Remove "public" to follow our convention

Change-Id: Ic52ca8b1bc5701ec8214ce1110d49511e39b4edb
......@@ -28,19 +28,19 @@ public interface OpenFlowController {
* Returns all switches known to this OF controller.
* @return Iterable of dpid elements
public Iterable<OpenFlowSwitch> getSwitches();
Iterable<OpenFlowSwitch> getSwitches();
* Returns all master switches known to this OF controller.
* @return Iterable of dpid elements
public Iterable<OpenFlowSwitch> getMasterSwitches();
Iterable<OpenFlowSwitch> getMasterSwitches();
* Returns all equal switches known to this OF controller.
* @return Iterable of dpid elements
public Iterable<OpenFlowSwitch> getEqualSwitches();
Iterable<OpenFlowSwitch> getEqualSwitches();
......@@ -48,70 +48,70 @@ public interface OpenFlowController {
* @param dpid the switch to fetch
* @return the interface to this switch
public OpenFlowSwitch getSwitch(Dpid dpid);
OpenFlowSwitch getSwitch(Dpid dpid);
* Returns the actual master switch for the given Dpid, if one exists.
* @param dpid the switch to fetch
* @return the interface to this switch
public OpenFlowSwitch getMasterSwitch(Dpid dpid);
OpenFlowSwitch getMasterSwitch(Dpid dpid);
* Returns the actual equal switch for the given Dpid, if one exists.
* @param dpid the switch to fetch
* @return the interface to this switch
public OpenFlowSwitch getEqualSwitch(Dpid dpid);
OpenFlowSwitch getEqualSwitch(Dpid dpid);
* Register a listener for meta events that occur to OF
* devices.
* @param listener the listener to notify
public void addListener(OpenFlowSwitchListener listener);
void addListener(OpenFlowSwitchListener listener);
* Unregister a listener.
* @param listener the listener to unregister
public void removeListener(OpenFlowSwitchListener listener);
void removeListener(OpenFlowSwitchListener listener);
* Register a listener for packet events.
* @param priority the importance of this listener, lower values are more important
* @param listener the listener to notify
public void addPacketListener(int priority, PacketListener listener);
void addPacketListener(int priority, PacketListener listener);
* Unregister a listener.
* @param listener the listener to unregister
public void removePacketListener(PacketListener listener);
void removePacketListener(PacketListener listener);
* Register a listener for OF msg events.
* @param listener the listener to notify
public void addEventListener(OpenFlowEventListener listener);
void addEventListener(OpenFlowEventListener listener);
* Unregister a listener.
* @param listener the listener to unregister
public void removeEventListener(OpenFlowEventListener listener);
void removeEventListener(OpenFlowEventListener listener);
* Send a message to a particular switch.
* @param dpid the switch to send to.
* @param msg the message to send
public void write(Dpid dpid, OFMessage msg);
void write(Dpid dpid, OFMessage msg);
* Process a message and notify the appropriate listeners.
......@@ -119,12 +119,12 @@ public interface OpenFlowController {
* @param dpid the dpid the message arrived on
* @param msg the message to process.
public void processPacket(Dpid dpid, OFMessage msg);
void processPacket(Dpid dpid, OFMessage msg);
* Sets the role for a given switch.
* @param role the desired role
* @param dpid the switch to set the role for.
public void setRole(Dpid dpid, RoleState role);
void setRole(Dpid dpid, RoleState role);
......@@ -29,5 +29,5 @@ public interface OpenFlowEventListener {
* @param dpid switch data path identifier
* @param msg the message
public void handleMessage(Dpid dpid, OFMessage msg);
void handleMessage(Dpid dpid, OFMessage msg);
......@@ -31,56 +31,56 @@ public interface OpenFlowPacketContext {
* packet in event.
* @return true if blocks
public boolean block();
boolean block();
* Checks whether the packet has been handled.
* @return true if handled, false otherwise.
public boolean isHandled();
boolean isHandled();
* Provided build has been called send the packet
* out the switch it came in on.
public void send();
void send();
* Build the packet out in response to this packet in event.
* @param outPort the out port to send to packet out of.
public void build(OFPort outPort);
void build(OFPort outPort);
* Build the packet out in response to this packet in event.
* @param ethFrame the actual packet to send out.
* @param outPort the out port to send to packet out of.
public void build(Ethernet ethFrame, OFPort outPort);
void build(Ethernet ethFrame, OFPort outPort);
* Provided a handle onto the parsed payload.
* @return the parsed form of the payload.
public Ethernet parsed();
Ethernet parsed();
* Provide an unparsed copy of the data.
* @return the unparsed form of the payload.
public byte[] unparsed();
byte[] unparsed();
* Provide the dpid of the switch where the packet in arrived.
* @return the dpid of the switch.
public Dpid dpid();
Dpid dpid();
* Provide the port on which the packet arrived.
* @return the port
public Integer inPort();
Integer inPort();
* Indicates that this packet is buffered at the switch.
......@@ -31,101 +31,101 @@ public interface OpenFlowSwitch {
* @param msg the message to write
public void sendMsg(OFMessage msg);
void sendMsg(OFMessage msg);
* Writes the OFMessage list to the driver.
* @param msgs the messages to be written
public void sendMsg(List<OFMessage> msgs);
void sendMsg(List<OFMessage> msgs);
* Handle a message from the switch.
* @param fromSwitch the message to handle
public void handleMessage(OFMessage fromSwitch);
void handleMessage(OFMessage fromSwitch);
* Sets the role for this switch.
* @param role the role to set.
public void setRole(RoleState role);
void setRole(RoleState role);
* Fetch the role for this switch.
* @return the role.
public RoleState getRole();
RoleState getRole();
* Fetches the ports of this switch.
* @return unmodifiable list of the ports.
public List<OFPortDesc> getPorts();
List<OFPortDesc> getPorts();
* Provides the factory for this OF version.
* @return OF version specific factory.
public OFFactory factory();
OFFactory factory();
* Gets a string version of the ID for this switch.
* @return string version of the ID
public String getStringId();
String getStringId();
* Gets the datapathId of the switch.
* @return the switch dpid in long format
public long getId();
long getId();
* fetch the manufacturer description.
* @return the description
public String manufacturerDescription();
String manufacturerDescription();
* fetch the datapath description.
* @return the description
public String datapathDescription();
String datapathDescription();
* fetch the hardware description.
* @return the description
public String hardwareDescription();
String hardwareDescription();
* fetch the software description.
* @return the description
public String softwareDescription();
String softwareDescription();
* fetch the serial number.
* @return the serial
public String serialNumber();
String serialNumber();
* Checks if the switch is still connected.
* @return whether the switch is still connected
public boolean isConnected();
boolean isConnected();
* Disconnects the switch by closing the TCP connection. Results in a call
* to the channel handler's channelDisconnected method for cleanup
public void disconnectSwitch();
void disconnectSwitch();
* Notifies the controller that the device has responded to a set-role request.
......@@ -133,19 +133,19 @@ public interface OpenFlowSwitch {
* @param requested the role requested by the controller
* @param response the role set at the device
public void returnRoleReply(RoleState requested, RoleState response);
void returnRoleReply(RoleState requested, RoleState response);
* Indicates if this switch is optical.
* @return true if optical
public boolean isOptical();
boolean isOptical();
* Identifies the channel used to communicate with the switch.
* @return string representation of the connection to the device
public String channelId();
String channelId();
......@@ -26,26 +26,26 @@ public interface OpenFlowSwitchListener {
* Notify that the switch was added.
* @param dpid the switch where the event occurred
public void switchAdded(Dpid dpid);
void switchAdded(Dpid dpid);
* Notify that the switch was removed.
* @param dpid the switch where the event occurred.
public void switchRemoved(Dpid dpid);
void switchRemoved(Dpid dpid);
* Notify that the switch has changed in some way.
* @param dpid the switch that changed
public void switchChanged(Dpid dpid);
void switchChanged(Dpid dpid);
* Notify that a port has changed.
* @param dpid the switch on which the change happened.
* @param status the new state of the port.
public void portChanged(Dpid dpid, OFPortStatus status);
void portChanged(Dpid dpid, OFPortStatus status);
* Notify that a role imposed on a switch failed to take hold.
......@@ -54,5 +54,5 @@ public interface OpenFlowSwitchListener {
* @param requested the role controller requested
* @param response role reply from the switch
public void receivedRoleReply(Dpid dpid, RoleState requested, RoleState response);
void receivedRoleReply(Dpid dpid, RoleState requested, RoleState response);
......@@ -25,5 +25,5 @@ public interface PacketListener {
* @param pktCtx the packet context
public void handlePacket(OpenFlowPacketContext pktCtx);
void handlePacket(OpenFlowPacketContext pktCtx);