Simon Hunt

GUI -- store ref to node/link selection in backing data.

- tweaking force-layout parameters; now host-to-host intent path is highlighted.
- injectTestEvent() now uses recursion to look for appropriate json files.
- implemented updateHost() event.
- some refactoring cleanup in topo2.js

Change-Id: I888f05032d3c9df6470bd4d2f399f61efb9dbd46
......@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
"labels": [
"metaUi": {
"x": 400,
......@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
"labels": [
"metaUi": {
"x": 800,
"event": "addLink",
"payload": {
"id": "of:0000ffffffff0003/21-of:0000ffffffff0008/20",
"type": "direct",
"linkWidth": 2,
"src": "of:0000ffffffff0003",
"srcPort": "21",
"dst": "of:0000ffffffff0008",
"dstPort": "20",
"type": "infra",
"linkWidth": 2,
"props" : {
"BW": "70 G"
"event": "addHost",
"payload": {
"id": "00:00:00:00:00:03/-1",
"id": "0E:2A:69:30:13:86/-1",
"ingress": "0E:2A:69:30:13:86/-1/0-of:0000ffffffff0003/2",
"egress": "of:0000ffffffff0003/2-0E:2A:69:30:13:86/-1/0",
"cp": {
"device": "of:0000ffffffff0003",
"port": 1
"port": 2
"labels": [
"metaUi": {
"props": {}
"event": "addHost",
"payload": {
"id": "00:00:00:00:00:08/-1",
"id": "A6:96:E5:03:52:5F/-1",
"ingress": "A6:96:E5:03:52:5F/-1/0-of:0000ffffffff0008/1",
"egress": "of:0000ffffffff0008/1-A6:96:E5:03:52:5F/-1/0",
"cp": {
"device": "of:0000ffffffff0008",
"port": 1
"labels": [
"metaUi": {
"props": {}
"event": "updateHost",
"payload": {
"id": "0E:2A:69:30:13:86/-1",
"ingress": "0E:2A:69:30:13:86/-1/0-of:0000ffffffff0003/2",
"egress": "of:0000ffffffff0003/2-0E:2A:69:30:13:86/-1/0",
"cp": {
"device": "of:0000ffffffff0003",
"port": 2
"labels": [
"props": {}
"event": "updateHost",
"payload": {
"id": "A6:96:E5:03:52:5F/-1",
"ingress": "A6:96:E5:03:52:5F/-1/0-of:0000ffffffff0008/1",
"egress": "of:0000ffffffff0008/1-A6:96:E5:03:52:5F/-1/0",
"cp": {
"device": "of:0000ffffffff0008",
"port": 1
"labels": [
"props": {}
"event": "doUiThing",
"payload": {
"id": "xyyzy"
"comments": [
"Add two devices and one link (auto), and two hosts."
"Add two devices and one link (auto), and two hosts.",
"Then update the two hosts (with IP address labels)."
"title": "Simple Startup Scenario",
"params": {
......@@ -53,13 +53,18 @@
fill: #846;
#topo svg .node text {
stroke: none;
#topo svg .node.device text {
fill: white;
font: 10pt sans-serif;
pointer-events: none;
#topo svg text {
fill: #846;
font: 9pt sans-serif;
pointer-events: none;
#topo svg .node.selected rect,
#topo svg .node.selected circle {
filter: url(#blue-glow);
......@@ -73,7 +78,7 @@
#topo svg .link.showPath {
stroke: #f00;
stroke-width: 4px;
stroke-width: 6px;
/* for debugging */
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.