Brian O'Connor

Adding more T-ports to big topo

Setting up bidirectional T-ports in OpticalPathProvisioner

Change-Id: I4e97b2eb53d3d4182aae9c98a227de982f492950
......@@ -192,7 +192,9 @@ public class OpticalPathProvisioner {
// provision both directions
intents.addAll(getOpticalPath(one.location(), two.location()));
intents.addAll(getOpticalPath(two.location(), one.location()));
// note: bi-directional intent is set up
// HostToHost Intent requires symmetric path!
//intents.addAll(getOpticalPath(two.location(), one.location()));
} else if (intent instanceof PointToPointIntent) {
PointToPointIntent p2pIntent = (PointToPointIntent) intent;
intents.addAll(getOpticalPath(p2pIntent.ingressPoint(), p2pIntent.egressPoint()));
......@@ -265,8 +267,13 @@ public class OpticalPathProvisioner {
Intent opticalIntent = new OpticalConnectivityIntent(appId,
Intent opticalIntent2 = new OpticalConnectivityIntent(appId,
srcWdmPoint);"Creating optical intent from {} to {}", srcWdmPoint, dstWdmPoint);"Creating optical intent from {} to {}", dstWdmPoint, srcWdmPoint);
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class SmallOpticalTopo( Topo ):
o9ann = { "latitude": 40.8, "longitude": -73.1, "optical.regens": 0 }
O9 = self.addSwitch( 'JFK-M10', dpid='0000ffffffffff09', annotations=o9ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o10ann = { "latitude": 33.8, "longitude": -84.1, "optical.regens": 0 }
O10 = self.addSwitch( 'ATL-S10', dpid='0000ffffffffff0A', annotations=o10ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
O10 = self.addSwitch( 'ATL-S10', dpid='0000ffffffffff0a', annotations=o10ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
SFOR10 = self.addSwitch( 'SFO-R10', dpid='0000ffffffff0001', annotations={"latitude": 37.6, "longitude": -122.3} )
......@@ -29,17 +29,17 @@ class BigOpticalTopo( Topo ):
o9ann = { "latitude": 46.836379, "longitude": -100.796917, "optical.regens": 0 }
O9 = self.addSwitch( 'BSMRNDJC', dpid='0000ffffffffff09', annotations=o9ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o10ann = { "latitude": 30.449722, "longitude": -91.184167, "optical.regens": 0 }
O10 = self.addSwitch( 'BTRGLAMA', dpid='0000ffffffffff0A', annotations=o10ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
O10 = self.addSwitch( 'BTRGLAMA', dpid='0000ffffffffff0a', annotations=o10ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o11ann = { "latitude": 41.881484, "longitude": -87.640432, "optical.regens": 4 }
O11 = self.addSwitch( 'CHCGILCL', dpid='0000ffffffffff0B', annotations=o11ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
O11 = self.addSwitch( 'CHCGILCL', dpid='0000ffffffffff0b', annotations=o11ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o12ann = { "latitude": 35.224924, "longitude": -80.837502, "optical.regens": 0 }
O12 = self.addSwitch( 'CHRLNCCA', dpid='0000ffffffffff0C', annotations=o12ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
O12 = self.addSwitch( 'CHRLNCCA', dpid='0000ffffffffff0c', annotations=o12ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o13ann = { "latitude": 32.785278, "longitude": -79.938056, "optical.regens": 0 }
O13 = self.addSwitch( 'CHTNSCDT', dpid='0000ffffffffff0D', annotations=o13ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
O13 = self.addSwitch( 'CHTNSCDT', dpid='0000ffffffffff0d', annotations=o13ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o14ann = { "latitude": 41.498333, "longitude": -81.686943, "optical.regens": 0 }
O14 = self.addSwitch( 'CLEVOH02', dpid='0000ffffffffff0E', annotations=o14ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
O14 = self.addSwitch( 'CLEVOH02', dpid='0000ffffffffff0e', annotations=o14ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o15ann = { "latitude": 39.965279, "longitude": -82.996666, "optical.regens": 0 }
O15 = self.addSwitch( 'CLMBOH11', dpid='0000ffffffffff0F', annotations=o15ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
O15 = self.addSwitch( 'CLMBOH11', dpid='0000ffffffffff0f', annotations=o15ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o16ann = { "latitude": 42.36745, "longitude": -71.084918, "optical.regens": 0 }
O16 = self.addSwitch( 'CMBRMA01', dpid='0000ffffffffff10', annotations=o16ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o17ann = { "latitude": 39.102778, "longitude": -84.516944, "optical.regens": 0 }
......@@ -61,17 +61,17 @@ class BigOpticalTopo( Topo ):
o25ann = { "latitude": 29.748333, "longitude": -95.36528, "optical.regens": 0 }
O25 = self.addSwitch( 'HSTNTX01', dpid='0000ffffffffff19', annotations=o25ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o26ann = { "latitude": 30.33071, "longitude": -81.43, "optical.regens": 0 }
O26 = self.addSwitch( 'JCVLFLCL', dpid='0000ffffffffff1A', annotations=o26ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
O26 = self.addSwitch( 'JCVLFLCL', dpid='0000ffffffffff1a', annotations=o26ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o27ann = { "latitude": 39.096649, "longitude": -94.578716, "optical.regens": 0 }
O27 = self.addSwitch( 'KSCYMO09', dpid='0000ffffffffff1B', annotations=o27ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
O27 = self.addSwitch( 'KSCYMO09', dpid='0000ffffffffff1b', annotations=o27ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o28ann = { "latitude": 40.5899999,"longitude": -73.6699993, "optical.regens": 0 }
O28 = self.addSwitch( 'Island', dpid='0000ffffffffff1C', annotations=o28ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
O28 = self.addSwitch( 'LGISLAND', dpid='0000ffffffffff1c', annotations=o28ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o29ann = { "latitude": 34.051227, "longitude": -118.252958, "optical.regens": 0 }
O29 = self.addSwitch( 'LSANCA03', dpid='0000ffffffffff1D', annotations=o29ann, cls=OpticalSwitch ) # LSANCA03 Connected to packet node
O29 = self.addSwitch( 'LSANCA03', dpid='0000ffffffffff1d', annotations=o29ann, cls=OpticalSwitch ) # LSANCA03 Connected to packet node
o30ann = { "latitude": 36.168056, "longitude": -115.138889, "optical.regens": 0 }
O30 = self.addSwitch( 'LSVGNV02', dpid='0000ffffffffff1E', annotations=o30ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
O30 = self.addSwitch( 'LSVGNV02', dpid='0000ffffffffff1e', annotations=o30ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o31ann = { "latitude":38.249167, "longitude": -85.760833, "optical.regens": 0 }
O31 = self.addSwitch( 'LSVLKYCS', dpid='0000ffffffffff1F', annotations=o31ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
O31 = self.addSwitch( 'LSVLKYCS', dpid='0000ffffffffff1f', annotations=o31ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o32ann = { "latitude": 34.740833, "longitude": -92.271942, "optical.regens": 2 }
O32 = self.addSwitch( 'LTRKARFR', dpid='0000ffffffffff20', annotations=o32ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o33ann = { "latitude": 25.779167, "longitude": -80.195, "optical.regens": 0 }
......@@ -93,17 +93,17 @@ class BigOpticalTopo( Topo ):
o41ann = { "latitude": 40.767497, "longitude": -73.989713, "optical.regens": 0 }
O41 = self.addSwitch( 'NYCMNY54', dpid='0000ffffffffff29', annotations=o41ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o42ann = { "latitude": 35.470833, "longitude": -97.515274, "optical.regens": 0 }
O42 = self.addSwitch( 'OKCYOKCE', dpid='0000ffffffffff2A', annotations=o42ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
O42 = self.addSwitch( 'OKCYOKCE', dpid='0000ffffffffff2a', annotations=o42ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o43ann = { "latitude": 37.805556, "longitude": -122.268889, "optical.regens": 2 }
O43 = self.addSwitch( 'OKLDCA03', dpid='0000ffffffffff2B', annotations=o43ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
O43 = self.addSwitch( 'OKLDCA03', dpid='0000ffffffffff2b', annotations=o43ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o44ann = { "latitude": 41.259167, "longitude":-95.940277, "optical.regens": 0 }
O44 = self.addSwitch( 'OMAHNENW', dpid='0000ffffffffff2C', annotations=o44ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
O44 = self.addSwitch( 'OMAHNENW', dpid='0000ffffffffff2c', annotations=o44ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o45ann = { "latitude": 28.543279, "longitude": -81.377502, "optical.regens": 0 }
O45 = self.addSwitch( 'ORLDFLMA', dpid='0000ffffffffff2D', annotations=o45ann, cls=OpticalSwitch ) # ORLDFLMA Connected to packet node
O45 = self.addSwitch( 'ORLDFLMA', dpid='0000ffffffffff2d', annotations=o45ann, cls=OpticalSwitch ) # ORLDFLMA Connected to packet node
o46ann = { "latitude": 39.946446, "longitude": -75.184139, "optical.regens": 0 }
O46 = self.addSwitch( 'PHLAPASL', dpid='0000ffffffffff2E', annotations=o46ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
O46 = self.addSwitch( 'PHLAPASL', dpid='0000ffffffffff2e', annotations=o46ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o47ann = { "latitude": 33.450361, "longitude": -112.07709, "optical.regens": 0 }
O47 = self.addSwitch( 'PHNXAZMA', dpid='0000ffffffffff2F', annotations=o47ann, cls=OpticalSwitch ) # PHNXAZMA Connected to packet node
O47 = self.addSwitch( 'PHNXAZMA', dpid='0000ffffffffff2f', annotations=o47ann, cls=OpticalSwitch ) # PHNXAZMA Connected to packet node
o48ann = { "latitude":40.441387, "longitude": -79.995552, "optical.regens": 0 }
O48 = self.addSwitch( 'PITBPADG', dpid='0000ffffffffff30', annotations=o48ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o49ann = { "latitude":41.818889, "longitude": -71.415278, "optical.regens": 0 }
......@@ -125,39 +125,43 @@ class BigOpticalTopo( Topo ):
o57ann = { "latitude": 29.429445, "longitude": -98.488892, "optical.regens": 0 }
O57 = self.addSwitch( 'SNANTXCA', dpid='0000ffffffffff39', annotations=o57ann, cls=OpticalSwitch ) # SNANTXCA Connected to packet node
o58ann = { "latitude": 34.418889, "longitude": -119.7, "optical.regens": 0 }
O58 = self.addSwitch( 'SNBBCA01', dpid='0000ffffffffff40', annotations=o58ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
O58 = self.addSwitch( 'SNBBCA01', dpid='0000ffffffffff3a', annotations=o58ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o59ann = { "latitude":32.746944, "longitude": -117.158611, "optical.regens": 0 }
O59= self.addSwitch( 'SNDGCA02', dpid='0000ffffffffff41', annotations=o59ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
O59 = self.addSwitch( 'SNDGCA02', dpid='0000ffffffffff3b', annotations=o59ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o60ann = { "latitude":37.785143, "longitude": -122.397263, "optical.regens": 0 }
O60 = self.addSwitch( 'SNFCCA21', dpid='0000ffffffffff42', annotations=o60ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
O60 = self.addSwitch( 'SNFCCA21', dpid='0000ffffffffff3c', annotations=o60ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o61ann = { "latitude": 37.333333, "longitude": -121.892778, "optical.regens": 0 }
O61 = self.addSwitch( 'SNJSCA02', dpid='0000ffffffffff43', annotations=o61ann, cls=OpticalSwitch ) # SNJSCA02 Connected to packet node
O61 = self.addSwitch( 'SNJSCA02', dpid='0000ffffffffff3d', annotations=o61ann, cls=OpticalSwitch ) # SNJSCA02 Connected to packet node
o62ann = { "latitude": 39.795278, "longitude": -89.649444, "optical.regens": 0 }
O62 = self.addSwitch( 'SPFDILSD', dpid='0000ffffffffff44', annotations=o62ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
O62 = self.addSwitch( 'SPFDILSD', dpid='0000ffffffffff3e', annotations=o62ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o63ann = { "latitude": 47.654724, "longitude": -117.419167, "optical.regens": 0 }
O63 = self.addSwitch( 'SPKNWA01', dpid='0000ffffffffff45', annotations=o63ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
O63 = self.addSwitch( 'SPKNWA01', dpid='0000ffffffffff3f', annotations=o63ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o64ann = { "latitude": 38.633335, "longitude": -90.215279, "optical.regens": 0 }
O64 = self.addSwitch( 'STLSMO09', dpid='0000ffffffffff46', annotations=o64ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
O64 = self.addSwitch( 'STLSMO09', dpid='0000ffffffffff40', annotations=o64ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o65ann = { "latitude": 47.606945, "longitude": -122.333336, "optical.regens": 0 }
O65 = self.addSwitch( 'STTLWA06', dpid='0000ffffffffff47', annotations=o65ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
O65 = self.addSwitch( 'STTLWA06', dpid='0000ffffffffff41', annotations=o65ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o66ann = { "latitude": 43.049444, "longitude": -76.1475, "optical.regens": 3 }
O66 = self.addSwitch( 'SYRCNYSU', dpid='0000ffffffffff48', annotations=o66ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
O66 = self.addSwitch( 'SYRCNYSU', dpid='0000ffffffffff42', annotations=o66ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o67ann = { "latitude": 28.0225, "longitude": -82.522778, "optical.regens": 0 }
O67 = self.addSwitch( 'TAMQFLFN', dpid='0000ffffffffff49', annotations=o67ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
O67 = self.addSwitch( 'TAMQFLFN', dpid='0000ffffffffff43', annotations=o67ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o68ann = { "latitude": 32.224444, "longitude": -110.968333, "optical.regens": 0 }
O68 = self.addSwitch( 'TCSNAZMA', dpid='0000ffffffffff4A', annotations=o68ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o69ann = { "latitude": 30.456389,"longitude": -84.290833, "optical.regens": 0 }
O69 = self.addSwitch( 'TLHSFLAT', dpid='0000ffffffffff4B', annotations=o69ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o70ann = { "latitude": 41.65,"longitude": -83.538056, "optical.regens": 2 }
O70 = self.addSwitch( 'TOLDOH21', dpid='0000ffffffffff4C', annotations=o70ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o71ann = { "latitude": 36.151669,"longitude": -95.985832, "optical.regens": 0 }
O71 = self.addSwitch( 'TULSOKTB', dpid='0000ffffffffff4D', annotations=o71ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o72ann = { "latitude": 38.88306 ,"longitude": -77.01028, "optical.regens": 0 }
O72 = self.addSwitch( 'WASHDCSW', dpid='0000ffffffffff4E', annotations=o72ann, cls=OpticalSwitch ) # WASHDCSW Connected to packet node
o73ann = { "latitude": 39.739167,"longitude": -75.553889, "optical.regens": 0 }
O73 = self.addSwitch( 'WLMGDE01', dpid='0000ffffffffff4F', annotations=o73ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o74ann = { "latitude": 26.709391,"longitude": -80.05278, "optical.regens": 0 }
O74 = self.addSwitch( 'WPBHFLAN', dpid='0000ffffffffff50', annotations=o74ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
O68 = self.addSwitch( 'TCSNAZMA', dpid='0000ffffffffff44', annotations=o68ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o69ann = { "latitude": 30.456389, "longitude": -84.290833, "optical.regens": 0 }
O69 = self.addSwitch( 'TLHSFLAT', dpid='0000ffffffffff45', annotations=o69ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o70ann = { "latitude": 41.65, "longitude": -83.538056, "optical.regens": 2 }
O70 = self.addSwitch( 'TOLDOH21', dpid='0000ffffffffff46', annotations=o70ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o71ann = { "latitude": 36.151669, "longitude": -95.985832, "optical.regens": 0 }
O71 = self.addSwitch( 'TULSOKTB', dpid='0000ffffffffff47', annotations=o71ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o72ann = { "latitude": 38.88306 , "longitude": -77.01028, "optical.regens": 0 }
O72 = self.addSwitch( 'WASHDCSW', dpid='0000ffffffffff48', annotations=o72ann, cls=OpticalSwitch ) # WASHDCSW Connected to packet node
o73ann = { "latitude": 39.739167, "longitude": -75.553889, "optical.regens": 0 }
O73 = self.addSwitch( 'WLMGDE01', dpid='0000ffffffffff49', annotations=o73ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o74ann = { "latitude": 26.709391, "longitude": -80.05278, "optical.regens": 0 }
O74 = self.addSwitch( 'WPBHFLAN', dpid='0000ffffffffff4a', annotations=o74ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
o75ann = { "latitude": 29.57, "longitude": -96.7, "optical.regens": 0 }
O75 = self.addSwitch( 'AUSTTXGR', dpid='0000ffffffffff4b', annotations=o75ann, cls=OpticalSwitch )
#o25ann = { "latitude": 29.748333, "longitude": -95.36528, "optical.regens": 0 }
#o57ann = { "latitude": 29.429445, "longitude": -98.488892, "optical.regens": 0 }
# Packet Layer switches
......@@ -195,8 +199,8 @@ class BigOpticalTopo( Topo ):
self.addLink( O4, O8, port1=101, port2=105, annotations={ "optical.waves": 80, "optical.type": "WDM", "optical.kms": 271, "durable": "true" }, cls=OpticalLink ) # ATLNGATL BRHMALMT
self.addLink( O4, O12, port1=102, port2=106, annotations={ "optical.waves": 80, "optical.type": "WDM", "optical.kms": 436, "durable": "true" }, cls=OpticalLink ) # ATLNGATL CHRLNCCA
self.addLink( O4, O26, port1=103, port2=105, annotations={ "optical.waves": 80, "optical.type": "WDM", "optical.kms": 566, "durable": "true" }, cls=OpticalLink ) # ATLNGATL JCVLFLCL
self.addLink( O5, O25, port1=101, port2=106, annotations={ "optical.waves": 80, "optical.type": "WDM", "optical.kms": 283, "durable": "true" }, cls=OpticalLink ) # AUSTTXGR HSTNTX01
self.addLink( O5, O57, port1=102, port2=105, annotations={ "optical.waves": 80, "optical.type": "WDM", "optical.kms": 141, "durable": "true" }, cls=OpticalLink ) # AUSTTXGR SNANTXCA
self.addLink( O75, O25, port1=101, port2=106, annotations={ "optical.waves": 80, "optical.type": "WDM", "optical.kms": 283, "durable": "true" }, cls=OpticalLink ) # AUSTTXGR HSTNTX01
self.addLink( O75, O57, port1=102, port2=105, annotations={ "optical.waves": 80, "optical.type": "WDM", "optical.kms": 141, "durable": "true" }, cls=OpticalLink ) # AUSTTXGR SNANTXCA
self.addLink( O7, O46, port1=101, port2=106, annotations={ "optical.waves": 80, "optical.type": "WDM", "optical.kms": 170, "durable": "true" }, cls=OpticalLink ) # BLTMMDCH PHLAPASL
self.addLink( O7, O48, port1=102, port2=105, annotations={ "optical.waves": 80, "optical.type": "WDM", "optical.kms": 378, "durable": "true" }, cls=OpticalLink ) # BLTMMDCH PITBPADG
self.addLink( O7, O70, port1=103, port2=107, annotations={ "optical.waves": 80, "optical.type": "WDM", "optical.kms": 68, "durable": "true" }, cls=OpticalLink ) # BLTMMDCH WASHDCSW
......@@ -341,31 +345,34 @@ class BigOpticalTopo( Topo ):
self.addLink( ATLNGATLR, O4, port1=5, port2=13, speed1=10000, annotations={ "bandwidth": 100000, "optical.type": "cross-connect", "durable": "true" }, cls=OpticalLink )
self.addLink( ATLNGATLR, O4, port1=6, port2=14, speed1=10000, annotations={ "bandwidth": 100000, "optical.type": "cross-connect", "durable": "true" }, cls=OpticalLink )
# Create Hosts 1..11
h1 = self.addHost( 'h1' )
h2 = self.addHost( 'h2' )
h3 = self.addHost( 'h3' )
h4 = self.addHost( 'h4' )
h5 = self.addHost( 'h5' )
h6 = self.addHost( 'h6' )
h7 = self.addHost( 'h7' )
h8 = self.addHost( 'h8' )
h9 = self.addHost( 'h9' )
h10 = self.addHost( 'h10' )
h11 = self.addHost( 'h11' )
# Attach hosts to the packet layer switches
self.addLink( SNJSCA02R, h1, port1=1 )
self.addLink( SNANTXCAR, h2, port1=1 )
self.addLink( ROCHNYXAR, h3, port1=1 )
self.addLink( PHNXAZMAR, h4, port1=1 )
self.addLink( ORLDFLMAR, h5, port1=1 )
self.addLink( NWRKNJ02R, h6, port1=1 )
self.addLink( MPLSMNDTR, h7, port1=1 )
self.addLink( LSANCA03R, h8, port1=1 )
self.addLink( DLLSTXTLR, h9, port1=1 )
self.addLink( ATLNGATLR, h10, port1=1 )
self.addLink( WASHDCSWR, h11, port1=1 )
for i in range( 1, 4 ): #don't make this more than 4!!!!!
# Create Hosts 1..11
h1 = self.addHost( 'h1d%d' % i, ip='10.0.1.%d/16' % i )
h2 = self.addHost( 'h2d%d' % i, ip='10.0.2.%d/16' % i )
h3 = self.addHost( 'h3d%d' % i, ip='10.0.3.%d/16' % i )
h4 = self.addHost( 'h4d%d' % i, ip='10.0.4.%d/16' % i )
h5 = self.addHost( 'h5d%d' % i, ip='10.0.5.%d/16' % i )
h6 = self.addHost( 'h6d%d' % i, ip='10.0.6.%d/16' % i )
h7 = self.addHost( 'h7d%d' % i, ip='10.0.7.%d/16' % i )
h8 = self.addHost( 'h8d%d' % i, ip='10.0.8.%d/16' % i )
h9 = self.addHost( 'h9d%d' % i, ip='10.0.9.%d/16' % i )
h10 = self.addHost( 'h10d%d' % i, ip='10.0.10.%d/16' % i )
h11 = self.addHost( 'h11d%d' % i, ip='10.0.11.%d/16' % i )
port = i + 6
self.addLink( SNJSCA02R, h1, port1=port )
self.addLink( SNANTXCAR, h2, port1=port )
self.addLink( ROCHNYXAR, h3, port1=port )
self.addLink( PHNXAZMAR, h4, port1=port )
self.addLink( ORLDFLMAR, h5, port1=port )
self.addLink( NWRKNJ02R, h6, port1=port )
self.addLink( MPLSMNDTR, h7, port1=port )
self.addLink( LSANCA03R, h8, port1=port )
self.addLink( DLLSTXTLR, h9, port1=port )
self.addLink( ATLNGATLR, h10, port1=port )
self.addLink( WASHDCSWR, h11, port1=port )
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
......@@ -226,10 +226,11 @@ def startOE( net, controllerIP=None, controllerPort=None ):
onosDir = os.environ[ 'ONOS_ROOT' ]
onosDir = findDir( 'onos' )
os.environ[ 'ONOS_ROOT' ] = onosDir
if not onosDir:
error( 'Please set ONOS_ROOT environment variable!\n' )
return False
os.environ[ 'ONOS_ROOT' ] = onosDir
info( '*** Writing Topology.json file\n' )
with open( 'Topology.json', 'w' ) as outfile:
......@@ -281,7 +282,7 @@ def startOE( net, controllerIP=None, controllerPort=None ):
intf2 = intfList[ 0 ]
intf.node.attach( findTap( intf2.node, intf2.node.ports[ intf2 ] ) )
info( '*** Press any key to push Topology.json to onos...\n' )
info( '*** Press ENTER to push Topology.json to onos...\n' )
raw_input() # FIXME... we should eventually remove this
info( '*** Pushing Topology.json to ONOS\n' )
output = quietRun( '%s/tools/test/bin/onos-topo-cfg %s Topology.json' % ( onosDir, controllerIP ), shell=True )