loading.js 2.2 KB
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 ONOS GUI -- Layer -- Loading Service

 Provides a mechanism to start/stop the loading animation, center screen.
(function () {
    'use strict';

    // injected references
    var $log, $timeout, ts;

    // constants
    var id = 'loading-anim',
        dir = 'data/img/loading/',
        pfx = '/load-',
        speed = 100;

    // internal state
    var div,

    function fname(i) {
        var z = i > 9 ? '' : '0';
        return dir + th + pfx + z + i + '.png';

    function nextFrame() {
        idx = idx === 16 ? 1 : idx + 1;
        img.attr('src', fname(idx));
        task = $timeout(nextFrame, speed);

    // start displaying 'loading...' animation (idempotent)
    function start() {
        th = ts.theme();
        div = d3.select('#'+id);
        if (div.empty()) {
            div = d3.select('body').append('div').attr('id', id);
            img = div.append('img').attr('src', fname(1));
            idx = 1;
            task = $timeout(nextFrame, speed);

    // stop displaying 'loading...' animation (idempotent)
    function stop() {
        if (task) {
            task = null;

        .factory('LoadingService', ['$log', '$timeout', 'ThemeService',
        function (_$log_, _$timeout_, _ts_) {
            $log = _$log_;
            $timeout = _$timeout_;
            ts = _ts_;

            return {
                start: start,
                stop: stop
