
Update README.md

## You need to change all file's location to fit your computer.
......@@ -19,9 +18,9 @@ in current situation
* [./skeletones/S001C001P001R002A020.skeleton] is good examle
* see the results with transform_onefile_and_show_results.m and please classify like these..
* 1) filename_a : if people sit
* 2) filename_b : if people just use one hand
* 3) filename_c : othercase... (please add here)
* 4) filename_z : bad examples
* 1) filename_a : if people sit
* 2) filename_b : if people just use one hand
* 3) filename_c : othercase... (please add here)
* 4) filename_z : bad examples
* example) S001C001P002R002A020_a
\ No newline at end of file
* example) S001C001P002R002A020_a
\ No newline at end of file