Pie.js 5.67 KB
 * (c) 2010-2018 Torstein Honsi
 * 3D pie series
 * License: www.highcharts.com/license
'use strict';
import H from '../parts/Globals.js';
import '../parts/Utilities.js';
var deg2rad = H.deg2rad,
    each = H.each,
    pick = H.pick,
    seriesTypes = H.seriesTypes,
    svg = H.svg,
    wrap = H.wrap;

 * The thickness of a 3D pie. Requires `highcharts-3d.js`
 * @type {Number}
 * @default 0
 * @since 4.0
 * @product highcharts
 * @apioption plotOptions.pie.depth

wrap(seriesTypes.pie.prototype, 'translate', function (proceed) {
    proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));

    // Do not do this if the chart is not 3D
    if (!this.chart.is3d()) {

    var series = this,
        seriesOptions = series.options,
        depth = seriesOptions.depth || 0,
        options3d = series.chart.options.chart.options3d,
        alpha = options3d.alpha,
        beta = options3d.beta,
        z = seriesOptions.stacking ?
            (seriesOptions.stack || 0) * depth :
            series._i * depth;

    z += depth / 2;

    if (seriesOptions.grouping !== false) {
        z = 0;

    each(series.data, function (point) {

        var shapeArgs = point.shapeArgs,

        point.shapeType = 'arc3d';

        shapeArgs.z = z;
        shapeArgs.depth = depth * 0.75;
        shapeArgs.alpha = alpha;
        shapeArgs.beta = beta;
        shapeArgs.center = series.center;

        angle = (shapeArgs.end + shapeArgs.start) / 2;

        point.slicedTranslation = {
            translateX: Math.round(
                Math.cos(angle) *
                seriesOptions.slicedOffset *
                Math.cos(alpha * deg2rad)
            translateY: Math.round(
                Math.sin(angle) *
                seriesOptions.slicedOffset *
                Math.cos(alpha * deg2rad)

    function (proceed) {
        var args = arguments;
        return this.series.chart.is3d() ? [] : proceed.call(this, args[1]);

wrap(seriesTypes.pie.prototype, 'drawPoints', function (proceed) {
    proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));

    if (this.chart.is3d()) {
        each(this.points, function (point) {
            var graphic = point.graphic;

            // #4584 Check if has graphic - null points don't have it
            if (graphic) {
                // Hide null or 0 points (#3006, 3650)
                graphic[point.y && point.visible ? 'show' : 'hide']();

wrap(seriesTypes.pie.prototype, 'drawDataLabels', function (proceed) {
    if (this.chart.is3d()) {
        var series = this,
            chart = series.chart,
            options3d = chart.options.chart.options3d;
        each(series.data, function (point) {
            var shapeArgs = point.shapeArgs,
                r = shapeArgs.r,
                // #3240 issue with datalabels for 0 and null values
                a1 = (shapeArgs.alpha || options3d.alpha) * deg2rad,
                b1 = (shapeArgs.beta || options3d.beta) * deg2rad,
                a2 = (shapeArgs.start + shapeArgs.end) / 2,
                labelPos = point.labelPos,
                labelIndexes = [0, 2, 4], // [x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3]
                yOffset = (-r * (1 - Math.cos(a1)) * Math.sin(a2)),
                xOffset = r * (Math.cos(b1) - 1) * Math.cos(a2);

            // Apply perspective on label positions
            each(labelIndexes, function (index) {
                labelPos[index] += xOffset;
                labelPos[index + 1] += yOffset;

    proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));

wrap(seriesTypes.pie.prototype, 'addPoint', function (proceed) {
    proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
    if (this.chart.is3d()) {
        // destroy (and rebuild) everything!!!
        this.update(this.userOptions, true); // #3845 pass the old options

wrap(seriesTypes.pie.prototype, 'animate', function (proceed) {
    if (!this.chart.is3d()) {
        proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
    } else {
        var args = arguments,
            init = args[1],
            animation = this.options.animation,
            center = this.center,
            group = this.group,
            markerGroup = this.markerGroup;

        if (svg) { // VML is too slow anyway

            if (animation === true) {
                animation = {};
            // Initialize the animation
            if (init) {

                // Scale down the group and place it in the center
                group.oldtranslateX = group.translateX;
                group.oldtranslateY = group.translateY;
                attribs = {
                    translateX: center[0],
                    translateY: center[1],
                    scaleX: 0.001, // #1499
                    scaleY: 0.001

                if (markerGroup) {
                    markerGroup.attrSetters = group.attrSetters;

            // Run the animation
            } else {
                attribs = {
                    translateX: group.oldtranslateX,
                    translateY: group.oldtranslateY,
                    scaleX: 1,
                    scaleY: 1
                group.animate(attribs, animation);

                if (markerGroup) {
                    markerGroup.animate(attribs, animation);

                // Delete this function to allow it only once
                this.animate = null;
