC4632], return "Potentially Trustworthy".
	const hostIp =^\[)|(]$)/g, '');
	const hostIPVersion = isIP(hostIp);

	if (hostIPVersion === 4 && /^127\./.test(hostIp)) {
		return true;

	if (hostIPVersion === 6 && /^(((0+:){7})|(::(0+:){0,6}))0*1$/.test(hostIp)) {
		return true;

	// 5. If origin's host component is "localhost" or falls within ".localhost", and the user agent conforms to the name resolution rules in [let-localhost-be-localhost], return "Potentially Trustworthy".
	// We are returning FALSE here because we cannot ensure conformance to
	// let-localhost-be-loalhost (
	if (/^(.+\.)*localhost$/.test( {
		return false;

	// 6. If origin's scheme component is file, return "Potentially Trustworthy".
	if (url.protocol === 'file:') {
		return true;

	// 7. If origin's scheme component is one which the user agent considers to be authenticated, return "Potentially Trustworthy".
	// Not supported

	// 8. If origin has been configured as a trustworthy origin, return "Potentially Trustworthy".
	// Not supported

	// 9. Return "Not Trustworthy".
	return false;

 * @see {@link|Referrer Policy §3.3. Is url potentially trustworthy?}
 * @param {external:URL} url
 * @returns `true`: "Potentially Trustworthy", `false`: "Not Trustworthy"
export function isUrlPotentiallyTrustworthy(url) {
	// 1. If url is "about:blank" or "about:srcdoc", return "Potentially Trustworthy".
	if (/^about:(blank|srcdoc)$/.test(url)) {
		return true;

	// 2. If url's scheme is "data", return "Potentially Trustworthy".
	if (url.protocol === 'data:') {
		return true;

	// Note: The origin of blob: and filesystem: URLs is the origin of the context in which they were
	// created. Therefore, blobs created in a trustworthy origin will themselves be potentially
	// trustworthy.
	if (/^(blob|filesystem):$/.test(url.protocol)) {
		return true;

	// 3. Return the result of executing §3.2 Is origin potentially trustworthy? on url's origin.
	return isOriginPotentiallyTrustworthy(url);

 * Modifies the referrerURL to enforce any extra security policy considerations.
 * @see {@link|Referrer Policy §8.3. Determine request's Referrer}, step 7
 * @callback module:utils/referrer~referrerURLCallback
 * @param {external:URL} referrerURL
 * @returns {external:URL} modified referrerURL

 * Modifies the referrerOrigin to enforce any extra security policy considerations.
 * @see {@link|Referrer Policy §8.3. Determine request's Referrer}, step 7
 * @callback module:utils/referrer~referrerOriginCallback
 * @param {external:URL} referrerOrigin
 * @returns {external:URL} modified referrerOrigin

 * @see {@link|Referrer Policy §8.3. Determine request's Referrer}
 * @param {Request} request
 * @param {object} o
 * @param {module:utils/referrer~referrerURLCallback} o.referrerURLCallback
 * @param {module:utils/referrer~referrerOriginCallback} o.referrerOriginCallback
 * @returns {external:URL} Request's referrer
export function determineRequestsReferrer(request, {referrerURLCallback, referrerOriginCallback} = {}) {
	// There are 2 notes in the specification about invalid pre-conditions.  We return null, here, for
	// these cases:
	// > Note: If request's referrer is "no-referrer", Fetch will not call into this algorithm.
	// > Note: If request's referrer policy is the empty string, Fetch will not call into this
	// > algorithm.
	if (request.referrer === 'no-referrer' || request.referrerPolicy === '') {
		return null;

	// 1. Let policy be request's associated referrer policy.
	const policy = request.referrerPolicy;

	// 2. Let environment be request's client.
	// not applicable to node.js

	// 3. Switch on request's referrer:
	if (request.referrer === 'about:client') {
		return 'no-referrer';

	// "a URL": Let referrerSource be request's referrer.
	const referrerSource = request.referrer;

	// 4. Let request's referrerURL be the result of stripping referrerSource for use as a referrer.
	let referrerURL = stripURLForUseAsAReferrer(referrerSource);

	// 5. Let referrerOrigin be the result of stripping referrerSource for use as a referrer, with the
	//    origin-only flag set to true.
	let referrerOrigin = stripURLForUseAsAReferrer(referrerSource, true);

	// 6. If the result of serializing referrerURL is a string whose length is greater than 4096, set
	//    referrerURL to referrerOrigin.
	if (referrerURL.toString().length > 4096) {
		referrerURL = referrerOrigin;

	// 7. The user agent MAY alter referrerURL or referrerOrigin at this point to enforce arbitrary
	//    policy considerations in the interests of minimizing data leakage. For example, the user
	//    agent could strip the URL down to an origin, modify its host, replace it with an empty
	//    string, etc.
	if (referrerURLCallback) {
		referrerURL = referrerURLCallback(referrerURL);

	if (referrerOriginCallback) {
		referrerOrigin = referrerOriginCallback(referrerOrigin);

	// 8.Execute the statements corresponding to the value of policy:
	const currentURL = new URL(request.url);

	switch (policy) {
		case 'no-referrer':
			return 'no-referrer';

		case 'origin':
			return referrerOrigin;

		case 'unsafe-url':
			return referrerURL;

		case 'strict-origin':
			// 1. If referrerURL is a potentially trustworthy URL and request's current URL is not a
			//    potentially trustworthy URL, then return no referrer.
			if (isUrlPotentiallyTrustworthy(referrerURL) && !isUrlPotentiallyTrustworthy(currentURL)) {
				return 'no-referrer';

			// 2. Return referrerOrigin.
			return referrerOrigin.toString();

		case 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin':
			// 1. If the origin of referrerURL and the origin of request's current URL are the same, then
			//    return referrerURL.
			if (referrerURL.origin === currentURL.origin) {
				return referrerURL;

			// 2. If referrerURL is a potentially trustworthy URL and request's current URL is not a
			//    potentially trustworthy URL, then return no referrer.
			if (isUrlPotentiallyTrustworthy(referrerURL) && !isUrlPotentiallyTrustworthy(currentURL)) {
				return 'no-referrer';

			// 3. Return referrerOrigin.
			return referrerOrigin;

		case 'same-origin':
			// 1. If the origin of referrerURL and the origin of request's current URL are the same, then
			//    return referrerURL.
			if (referrerURL.origin === currentURL.origin) {
				return referrerURL;

			// 2. Return no referrer.
			return 'no-referrer';

		case 'origin-when-cross-origin':
			// 1. If the origin of referrerURL and the origin of request's current URL are the same, then
			//    return referrerURL.
			if (referrerURL.origin === currentURL.origin) {
				return referrerURL;

			// Return referrerOrigin.
			return referrerOrigin;

		case 'no-referrer-when-downgrade':
			// 1. If referrerURL is a potentially trustworthy URL and request's current URL is not a
			//    potentially trustworthy URL, then return no referrer.
			if (isUrlPotentiallyTrustworthy(referrerURL) && !isUrlPotentiallyTrustworthy(currentURL)) {
				return 'no-referrer';

			// 2. Return referrerURL.
			return referrerURL;

			throw new TypeError(`Invalid referrerPolicy: ${policy}`);

 * @see {@link|Referrer Policy §8.1. Parse a referrer policy from a Referrer-Policy header}
 * @param {Headers} headers Response headers
 * @returns {string} policy
export function parseReferrerPolicyFromHeader(headers) {
	// 1. Let policy-tokens be the result of extracting header list values given `Referrer-Policy`
	//    and response’s header list.
	const policyTokens = (headers.get('referrer-policy') || '').split(/[,\s]+/);

	// 2. Let policy be the empty string.
	let policy = '';

	// 3. For each token in policy-tokens, if token is a referrer policy and token is not the empty
	//    string, then set policy to token.
	// Note: This algorithm loops over multiple policy values to allow deployment of new policy
	// values with fallbacks for older user agents, as described in § 11.1 Unknown Policy Values.
	for (const token of policyTokens) {
		if (token && ReferrerPolicy.has(token)) {
			policy = token;

	// 4. Return policy.
	return policy;