Brian O'Connor

Adding Intent Framework API

Showing 25 changed files with 1500 additions and 0 deletions
* Base intent implementation.
public abstract class AbstractIntent implements Intent {
private final IntentId id;
* Creates a base intent with the specified identifier.
* @param id intent identifier
protected AbstractIntent(IntentId id) { = id;
* Constructor for serializer.
protected AbstractIntent() { = null;
public IntentId getId() {
return id;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
AbstractIntent that = (AbstractIntent) o;
return id.equals(;
public int hashCode() {
return id.hashCode();
import static;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
* A list of BatchOperationEntry.
* @param <T> the enum of operators <br>
* This enum must be defined in each sub-classes.
public abstract class BatchOperation<T extends BatchOperationEntry<?, ?>> {
private List<T> ops;
* Creates new {@link BatchOperation} object.
public BatchOperation() {
ops = new LinkedList<>();
* Creates {@link BatchOperation} object from a list of batch operation
* entries.
* @param batchOperations the list of batch operation entries.
public BatchOperation(List<T> batchOperations) {
ops = new LinkedList<>(checkNotNull(batchOperations));
* Removes all operations maintained in this object.
public void clear() {
* Returns the number of operations in this object.
* @return the number of operations in this object
public int size() {
return ops.size();
* Returns the operations in this object.
* @return the operations in this object
public List<T> getOperations() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(ops);
* Adds an operation.
* @param entry the operation to be added
* @return this object if succeeded, null otherwise
public BatchOperation<T> addOperation(T entry) {
return ops.add(entry) ? this : null;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null) {
return false;
if (getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
BatchOperation<?> other = (BatchOperation<?>) o;
return this.ops.equals(other.ops);
public int hashCode() {
return ops.hashCode();
public String toString() {
return ops.toString();
import java.util.Objects;
* A super class for batch operation entry classes.
* <p>
* This is the interface to classes which are maintained by BatchOperation as
* its entries.
public class BatchOperationEntry<T extends Enum<?>, U extends BatchOperationTarget> {
private final T operator;
private final U target;
* Default constructor for serializer.
protected BatchOperationEntry() {
this.operator = null; = null;
* Constructs new instance for the entry of the BatchOperation.
* @param operator the operator of this operation
* @param target the target object of this operation
public BatchOperationEntry(T operator, U target) {
this.operator = operator; = target;
* Gets the target object of this operation.
* @return the target object of this operation
public U getTarget() {
return target;
* Gets the operator of this operation.
* @return the operator of this operation
public T getOperator() {
return operator;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
BatchOperationEntry<?, ?> other = (BatchOperationEntry<?, ?>) o;
return (this.operator == other.operator) &&
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(operator, target);
public String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this)
.add("operator", operator)
.add("target", target)
* An interface of the class which is assigned to BatchOperation.
public interface BatchOperationTarget {
import static;
* Abstraction of connectivity intent for traffic matching some criteria.
public abstract class ConnectivityIntent extends AbstractIntent {
// TODO: other forms of intents should be considered for this family:
// point-to-point with constraints (waypoints/obstacles)
// multi-to-single point with constraints (waypoints/obstacles)
// single-to-multi point with constraints (waypoints/obstacles)
// concrete path (with alternate)
// ...
private final TrafficSelector selector;
// TODO: should consider which is better for multiple actions,
// defining compound action class or using list of actions.
private final TrafficTreatment treatment;
* Creates a connectivity intent that matches on the specified intent
* and applies the specified action.
* @param id intent identifier
* @param match traffic match
* @param action action
* @throws NullPointerException if the match or action is null
protected ConnectivityIntent(IntentId id, TrafficSelector match, TrafficTreatment action) {
this.selector = checkNotNull(match);
this.treatment = checkNotNull(action);
* Constructor for serializer.
protected ConnectivityIntent() {
this.selector = null;
this.treatment = null;
* Returns the match specifying the type of traffic.
* @return traffic match
public TrafficSelector getTrafficSelector() {
return selector;
* Returns the action applied to the traffic.
* @return applied action
public TrafficTreatment getTrafficTreatment() {
return treatment;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!super.equals(o)) {
return false;
ConnectivityIntent that = (ConnectivityIntent) o;
return Objects.equal(this.selector, that.selector)
&& Objects.equal(this.treatment, that.treatment);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(super.hashCode(), selector, treatment);
* Abstraction of an intent that can be installed into
* the underlying system without additional compilation.
public interface InstallableIntent extends Intent {
* Abstraction of an application level intent.
* Make sure that an Intent should be immutable when a new type is defined.
public interface Intent extends BatchOperationTarget {
* Returns the intent identifier.
* @return intent identifier
IntentId getId();
* A list of intent operations.
public class IntentBatchOperation extends
BatchOperation<BatchOperationEntry<IntentBatchOperation.Operator, ?>> {
* The intent operators.
public enum Operator {
* Adds an add-intent operation.
* @param intent the intent to be added
* @return the IntentBatchOperation object if succeeded, null otherwise
public IntentBatchOperation addAddIntentOperation(Intent intent) {
return (null == super.addOperation(
new BatchOperationEntry<Operator, Intent>(Operator.ADD, intent)))
? null : this;
* Adds a remove-intent operation.
* @param id the ID of intent to be removed
* @return the IntentBatchOperation object if succeeded, null otherwise
public IntentBatchOperation addRemoveIntentOperation(IntentId id) {
return (null == super.addOperation(
new BatchOperationEntry<Operator, IntentId>(Operator.REMOVE, id)))
? null : this;
import java.util.List;
* Abstraction of a compiler which is capable of taking an intent
* and translating it to other, potentially installable, intents.
* @param <T> the type of intent
public interface IntentCompiler<T extends Intent> {
* Compiles the specified intent into other intents.
* @param intent intent to be compiled
* @return list of resulting intents
* @throws IntentException if issues are encountered while compiling the intent
List<Intent> compile(T intent);
import static;
import java.util.Objects;
* A class to represent an intent related event.
public class IntentEvent {
// TODO: determine a suitable parent class; if one does not exist, consider introducing one
private final long time;
private final Intent intent;
private final IntentState state;
private final IntentState previous;
* Creates an event describing a state change of an intent.
* @param intent subject intent
* @param state new intent state
* @param previous previous intent state
* @param time time the event created in milliseconds since start of epoch
* @throws NullPointerException if the intent or state is null
public IntentEvent(Intent intent, IntentState state, IntentState previous, long time) {
this.intent = checkNotNull(intent);
this.state = checkNotNull(state);
this.previous = previous;
this.time = time;
* Constructor for serializer.
protected IntentEvent() {
this.intent = null;
this.state = null;
this.previous = null;
this.time = 0;
* Returns the state of the intent which caused the event.
* @return the state of the intent
public IntentState getState() {
return state;
* Returns the previous state of the intent which caused the event.
* @return the previous state of the intent
public IntentState getPreviousState() {
return previous;
* Returns the intent associated with the event.
* @return the intent
public Intent getIntent() {
return intent;
* Returns the time at which the event was created.
* @return the time in milliseconds since start of epoch
public long getTime() {
return time;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
IntentEvent that = (IntentEvent) o;
return Objects.equals(this.intent, that.intent)
&& Objects.equals(this.state, that.state)
&& Objects.equals(this.previous, that.previous)
&& Objects.equals(this.time, that.time);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(intent, state, previous, time);
public String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(getClass())
.add("intent", intent)
.add("state", state)
.add("previous", previous)
.add("time", time)
* Listener for {@link IntentEvent intent events}.
public interface IntentEventListener {
* Processes the specified intent event.
* @param event the event to process
void event(IntentEvent event);
* Represents an intent related error.
public class IntentException extends RuntimeException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1907263634145241319L;
* Constructs an exception with no message and no underlying cause.
public IntentException() {
* Constructs an exception with the specified message.
* @param message the message describing the specific nature of the error
public IntentException(String message) {
* Constructs an exception with the specified message and the underlying cause.
* @param message the message describing the specific nature of the error
* @param cause the underlying cause of this error
public IntentException(String message, Throwable cause) {
super(message, cause);
import java.util.Map;
* Service for extending the capability of intent framework by
* adding additional compilers or/and installers.
public interface IntentExtensionService {
* Registers the specified compiler for the given intent class.
* @param cls intent class
* @param compiler intent compiler
* @param <T> the type of intent
<T extends Intent> void registerCompiler(Class<T> cls, IntentCompiler<T> compiler);
* Unregisters the compiler for the specified intent class.
* @param cls intent class
* @param <T> the type of intent
<T extends Intent> void unregisterCompiler(Class<T> cls);
* Returns immutable set of bindings of currently registered intent compilers.
* @return the set of compiler bindings
Map<Class<? extends Intent>, IntentCompiler<? extends Intent>> getCompilers();
* Registers the specified installer for the given installable intent class.
* @param cls installable intent class
* @param installer intent installer
* @param <T> the type of installable intent
<T extends InstallableIntent> void registerInstaller(Class<T> cls, IntentInstaller<T> installer);
* Unregisters the installer for the given installable intent class.
* @param cls installable intent class
* @param <T> the type of installable intent
<T extends InstallableIntent> void unregisterInstaller(Class<T> cls);
* Returns immutable set of bindings of currently registered intent installers.
* @return the set of installer bindings
Map<Class<? extends InstallableIntent>, IntentInstaller<? extends InstallableIntent>> getInstallers();
* Intent identifier suitable as an external key.
* This class is immutable.
public final class IntentId implements BatchOperationTarget {
private static final int DEC = 10;
private static final int HEX = 16;
private final long id;
* Creates an intent identifier from the specified string representation.
* @param value long value
* @return intent identifier
public static IntentId valueOf(String value) {
long id = value.toLowerCase().startsWith("0x")
? Long.parseLong(value.substring(2), HEX)
: Long.parseLong(value, DEC);
return new IntentId(id);
* Constructor for serializer.
protected IntentId() { = 0;
* Constructs the ID corresponding to a given long value.
* @param id the underlying value of this ID
public IntentId(long id) { = id;
public int hashCode() {
return (int) (id ^ (id >>> 32));
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == this) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof IntentId)) {
return false;
IntentId that = (IntentId) obj;
return ==;
public String toString() {
return "0x" + Long.toHexString(id);
* Abstraction of entity capable of installing intents to the environment.
public interface IntentInstaller<T extends InstallableIntent> {
* Installs the specified intent to the environment.
* @param intent intent to be installed
* @throws IntentException if issues are encountered while installing the intent
void install(T intent);
* Uninstalls the specified intent from the environment.
* @param intent intent to be uninstalled
* @throws IntentException if issues are encountered while uninstalling the intent
void uninstall(T intent);
* Abstraction of a batch of intent submit/withdraw operations.
public interface IntentOperations {
// TODO: elaborate once the revised BatchOperation scheme is in place
import java.util.Set;
* Service for application submitting or withdrawing their intents.
public interface IntentService {
* Submits an intent into the system.
* This is an asynchronous request meaning that any compiling
* or installation activities may be done at later time.
* @param intent intent to be submitted
void submit(Intent intent);
* Withdraws an intent from the system.
* This is an asynchronous request meaning that the environment
* may be affected at later time.
* @param intent intent to be withdrawn
void withdraw(Intent intent);
* Submits a batch of submit &amp; withdraw operations. Such a batch is
* assumed to be processed together.
* This is an asynchronous request meaning that the environment
* may be affected at later time.
* @param operations batch of intent operations
void execute(IntentOperations operations);
* Returns immutable set of intents currently in the system.
* @return set of intents
Set<Intent> getIntents();
* Retrieves the intent specified by its identifier.
* @param id intent identifier
* @return the intent or null if one with the given identifier is not found
Intent getIntent(IntentId id);
* Retrieves the state of an intent by its identifier.
* @param id intent identifier
* @return the intent state or null if one with the given identifier is not found
IntentState getIntentState(IntentId id);
* Adds the specified listener for intent events.
* @param listener listener to be added
void addListener(IntentEventListener listener);
* Removes the specified listener for intent events.
* @param listener listener to be removed
void removeListener(IntentEventListener listener);
* This class represents the states of an intent.
* <p>
* Note: The state is expressed as enum, but there is possibility
* in the future that we define specific class instead of enum to improve
* the extensibility of state definition.
* </p>
public enum IntentState {
// FIXME: requires discussion on State vs. EventType and a solid state-transition diagram
// TODO: consider the impact of conflict detection
// TODO: consider the impact that external events affect an installed intent
* The beginning state.
* All intent in the runtime take this state first.
* The intent compilation has been completed.
* An intent translation graph (tree) is completely created.
* Leaves of the graph are installable intent type.
* The intent has been successfully installed.
* The intent is being withdrawn.
* When {@link IntentService#withdraw(Intent)} is called,
* the intent takes this state first.
* The intent has been successfully withdrawn.
* The intent has failed to be compiled, installed, or withdrawn.
* When the intent failed to be withdrawn, it is still, at least partially installed.
import static;
import static;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
* Abstraction of multiple source to single destination connectivity intent.
public class MultiPointToSinglePointIntent extends ConnectivityIntent {
private final Set<ConnectPoint> ingressPorts;
private final ConnectPoint egressPort;
* Creates a new multi-to-single point connectivity intent for the specified
* traffic match and action.
* @param id intent identifier
* @param match traffic match
* @param action action
* @param ingressPorts set of ports from which ingress traffic originates
* @param egressPort port to which traffic will egress
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code ingressPorts} or
* {@code egressPort} is null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the size of {@code ingressPorts} is
* not more than 1
public MultiPointToSinglePointIntent(IntentId id, TrafficSelector match, TrafficTreatment action,
Set<ConnectPoint> ingressPorts, ConnectPoint egressPort) {
super(id, match, action);
"there should be at least one ingress port");
this.ingressPorts = Sets.newHashSet(ingressPorts);
this.egressPort = checkNotNull(egressPort);
* Constructor for serializer.
protected MultiPointToSinglePointIntent() {
this.ingressPorts = null;
this.egressPort = null;
* Returns the set of ports on which ingress traffic should be connected to
* the egress port.
* @return set of ingress ports
public Set<ConnectPoint> getIngressPorts() {
return ingressPorts;
* Returns the port on which the traffic should egress.
* @return egress port
public ConnectPoint getEgressPort() {
return egressPort;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
if (!super.equals(o)) {
return false;
MultiPointToSinglePointIntent that = (MultiPointToSinglePointIntent) o;
return Objects.equals(this.ingressPorts, that.ingressPorts)
&& Objects.equals(this.egressPort, that.egressPort);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(super.hashCode(), ingressPorts, egressPort);
public String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(getClass())
.add("id", getId())
.add("match", getTrafficSelector())
.add("action", getTrafficTreatment())
.add("ingressPorts", getIngressPorts())
.add("egressPort", getEgressPort())
// TODO: consider if this intent should be sub-class of ConnectivityIntent
* An optical layer Intent for a connectivity from a transponder port to another
* transponder port.
* <p>
* This class doesn't accepts lambda specifier. This class computes path between
* ports and assign lambda automatically. The lambda can be specified using
* OpticalPathFlow class.
public class OpticalConnectivityIntent extends AbstractIntent {
protected ConnectPoint srcConnectPoint;
protected ConnectPoint dstConnectPoint;
* Constructor.
* @param id ID for this new Intent object.
* @param srcConnectPoint The source transponder port.
* @param dstConnectPoint The destination transponder port.
public OpticalConnectivityIntent(IntentId id,
ConnectPoint srcConnectPoint, ConnectPoint dstConnectPoint) {
this.srcConnectPoint = srcConnectPoint;
this.dstConnectPoint = dstConnectPoint;
* Constructor for serializer.
protected OpticalConnectivityIntent() {
this.srcConnectPoint = null;
this.dstConnectPoint = null;
* Gets source transponder port.
* @return The source transponder port.
public ConnectPoint getSrcConnectPoint() {
return srcConnectPoint;
* Gets destination transponder port.
* @return The source transponder port.
public ConnectPoint getDstConnectPoint() {
return dstConnectPoint;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
// TODO: consider if this intent should be sub-class of Connectivity intent
* A packet layer Intent for a connectivity from a set of ports to a set of
* ports.
* <p>
* TODO: Design methods to support the ReactiveForwarding and the SDN-IP. <br>
* NOTE: Should this class support modifier methods? Should this object a
* read-only object?
public class PacketConnectivityIntent extends AbstractIntent {
protected Set<ConnectPoint> srcConnectPoints;
protected TrafficSelector selector;
protected Set<ConnectPoint> dstConnectPoints;
protected boolean canSetupOpticalFlow;
protected int idleTimeoutValue;
protected int hardTimeoutValue;
* Creates a connectivity intent for the packet layer.
* <p>
* When the "canSetupOpticalFlow" option is true, this intent will compute
* the packet/optical converged path, decompose it to the OpticalPathFlow
* and the PacketPathFlow objects, and execute the operations to add them
* considering the dependency between the packet and optical layers.
* @param id ID for this new Intent object.
* @param srcConnectPoints The set of source switch ports.
* @param match Traffic specifier for this object.
* @param dstConnectPoints The set of destination switch ports.
* @param canSetupOpticalFlow The flag whether this intent can create
* optical flows if needed.
public PacketConnectivityIntent(IntentId id,
Collection<ConnectPoint> srcConnectPoints, TrafficSelector match,
Collection<ConnectPoint> dstConnectPoints, boolean canSetupOpticalFlow) {
this.srcConnectPoints = new HashSet<ConnectPoint>(srcConnectPoints);
this.selector = match;
this.dstConnectPoints = new HashSet<ConnectPoint>(dstConnectPoints);
this.canSetupOpticalFlow = canSetupOpticalFlow;
this.idleTimeoutValue = 0;
this.hardTimeoutValue = 0;
// TODO: check consistency between these parameters.
* Constructor for serializer.
protected PacketConnectivityIntent() {
this.srcConnectPoints = null;
this.selector = null;
this.dstConnectPoints = null;
this.canSetupOpticalFlow = false;
this.idleTimeoutValue = 0;
this.hardTimeoutValue = 0;
* Gets the set of source switch ports.
* @return the set of source switch ports.
public Collection<ConnectPoint> getSrcConnectPoints() {
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(srcConnectPoints);
* Gets the traffic specifier.
* @return The traffic specifier.
public TrafficSelector getMatch() {
return selector;
* Gets the set of destination switch ports.
* @return the set of destination switch ports.
public Collection<ConnectPoint> getDstConnectPoints() {
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(dstConnectPoints);
* Adds the specified port to the set of source ports.
* @param port ConnectPoint object to be added
public void addSrcConnectPoint(ConnectPoint port) {
// TODO implement it.
* Adds the specified port to the set of destination ports.
* @param port ConnectPoint object to be added
public void addDstConnectPoint(ConnectPoint port) {
// TODO implement it.
* Removes the specified port from the set of source ports.
* @param port ConnectPoint object to be removed
public void removeSrcConnectPoint(ConnectPoint port) {
// TODO implement it.
* Removes the specified port from the set of destination ports.
* @param port ConnectPoint object to be removed
public void removeDstConnectPoint(ConnectPoint port) {
// TODO implement it.
* Sets idle-timeout value.
* @param timeout Idle-timeout value (seconds)
public void setIdleTimeout(int timeout) {
idleTimeoutValue = timeout;
* Sets hard-timeout value.
* @param timeout Hard-timeout value (seconds)
public void setHardTimeout(int timeout) {
hardTimeoutValue = timeout;
* Gets idle-timeout value.
* @return Idle-timeout value (seconds)
public int getIdleTimeout() {
return idleTimeoutValue;
* Gets hard-timeout value.
* @return Hard-timeout value (seconds)
public int getHardTimeout() {
return hardTimeoutValue;
* Returns whether this intent can create optical flows if needed.
* @return whether this intent can create optical flows.
public boolean canSetupOpticalFlow() {
return canSetupOpticalFlow;
import java.util.Objects;
* Abstraction of explicitly path specified connectivity intent.
public class PathIntent extends PointToPointIntent {
private final Path path;
* Creates a new point-to-point intent with the supplied ingress/egress
* ports and using the specified explicit path.
* @param id intent identifier
* @param match traffic match
* @param action action
* @param ingressPort ingress port
* @param egressPort egress port
* @param path traversed links
* @throws NullPointerException {@code path} is null
public PathIntent(IntentId id, TrafficSelector match, TrafficTreatment action,
ConnectPoint ingressPort, ConnectPoint egressPort,
Path path) {
super(id, match, action, ingressPort, egressPort);
this.path = path;
protected PathIntent() {
this.path = null;
* Returns the links which the traffic goes along.
* @return traversed links
public Path getPath() {
return path;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
if (!super.equals(o)) {
return false;
PathIntent that = (PathIntent) o;
if (!path.equals(that.path)) {
return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(super.hashCode(), path);
public String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(getClass())
.add("id", getId())
.add("match", getTrafficSelector())
.add("action", getTrafficTreatment())
.add("ingressPort", getIngressPort())
.add("egressPort", getEgressPort())
.add("path", path)
import static;
import java.util.Objects;
* Abstraction of point-to-point connectivity.
public class PointToPointIntent extends ConnectivityIntent {
private final ConnectPoint ingressPort;
private final ConnectPoint egressPort;
* Creates a new point-to-point intent with the supplied ingress/egress
* ports.
* @param id intent identifier
* @param match traffic match
* @param action action
* @param ingressPort ingress port
* @param egressPort egress port
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code ingressPort} or {@code egressPort} is null.
public PointToPointIntent(IntentId id, TrafficSelector match, TrafficTreatment action,
ConnectPoint ingressPort, ConnectPoint egressPort) {
super(id, match, action);
this.ingressPort = checkNotNull(ingressPort);
this.egressPort = checkNotNull(egressPort);
* Constructor for serializer.
protected PointToPointIntent() {
this.ingressPort = null;
this.egressPort = null;
* Returns the port on which the ingress traffic should be connected to
* the egress.
* @return ingress port
public ConnectPoint getIngressPort() {
return ingressPort;
* Returns the port on which the traffic should egress.
* @return egress port
public ConnectPoint getEgressPort() {
return egressPort;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
if (!super.equals(o)) {
return false;
PointToPointIntent that = (PointToPointIntent) o;
return Objects.equals(this.ingressPort, that.ingressPort)
&& Objects.equals(this.egressPort, that.egressPort);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(super.hashCode(), ingressPort, egressPort);
public String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(getClass())
.add("id", getId())
.add("match", getTrafficSelector())
.add("action", getTrafficTreatment())
.add("ingressPort", ingressPort)
.add("egressPort", egressPort)
import static;
import static;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
* Abstraction of single source, multiple destination connectivity intent.
public class SinglePointToMultiPointIntent extends ConnectivityIntent {
private final ConnectPoint ingressPort;
private final Set<ConnectPoint> egressPorts;
* Creates a new single-to-multi point connectivity intent.
* @param id intent identifier
* @param match traffic match
* @param action action
* @param ingressPort port on which traffic will ingress
* @param egressPorts set of ports on which traffic will egress
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code ingressPort} or
* {@code egressPorts} is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the size of {@code egressPorts} is
* not more than 1
public SinglePointToMultiPointIntent(IntentId id, TrafficSelector match, TrafficTreatment action,
ConnectPoint ingressPort,
Set<ConnectPoint> egressPorts) {
super(id, match, action);
"there should be at least one egress port");
this.ingressPort = checkNotNull(ingressPort);
this.egressPorts = Sets.newHashSet(egressPorts);
* Constructor for serializer.
protected SinglePointToMultiPointIntent() {
this.ingressPort = null;
this.egressPorts = null;
* Returns the port on which the ingress traffic should be connected to the egress.
* @return ingress port
public ConnectPoint getIngressPort() {
return ingressPort;
* Returns the set of ports on which the traffic should egress.
* @return set of egress ports
public Set<ConnectPoint> getEgressPorts() {
return egressPorts;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
if (!super.equals(o)) {
return false;
SinglePointToMultiPointIntent that = (SinglePointToMultiPointIntent) o;
return Objects.equals(this.ingressPort, that.ingressPort)
&& Objects.equals(this.egressPorts, that.egressPorts);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(super.hashCode(), ingressPort, egressPorts);
public String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(getClass())
.add("id", getId())
.add("match", getTrafficSelector())
.add("action", getTrafficTreatment())
.add("ingressPort", ingressPort)
.add("egressPort", egressPorts)
* Intent Package. TODO
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