Bob Lantz
Committed by Gerrit Code Review

Add examples/ dir, README, and creates two ONOS "clusters" (1 node by
default, though larger are possible), each of which
is responsible for a separate segment of the data network.

Change-Id: I233c9884b565bd6a28fa1a05e990e86207c88347
This directory contains examples of using
You run them directly as Python scripts:
sudo ./ creates two ONOS controller clusters, each of
which controls a separate segment of the data network.
""" multiple ONOS clusters example
We create two ONOSClusters, "east" and "west", and
a LinearTopo data network where the first and second halves
of the network are connected to each ONOSCluster,
The size of the ONOSCluster is determined by its
topology. In this example the topology is a
SingleSwitchTopo of size 1, so the "Cluster" is
actually a single node (for performance and
resource usage reasons.) However, it is possible
to use larger cluster sizes in a large (!) Mininet VM,
(e.g. 12 GB of RAM for two 3-node ONOS clusters.)
The MultiSwitch class is a customized version of
ONOSOVSSwitch that has a "controller" instance variable
(and parameter)
from import Mininet
from mininet.topo import LinearTopo, SingleSwitchTopo
from mininet.log import setLogLevel
from mininet.topolib import TreeTopo
from mininet.clean import cleanup
from onos import ONOSCluster, ONOSOVSSwitch, ONOSCLI, RenamedTopo
class MultiSwitch( ONOSOVSSwitch ):
"Custom OVSSwitch() subclass that connects to different clusters"
def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
"controller: controller/ONOSCluster to connect to"
self.controller = kwargs.pop( 'controller', None )
ONOSOVSSwitch.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs )
def start( self, controllers ):
"Start and connect to our previously specified controller"
return ONOSOVSSwitch.start( self, [ self.controller ] )
def run():
"Test a multiple ONOS cluster network"
setLogLevel( 'info' )
# East and west control network topologies (using RenamedTopo)
# We specify switch and host prefixes to avoid name collisions
# East control switch prefix: 'east_cs', ONOS node prefix: 'east_onos'
# Each network is a renamed SingleSwitchTopo of size clusterSize
# It's also possible to specify your own control network topology
clusterSize = 1
etopo = RenamedTopo( SingleSwitchTopo, clusterSize,
snew='east_cs', hnew='east_onos' )
wtopo = RenamedTopo( SingleSwitchTopo, clusterSize,
snew='west_cs', hnew='west_onos' )
# east and west ONOS clusters
# Note that we specify the NAT node names to avoid name collisions
east = ONOSCluster( 'east', topo=etopo, ipBase='',
nat='enat0' )
west = ONOSCluster( 'west', topo=wtopo, ipBase='',
nat='wnat0' )
# Data network topology
topo = LinearTopo( 10 )
# Create network
net = Mininet( topo=topo, switch=MultiSwitch, controller=[ east, west ] )
# Assign switches to controllers
count = len( net.switches )
for i, switch in enumerate( net.switches ):
switch.controller = east if i < count/2 else west
# Start up network
ONOSCLI( net ) # run our special unified Mininet/ONOS CLI
# Add a "controllers" command to ONOSCLI
def do_controllers( self, line ):
"List controllers assigned to switches"
cmap = {}
for s in
c = getattr( s, 'controller', None ).name
cmap.setdefault( c, [] ).append( )
for c in sorted( cmap.keys() ):
switches = ' '.join( cmap[ c ] )
print '%s: %s' % ( c, switches )
ONOSCLI.do_controllers = do_controllers
if __name__ == '__main__':
\ No newline at end of file