d3Utils.js 7.64 KB
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 Utility functions for D3 visualizations.

 @author Simon Hunt

(function (onos) {
    'use strict';

    function createDragBehavior(force, selectCb, atDragEnd, requireMeta) {
        var draggedThreshold = d3.scale.linear()
                .domain([0, 0.1])
                .range([5, 20])

        // TODO: better validation of parameters
        if (!$.isFunction(selectCb)) {
            alert('d3util.createDragBehavior(): selectCb is not a function')
        if (!$.isFunction(atDragEnd)) {
            alert('d3util.createDragBehavior(): atDragEnd is not a function')
        if (!$.isFunction(requireMeta)) {
            alert('d3util.createDragBehavior(): requireMeta is not a function')

        function dragged(d) {
            var threshold = draggedThreshold(force.alpha()),
                dx = d.oldX - d.px,
                dy = d.oldY - d.py;
            if (Math.abs(dx) >= threshold || Math.abs(dy) >= threshold) {
                d.dragged = true;
            return d.dragged;

        drag = d3.behavior.drag()
            .origin(function(d) { return d; })
            .on('dragstart', function(d) {
                if (requireMeta() ^ !d3.event.sourceEvent.metaKey) {

                    d.oldX = d.x;
                    d.oldY = d.y;
                    d.dragged = false;
                    d.fixed |= 2;
                    d.dragStarted = true;
            .on('drag', function(d) {
                if (requireMeta() ^ !d3.event.sourceEvent.metaKey) {
                    d.px = d3.event.x;
                    d.py = d3.event.y;
                    if (dragged(d)) {
                        if (!force.alpha()) {
            .on('dragend', function(d) {
                if (d.dragStarted) {
                    d.dragStarted = false;
                    if (!dragged(d)) {
                        // consider this the same as a 'click' (selection of node)
                        selectCb(d, this); // TODO: set 'this' context instead of param
                    d.fixed &= ~6;

                    // hook at the end of a drag gesture
                    atDragEnd(d, this); // TODO: set 'this' context instead of param

        return drag;

    function appendGlow(svg) {
        // TODO: parameterize color

        var glow = svg.append('filter')
            .attr('x', '-50%')
            .attr('y', '-50%')
            .attr('width', '200%')
            .attr('height', '200%')
            .attr('id', 'blue-glow');

            .attr('type', 'matrix')
            .attr('values', '0 0 0 0  0 ' +
            '0 0 0 0  0 ' +
            '0 0 0 0  .7 ' +
            '0 0 0 1  0 ');

            .attr('stdDeviation', 3)
            .attr('result', 'coloredBlur');

            .data(['coloredBlur', 'SourceGraphic'])
            .attr('in', String);

    // --- Ordinal scales for 7 values.
    // TODO: tune colors for light and dark themes

    //                blue       purple     pink       mustard    cyan       green      red
    //var lightNorm = ['#1f77b4', '#9467bd', '#e377c2', '#bcbd22', '#17becf', '#2ca02c', '#d62728'],
    //    lightMute = ['#aec7e8', '#c5b0d5', '#f7b6d2', '#dbdb8d', '#9edae5', '#98df8a', '#ff9896'],
    //    darkNorm = ['#1f77b4', '#9467bd', '#e377c2', '#bcbd22', '#17becf', '#2ca02c', '#d62728'],
    //    darkMute = ['#aec7e8', '#c5b0d5', '#f7b6d2', '#dbdb8d', '#9edae5', '#98df8a', '#ff9896'];

    var lightNorm = ['#3F587F', '#77533D', '#C94E30', '#892D78', '#138C62', '#006D72', '#59AD00'],
        lightMute = ['#56657C', '#665F57', '#C68C7F', '#876E82', '#68897E', '#4E6F70', '#93AA7B'],
        darkNorm = ['#3F587F', '#77533D', '#C94E30', '#892D78', '#138C62', '#006D72', '#59AD00'],
        darkMute = ['#56657C', '#665F57', '#C68C7F', '#876E82', '#68897E', '#4E6F70', '#93AA7B'];

    function cat7() {
        var colors = {
                light: {
                    norm: d3.scale.ordinal().range(lightNorm),
                    mute: d3.scale.ordinal().range(lightMute)
                dark: {
                    norm: d3.scale.ordinal().range(darkNorm),
                    mute: d3.scale.ordinal().range(darkMute)
            tcid = 'd3utilTestCard';

        function get(id, muted, theme) {
            // NOTE: since we are lazily assigning domain ids, we need to
            //       get the color from all 4 scales, to keep the domains
            //       in sync.
            var ln = colors.light.norm(id),
                lm = colors.light.mute(id),
                dn = colors.dark.norm(id),
                dm = colors.dark.mute(id);
            if (theme === 'dark') {
                return muted ? dm : dn;
            } else {
                return muted ? lm : ln;

        function testCard(svg) {
            var g = svg.select('g#' + tcid),
                dom = d3.range(7),
                k, muted, theme, what;

            if (!g.empty()) {

            } else {
                g = svg.append('g')
                    .attr('id', tcid)
                    .attr('transform', 'scale(4)translate(20,20)');

                for (k=0; k<4; k++) {
                    muted = k%2;
                    what = muted ? ' muted' : ' normal';
                    theme = k < 2 ? 'light' : 'dark';
                    dom.forEach(function (id, i) {
                        var x = i * 20,
                            y = k * 20,
                            f = get(id, muted, theme);
                            cx: x,
                            cy: y,
                            r: 5,
                            fill: f
                        x: 140,
                        y: k * 20 - 5,
                        width: 32,
                        height: 10,
                        rx: 2,
                        fill: '#888'
                    g.append('text').text(theme + what)
                            x: 142,
                            y: k * 20 + 2,
                            fill: 'white'
                        .style('font-size', '4pt');

        return {
            testCard: testCard,
            get: get

    // === register the functions as a library
    onos.ui.addLib('d3util', {
        createDragBehavior: createDragBehavior,
        appendGlow: appendGlow,
        cat7: cat7
