Nikhil Cheerla
Committed by Gerrit Code Review

Disjoint Path Pairs (Suurballe) utils

Change-Id: Ie5895899818ea9d6eacf66cbb589ddf33fa3f89d

Disjoint Path Pairs (Suurballe) utils

Change-Id: Ie5895899818ea9d6eacf66cbb589ddf33fa3f89d

Disjoint Path Pairs (SRLG with GA) utils

Change-Id: If072df987621add385ae785f10c8d0a9e45ad559
* Copyright 2015 Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onlab.graph;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import static;
import static;
public class DisjointPathPair<V extends Vertex, E extends Edge<V>> implements Path<V, E> {
public Path<V, E> path1, path2;
boolean usingPath1 = true;
* Creates a Disjoint Path Pair from two paths.
* @param p1 first path
* @param p2 second path
public DisjointPathPair(Path<V, E> p1, Path<V, E> p2) {
path1 = p1;
path2 = p2;
public V src() {
return path1.src();
public V dst() {
return path1.dst();
public double cost() {
if (!hasBackup()) {
return path1.cost();
return path1.cost() + path2.cost();
public List<E> edges() {
if (usingPath1 || !hasBackup()) {
return path1.edges();
} else {
return path2.edges();
* Checks if this path pair contains a backup/secondary path.
* @return boolean representing whether it has backup
public boolean hasBackup() {
return path2 != null && path2.edges() != null;
public String toString() {
return toStringHelper(this)
.add("src", src())
.add("dst", dst())
.add("cost", cost())
.add("edges", edges())
public int hashCode() {
Set<Path<V, E>> paths;
if (!hasBackup()) {
paths = of(path1);
} else {
paths = of(path1, path2);
return Objects.hash(paths);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (obj instanceof DisjointPathPair) {
final DisjointPathPair other = (DisjointPathPair) obj;
return Objects.equals(this.src(), other.src()) &&
Objects.equals(this.dst(), other.dst()) &&
(Objects.equals(this.path1, other.path1) &&
Objects.equals(this.path2, other.path2)) ||
(Objects.equals(this.path1, other.path2) &&
Objects.equals(this.path2, other.path1));
return false;
* Returns number of paths inside this path pair object.
* @return number of paths
public int size() {
if (hasBackup()) {
return 2;
return 1;
* Copyright 2015 Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onlab.graph;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import static;
import static;
public class DisjointPathPair<V extends Vertex, E extends Edge<V>> implements Path<V, E> {
public Path<V, E> path1, path2;
boolean usingPath1 = true;
<<<<<<< HEAD
* Creates a Disjoint Path Pair from two paths.
* @param p1 first path
* @param p2 second path
>>>>>>> Disjoint Path Pairs (Suurballe) utils
public DisjointPathPair(Path<V, E> p1, Path<V, E> p2) {
path1 = p1;
path2 = p2;
<<<<<<< HEAD
>>>>>>> Disjoint Path Pairs (Suurballe) utils
public V src() {
return path1.src();
<<<<<<< HEAD
public V dst() {
return path1.dst();
public V dst() {
return path1.dst();
>>>>>>> Disjoint Path Pairs (Suurballe) utils
public double cost() {
if (!hasBackup()) {
return path1.cost();
return path1.cost() + path2.cost();
<<<<<<< HEAD
>>>>>>> Disjoint Path Pairs (Suurballe) utils
public List<E> edges() {
if (usingPath1 || !hasBackup()) {
return path1.edges();
} else {
return path2.edges();
<<<<<<< HEAD
* Checks if this path pair contains a backup/secondary path.
* @return boolean representing whether it has backup
public boolean hasBackup() {
return path2 != null && path2.edges() != null;
* Switches this disjoint path pair to using its backup path, instead of
* using its primary.
public void useBackup() {
usingPath1 = !usingPath1;
public boolean hasBackup() {
return path2 != null && path2.edges() != null;
public void useBackup() {
usingPath1 = !usingPath1;
>>>>>>> Disjoint Path Pairs (Suurballe) utils
public String toString() {
return toStringHelper(this)
.add("src", src())
.add("dst", dst())
.add("cost", cost())
.add("edges", edges())
<<<<<<< HEAD
>>>>>>> Disjoint Path Pairs (Suurballe) utils
public int hashCode() {
Set<Path<V, E>> paths;
if (!hasBackup()) {
paths = of(path1);
} else {
paths = of(path1, path2);
return Objects.hash(paths);
<<<<<<< HEAD
>>>>>>> Disjoint Path Pairs (Suurballe) utils
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (obj instanceof DisjointPathPair) {
final DisjointPathPair other = (DisjointPathPair) obj;
return Objects.equals(this.src(), other.src()) &&
Objects.equals(this.dst(), other.dst()) &&
(Objects.equals(this.path1, other.path1) &&
Objects.equals(this.path2, other.path2)) ||
(Objects.equals(this.path1, other.path2) &&
Objects.equals(this.path2, other.path1));
return false;
<<<<<<< HEAD
* Returns number of paths inside this path pair object.
* @return number of paths
>>>>>>> Disjoint Path Pairs (Suurballe) utils
public int size() {
if (hasBackup()) {
return 2;
return 1;
package org.onlab.graph;
* Interface representing an "organism": a specific solution
* to a problem where solutions can be evaluated in terms
* of fitness. These organisms can be used to represent any
* class of problem that genetic algorithms can be run on.
interface GAOrganism {
* A fitness function that determines how
* optimal a given organism is.
* @return fitness of organism
double fitness();
* A method that slightly mutates an organism.
void mutate();
* Creates a new random organism.
* @return random GAOrganism
GAOrganism random();
* Returns a child organism that is the result
* of "crossing" this organism with another.
* @param other Other organism to cross with
* @return child organism
GAOrganism crossWith(GAOrganism other);
package org.onlab.graph;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
* Represents a population of GAOrganisms. This class can be used
* to run a genetic algorithm on the population and return the fittest solutions.
class GAPopulation<Organism extends GAOrganism> extends ArrayList<Organism> {
Random r = new Random();
* Steps the population through one generation. The 75% least fit
* organisms are killed off and replaced with the children of the
* 25% (as well as some "random" newcomers).
void step() {
Collections.sort(this, (org1, org2) -> {
double d = -;
if (d < 0) {
return -1;
} else if (d == 0) {
return 0;
return 1;
int maxSize = size();
for (int i = size() - 1; i > maxSize / 4; i--) {
for (Organism org: this) {
if (r.nextBoolean()) {
while (size() < maxSize * 4 / 5) {
Organism org1 = get(r.nextInt(size()));
Organism org2 = get(r.nextInt(size()));
add((Organism) org1.crossWith(org2));
while (size() < maxSize) {
Organism org1 = get(r.nextInt(size()));
add((Organism) org1.random());
* Runs GA for the specified number of iterations, and returns
* a sample of the resulting population of solutions.
* @param generations Number of generations to run GA for
* @param populationSize Population size of GA
* @param sample Number of solutions to ask for
* @param template Template GAOrganism to seed the population with
* @return ArrayList containing sample number of organisms
List<Organism> runGA(int generations, int populationSize, int sample, Organism template) {
for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) {
add((Organism) template.random());
for (int i = 0; i < generations; i++) {
for (int i = size() - 1; i >= sample; i--) {
return new ArrayList<>(this);
* Copyright 2014 Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onlab.graph;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Random;
* SRLG Graph Search finds a pair of paths with disjoint risk groups; i.e
* if one path goes through an edge in risk group 1, the other path will go
* through no edges in risk group 1.
public class SRLGGraphSearch<V extends Vertex, E extends Edge<V>>
extends AbstractGraphPathSearch<V, E> {
static final int ITERATIONS = 100;
static final int POPSIZE = 50;
boolean useSuurballe = false;
static final double INF = 100000000.0;
int numGroups;
Map<E, Integer> riskGrouping;
Graph<V, E> orig;
V src, dst;
EdgeWeight<V, E> weight;
* Creates an SRLG graph search object with the given number
* of groups and given risk mapping.
* @param groups the number of disjoint risk groups
* @param grouping map linking edges to integral group assignments
public SRLGGraphSearch(int groups, Map<E, Integer> grouping) {
numGroups = groups;
riskGrouping = grouping;
* Creates an SRLG graph search object from a map, inferring
* the number of groups and creating an integral mapping.
* @param grouping map linking edges to object group assignments,
* with same-group status linked to equality
public SRLGGraphSearch(Map<E, Object> grouping) {
if (grouping == null) {
useSuurballe = true;
numGroups = 0;
HashMap<Object, Integer> tmpMap = new HashMap<>();
riskGrouping = new HashMap<>();
for (E key: grouping.keySet()) {
Object value = grouping.get(key);
if (!tmpMap.containsKey(value)) {
tmpMap.put(value, numGroups);
riskGrouping.put(key, tmpMap.get(value));
public Result<V, E> search(Graph<V, E> graph, V src, V dst,
EdgeWeight<V, E> weight, int maxPaths) {
if (maxPaths == ALL_PATHS) {
maxPaths = POPSIZE;
if (useSuurballe) {
return new SuurballeGraphSearch<V, E>().search(graph, src, dst, weight, ALL_PATHS);
if (weight == null) {
weight = edge -> 1;
checkArguments(graph, src, dst);
orig = graph;
this.src = src;
this.dst = dst;
this.weight = weight;
List<Subset> best = new GAPopulation<Subset>()
.runGA(ITERATIONS, POPSIZE, maxPaths, new Subset(new boolean[numGroups]));
Set<DisjointPathPair> dpps = new HashSet<DisjointPathPair>();
for (Subset s: best) {
Result<V, E> firstDijkstra = new DijkstraGraphSearch<V, E>()
.search(orig, src, dst, weight, 1);
return new Result<V, E>() {
final DefaultResult search = (DefaultResult) firstDijkstra;
public V src() {
return src;
public V dst() {
return dst;
public Set<Path<V, E>> paths() {
Set<Path<V, E>> pathsD = new HashSet<>();
for (DisjointPathPair<V, E> path: dpps) {
return pathsD;
public Map<V, Double> costs() {
return search.costs();
public Map<V, Set<E>> parents() {
return search.parents();
//finds the shortest path in the graph given a subset of edge types to use
private Result<V, E> findShortestPathFromSubset(boolean[] subset) {
Graph<V, E> graph = orig;
EdgeWeight<V, E> modified = new EdgeWeight<V, E>() {
final boolean[] subsetF = subset;
public double weight(E edge) {
if (subsetF[riskGrouping.get(edge)]) {
return weight.weight(edge);
return INF;
Result<V, E> res = new DijkstraGraphSearch<V, E>().search(graph, src, dst, modified, 1);
return res;
* A subset is a type of GA organism that represents a subset of allowed shortest
* paths (and its complement). Its fitness is determined by the sum of the weights
* of the first two shortest paths.
class Subset implements GAOrganism {
boolean[] subset;
boolean[] not;
Random r = new Random();
* Creates a Subset from the given subset array.
* @param sub subset array
public Subset(boolean[] sub) {
subset = sub.clone();
not = new boolean[subset.length];
for (int i = 0; i < subset.length; i++) {
not[i] = !subset[i];
public double fitness() {
Set<Path<V, E>> paths1 = findShortestPathFromSubset(subset).paths();
Set<Path<V, E>> paths2 = findShortestPathFromSubset(not).paths();
if (paths1.size() == 0 || paths2.size() == 0) {
return INF;
return paths1.iterator().next().cost() + paths2.iterator().next().cost();
public void mutate() {
int turns = r.nextInt((int) Math.sqrt(subset.length));
while (turns > 0) {
int choose = r.nextInt(subset.length);
subset[choose] = !subset[choose];
not[choose] = !not[choose];
public GAOrganism crossWith(GAOrganism org) {
if (!(org.getClass().equals(getClass()))) {
return this;
Subset other = (Subset) (org);
boolean[] sub = new boolean[subset.length];
for (int i = 0; i < subset.length; i++) {
sub[i] = subset[i];
if (r.nextBoolean()) {
sub[i] = other.subset[i];
return new Subset(sub);
public GAOrganism random() {
boolean[] sub = new boolean[subset.length];
for (int i = 0; i < sub.length; i++) {
sub[i] = r.nextBoolean();
return new Subset(sub);
* Builds the set of disjoint path pairs for a given subset
* using Dijkstra's algorithm on both the subset and complement
* and returning all pairs with one from each set.
* @return all shortest disjoint paths given this subset
public Set<DisjointPathPair> buildPaths() {
Set<DisjointPathPair> dpps = new HashSet<>();
for (Path<V, E> path1: findShortestPathFromSubset(subset).paths()) {
if (path1.cost() >= INF) {
for (Path<V, E> path2: findShortestPathFromSubset(not).paths()) {
if (path2.cost() >= INF) {
DisjointPathPair<V, E> dpp = new DisjointPathPair<>(path1, path2);
return dpps;
* Copyright 2015 Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onlab.graph;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
* Suurballe shortest-path graph search algorithm capable of finding both
* a shortest path, as well as a backup shortest path, between a source and a destination
* such that the sum of the path lengths is minimized.
public class SuurballeGraphSearch<V extends Vertex, E extends Edge<V>> extends DijkstraGraphSearch<V, E> {
public Result<V, E> search(Graph<V, E> graph, V src, V dst,
EdgeWeight<V, E> weight, int maxPaths) {
if (weight == null) {
weight = edge -> 1;
List<DisjointPathPair<V, E>> dpps = new ArrayList<>();
final EdgeWeight weightf = weight;
DefaultResult firstDijkstraS = (DefaultResult), src, dst, weight, ALL_PATHS);
DefaultResult firstDijkstra = (DefaultResult), src, null, weight, ALL_PATHS);
//choose an arbitrary shortest path to run Suurballe on
Path<V, E> shortPath = null;
if (firstDijkstraS.paths().size() == 0) {
return firstDijkstraS;
for (Path p: firstDijkstraS.paths()) {
shortPath = p;
//transforms the graph so tree edges have 0 weight
EdgeWeight<V, Edge<V>> modified = edge -> {
if (classE().isInstance(edge)) {
return weightf.weight((E) (edge)) + firstDijkstra.cost(edge.src())
- firstDijkstra.cost(edge.dst());
return 0;
EdgeWeight<V, E> modified2 = edge ->
weightf.weight(edge) + firstDijkstra.cost(edge.src()) - firstDijkstra.cost(edge.dst());
//create a residual graph g' by removing all src vertices and reversing 0 length path edges
MutableGraph<V, Edge<V>> gt = mutableCopy(graph);
Map<Edge<V>, E> revToEdge = new HashMap<>();
for (E edge: shortPath.edges()) {
Edge<V> reverse = new Edge<V>() {
final Edge<V> orig = edge;
public V src() {
return orig.dst();
public V dst() {
return orig.src();
public String toString() {
return "ReversedEdge " + "src=" + src() + " dst=" + dst();
revToEdge.put(reverse, edge);
//rerun dijkstra on the temporary graph to get a second path
Result<V, Edge<V>> secondDijkstra;
secondDijkstra = new DijkstraGraphSearch<V, Edge<V>>().search(gt, src, dst, modified, ALL_PATHS);
Path<V, Edge<V>> residualShortPath = null;
if (secondDijkstra.paths().size() == 0) {
dpps.add(new DisjointPathPair<V, E>(shortPath, null));
for (Path p2: secondDijkstra.paths()) {
residualShortPath = p2;
MutableGraph<V, E> roundTrip = mutableCopy(graph);
List<E> tmp = roundTrip.getEdges().stream().collect(Collectors.toList());
if (residualShortPath != null) {
for (Edge<V> edge: residualShortPath.edges()) {
if (classE().isInstance(edge)) {
roundTrip.addEdge((E) edge);
} else {
//Actually build the final result
DefaultResult lastSearch = (DefaultResult), src, dst, weight, ALL_PATHS);
Path<V, E> path1 = lastSearch.paths().iterator().next();
Set<Path<V, E>> bckpaths =, src, dst, weight, ALL_PATHS).paths();
Path<V, E> backup = null;
if (bckpaths.size() != 0) {
backup = bckpaths.iterator().next();
dpps.add(new DisjointPathPair<>(path1, backup));
for (int i = dpps.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) {
if (dpps.get(i).size() <= 1) {
return new Result<V, E>() {
final DefaultResult search = firstDijkstra;
public V src() {
return src;
public V dst() {
return dst;
public Set<Path<V, E>> paths() {
Set<Path<V, E>> pathsD = new HashSet<>();
int paths = 0;
for (DisjointPathPair<V, E> path: dpps) {
pathsD.add((Path<V, E>) path);
if (paths == maxPaths) {
return pathsD;
public Map<V, Double> costs() {
return search.costs();
public Map<V, Set<E>> parents() {
return search.parents();
private Class<?> clazzV;
public Class<?> classV() {
return clazzV;
private Class<?> clazzE;
public Class<?> classE() {
return clazzE;
* Creates a mutable copy of an immutable graph.
* @param graph immutable graph
* @return mutable copy
public MutableGraph mutableCopy(Graph<V, E> graph) {
clazzV = graph.getVertexes().iterator().next().getClass();
clazzE = graph.getEdges().iterator().next().getClass();
return new MutableAdjacencyListsGraph<V, E>(graph.getVertexes(), graph.getEdges());
* Copyright 2015 Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onlab.graph;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import static;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
* Test of the Suurballe backup path algorithm.
public class SRLGGraphSearchTest extends BreadthFirstSearchTest {
protected AbstractGraphPathSearch<TestVertex, TestEdge> graphSearch() {
return new SRLGGraphSearch<TestVertex, TestEdge>(null);
public void setWeights() {
weight = new EdgeWeight<TestVertex, TestEdge>() {
public double weight(TestEdge edge) {
return edge.weight();
public void setDefaultWeights() {
weight = null;
public void defaultGraphTest() {
public void defaultHopCountWeight() {
public void onePathPair() {
TestEdge aB = new TestEdge(A, B, 1);
TestEdge bC = new TestEdge(B, C, 1);
TestEdge aD = new TestEdge(A, D, 1);
TestEdge dC = new TestEdge(D, C, 1);
Graph<TestVertex, TestEdge> graph = new AdjacencyListsGraph<>(of(A, B, C, D),
of(aB, bC, aD, dC));
Map<TestEdge, Integer> riskProfile = new HashMap<TestEdge, Integer>();
riskProfile.put(aB, 0);
riskProfile.put(bC, 0);
riskProfile.put(aD, 1);
riskProfile.put(dC, 1);
SRLGGraphSearch<TestVertex, TestEdge> search =
new SRLGGraphSearch<TestVertex, TestEdge>(2, riskProfile);
Set<Path<TestVertex, TestEdge>> paths =, A, C, weight, GraphPathSearch.ALL_PATHS).paths();
System.out.println("\n\n\n" + paths + "\n\n\n");
assertTrue("one disjoint path pair found", paths.size() == 1);
checkIsDisjoint(paths.iterator().next(), riskProfile);
public void checkIsDisjoint(Path<TestVertex, TestEdge> p, Map<TestEdge, Integer> risks) {
assertTrue("The path is not a DisjointPathPair", (p instanceof DisjointPathPair));
DisjointPathPair<TestVertex, TestEdge> q = (DisjointPathPair) p;
Set<Integer> p1Risks = new HashSet<Integer>();
Set<Integer> p2Risks = new HashSet<Integer>();
for (TestEdge e: q.edges()) {
if (!q.hasBackup()) {
Path<TestVertex, TestEdge> pq = q.path2;
for (TestEdge e: pq.edges()) {
assertTrue("The paths are not disjoint", !p1Risks.contains(risks.get(e)));
public void complexGraphTest() {
TestEdge aB = new TestEdge(A, B, 1);
TestEdge bC = new TestEdge(B, C, 1);
TestEdge aD = new TestEdge(A, D, 1);
TestEdge dC = new TestEdge(D, C, 1);
TestEdge cE = new TestEdge(C, E, 1);
TestEdge bE = new TestEdge(B, E, 1);
Graph<TestVertex, TestEdge> graph = new AdjacencyListsGraph<>(of(A, B, C, D, E),
of(aB, bC, aD, dC, cE, bE));
Map<TestEdge, Integer> riskProfile = new HashMap<TestEdge, Integer>();
riskProfile.put(aB, 0);
riskProfile.put(bC, 0);
riskProfile.put(aD, 1);
riskProfile.put(dC, 1);
riskProfile.put(cE, 2);
riskProfile.put(bE, 3);
SRLGGraphSearch<TestVertex, TestEdge> search =
new SRLGGraphSearch<TestVertex, TestEdge>(4, riskProfile);
Set<Path<TestVertex, TestEdge>> paths =, A, E, weight, GraphPathSearch.ALL_PATHS).paths();
public void multiplePathGraphTest() {
TestEdge aB = new TestEdge(A, B, 1);
TestEdge bE = new TestEdge(B, E, 1);
TestEdge aD = new TestEdge(A, D, 1);
TestEdge dE = new TestEdge(D, E, 1);
TestEdge aC = new TestEdge(A, C, 1);
TestEdge cE = new TestEdge(C, E, 1);
Graph<TestVertex, TestEdge> graph = new AdjacencyListsGraph<>(of(A, B, C, D, E),
of(aB, bE, aD, dE, aC, cE));
Map<TestEdge, Integer> riskProfile = new HashMap<TestEdge, Integer>();
riskProfile.put(aB, 0);
riskProfile.put(bE, 1);
riskProfile.put(aD, 2);
riskProfile.put(dE, 3);
riskProfile.put(aC, 4);
riskProfile.put(cE, 5);
SRLGGraphSearch<TestVertex, TestEdge> search =
new SRLGGraphSearch<TestVertex, TestEdge>(6, riskProfile);
Set<Path<TestVertex, TestEdge>> paths =, A, E, weight, GraphPathSearch.ALL_PATHS).paths();
assertTrue("> one disjoint path pair found", paths.size() >= 1);
checkIsDisjoint(paths.iterator().next(), riskProfile);
public void onePath() {
TestEdge aB = new TestEdge(A, B, 1);
TestEdge bC = new TestEdge(B, C, 1);
TestEdge aD = new TestEdge(A, D, 1);
TestEdge dC = new TestEdge(D, C, 1);
Graph<TestVertex, TestEdge> graph = new AdjacencyListsGraph<>(of(A, B, C, D),
of(aB, bC, aD, dC));
Map<TestEdge, Integer> riskProfile = new HashMap<TestEdge, Integer>();
riskProfile.put(aB, 0);
riskProfile.put(bC, 0);
riskProfile.put(aD, 1);
riskProfile.put(dC, 0);
SRLGGraphSearch<TestVertex, TestEdge> search =
new SRLGGraphSearch<TestVertex, TestEdge>(2, riskProfile);
Set<Path<TestVertex, TestEdge>> paths =, A, C, weight, GraphPathSearch.ALL_PATHS).paths();
assertTrue("no disjoint path pairs found", paths.size() == 0);
public void noPath() {
TestEdge aB = new TestEdge(A, B, 1);
TestEdge bC = new TestEdge(B, C, 1);
TestEdge aD = new TestEdge(A, D, 1);
TestEdge dC = new TestEdge(D, C, 1);
Graph<TestVertex, TestEdge> graph = new AdjacencyListsGraph<>(of(A, B, C, D, E),
of(aB, bC, aD, dC));
Map<TestEdge, Integer> riskProfile = new HashMap<>();
riskProfile.put(aB, 0);
riskProfile.put(bC, 0);
riskProfile.put(aD, 1);
riskProfile.put(dC, 0);
SRLGGraphSearch<TestVertex, TestEdge> search =
new SRLGGraphSearch<>(2, riskProfile);
Set<Path<TestVertex, TestEdge>> paths =, A, E, weight, GraphPathSearch.ALL_PATHS).paths();
assertTrue("no disjoint path pairs found", paths.size() == 0);
* Copyright 2014 Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onlab.graph;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.Set;
import static;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
//import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
* Test of the Suurballe backup path algorithm.
public class SuurballeGraphSearchTest extends BreadthFirstSearchTest {
protected AbstractGraphPathSearch<TestVertex, TestEdge> graphSearch() {
return new SuurballeGraphSearch<>();
public void setWeights() {
weight = new EdgeWeight<TestVertex, TestEdge>() {
public double weight(TestEdge edge) {
return edge.weight();
public void setDefaultWeights() {
weight = null;
public void defaultGraphTest() {
public void defaultHopCountWeight() {
public void basicGraphTest() {
Graph<TestVertex, TestEdge> graph = new AdjacencyListsGraph<>(of(A, B, C, D),
of(new TestEdge(A, B, 1),
new TestEdge(B, C, 1),
new TestEdge(A, D, 1),
new TestEdge(D, C, 1)));
executeSearch(graphSearch(), graph, A, C, weight, 1, 4.0);
public void multiplePathOnePairGraphTest() {
Graph<TestVertex, TestEdge> graph = new AdjacencyListsGraph<>(of(A, B, C, D, E),
of(new TestEdge(A, B, 1),
new TestEdge(B, C, 1),
new TestEdge(A, D, 1),
new TestEdge(D, C, 1),
new TestEdge(B, E, 2),
new TestEdge(C, E, 1)));
executeSearch(graphSearch(), graph, A, E, weight, 1, 6.0);
public void multiplePathsMultiplePairs() {
Graph<TestVertex, TestEdge> graph = new AdjacencyListsGraph<>(of(A, B, C, D, E),
of(new TestEdge(A, B, 1),
new TestEdge(B, E, 1),
new TestEdge(A, C, 1),
new TestEdge(C, E, 1),
new TestEdge(A, D, 1),
new TestEdge(D, E, 1),
new TestEdge(A, E, 2)));
GraphPathSearch.Result<TestVertex, TestEdge> result =
graphSearch().search(graph, A, E, weight, GraphPathSearch.ALL_PATHS);
Set<Path<TestVertex, TestEdge>> paths = result.paths();
System.out.println("\n\n" + paths + "\n\n\ndone\n");
assertEquals("incorrect paths count", 3, paths.size());
DisjointPathPair<TestVertex, TestEdge> dpp = (DisjointPathPair<TestVertex, TestEdge>) paths.iterator().next();
assertEquals("incorrect disjoint paths per path", 2, dpp.size());
public void differingPrimaryAndBackupPathLengths() {
Graph<TestVertex, TestEdge> graph = new AdjacencyListsGraph<>(of(A, B, C, D, E),
of(new TestEdge(A, B, 1),
new TestEdge(B, C, 1),
new TestEdge(A, D, 1),
new TestEdge(D, C, 1),
new TestEdge(B, E, 1),
new TestEdge(C, E, 1)));
executeSearch(graphSearch(), graph, A, E, weight, 1, 5.0);
public void onePath() {
Graph<TestVertex, TestEdge> graph = new AdjacencyListsGraph<>(of(A, B, C, D),
of(new TestEdge(A, B, 1),
new TestEdge(B, C, 1),
new TestEdge(A, C, 4),
new TestEdge(C, D, 1)));
GraphPathSearch.Result<TestVertex, TestEdge> result =
graphSearch().search(graph, A, D, weight, GraphPathSearch.ALL_PATHS);
Set<Path<TestVertex, TestEdge>> paths = result.paths();
assertEquals("incorrect paths count", 1, paths.size());
DisjointPathPair<TestVertex, TestEdge> dpp = (DisjointPathPair<TestVertex, TestEdge>) paths.iterator().next();
assertEquals("incorrect disjoint paths count", 1, dpp.size());
public void noPath() {
Graph<TestVertex, TestEdge> graph = new AdjacencyListsGraph<>(of(A, B, C, D),
of(new TestEdge(A, B, 1),
new TestEdge(B, C, 1),
new TestEdge(A, C, 4)));
GraphPathSearch.Result<TestVertex, TestEdge> result =
graphSearch().search(graph, A, D, weight, GraphPathSearch.ALL_PATHS);
Set<Path<TestVertex, TestEdge>> paths = result.paths();
assertEquals("incorrect paths count", paths.size(), 0);
public void disconnected() {
Graph<TestVertex, TestEdge> graph = new AdjacencyListsGraph<>(of(A, B, C, D),
GraphPathSearch.Result<TestVertex, TestEdge> result =
graphSearch().search(graph, A, D, weight, GraphPathSearch.ALL_PATHS);
Set<Path<TestVertex, TestEdge>> paths = result.paths();
assertEquals("incorrect paths count", 0, paths.size());