Simon Hunt
Committed by Brian O'Connor

GUI -- topo view - Adjusted positioning of summary and detail panels, to account…

… for additional "Tunnels:" line item in summary panel.

Change-Id: Id60a46e7cca991aca1faf7cc3f90d245cd04084a
......@@ -82,10 +82,10 @@
#topo-p-detail {
/* Base css from panel.css */
top: 310px;
top: 320px;
html[data-platform='iPad'] #topo-p-detail {
top: 326px;
top: 336px;
#topo-p-detail .actionBtns .actionBtn {
......@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
panelOpts = {
width: 260
sumMax = 226,
padTop = 28;
sumMax = 240,
padTop = 20;
// internal state
var useDetails = true, // should we show details if we have 'em?