signer.js 7.17 KB
var AWS = require('../core'),
    url = AWS.util.url,
    crypto = AWS.util.crypto.lib,
    base64Encode = AWS.util.base64.encode,
    inherit = AWS.util.inherit;

var queryEncode = function (string) {
    var replacements = {
        '+': '-',
        '=': '_',
        '/': '~'
    return string.replace(/[\+=\/]/g, function (match) {
        return replacements[match];

var signPolicy = function (policy, privateKey) {
    var sign = crypto.createSign('RSA-SHA1');
    return queryEncode(sign.sign(privateKey, 'base64'));

var signWithCannedPolicy = function (url, expires, keyPairId, privateKey) {
    var policy = JSON.stringify({
        Statement: [
                Resource: url,
                Condition: { DateLessThan: { 'AWS:EpochTime': expires } }

    return {
        Expires: expires,
        'Key-Pair-Id': keyPairId,
        Signature: signPolicy(policy.toString(), privateKey)

var signWithCustomPolicy = function (policy, keyPairId, privateKey) {
    policy = policy.replace(/\s/mg, '');

    return {
        Policy: queryEncode(base64Encode(policy)),
        'Key-Pair-Id': keyPairId,
        Signature: signPolicy(policy, privateKey)

var determineScheme = function (url) {
    var parts = url.split('://');
    if (parts.length < 2) {
        throw new Error('Invalid URL.');

    return parts[0].replace('*', '');

var getRtmpUrl = function (rtmpUrl) {
    var parsed = url.parse(rtmpUrl);
    return parsed.path.replace(/^\//, '') + (parsed.hash || '');

var getResource = function (url) {
    switch (determineScheme(url)) {
        case 'http':
        case 'https':
            return url;
        case 'rtmp':
            return getRtmpUrl(url);
            throw new Error('Invalid URI scheme. Scheme must be one of'
                + ' http, https, or rtmp');

var handleError = function (err, callback) {
    if (!callback || typeof callback !== 'function') {
        throw err;


var handleSuccess = function (result, callback) {
    if (!callback || typeof callback !== 'function') {
        return result;

    callback(null, result);

AWS.CloudFront.Signer = inherit({
     * A signer object can be used to generate signed URLs and cookies for granting
     * access to content on restricted CloudFront distributions.
     * @see
     * @param keyPairId [String]    (Required) The ID of the CloudFront key pair
     *                              being used.
     * @param privateKey [String]   (Required) A private key in RSA format.
    constructor: function Signer(keyPairId, privateKey) {
        if (keyPairId === void 0 || privateKey === void 0) {
            throw new Error('A key pair ID and private key are required');

        this.keyPairId = keyPairId;
        this.privateKey = privateKey;

     * Create a signed Amazon CloudFront Cookie.
     * @param options [Object]            The options to create a signed cookie.
     * @option options url [String]     The URL to which the signature will grant
     *                                  access. Required unless you pass in a full
     *                                  policy.
     * @option options expires [Number] A Unix UTC timestamp indicating when the
     *                                  signature should expire. Required unless you
     *                                  pass in a full policy.
     * @option options policy [String]  A CloudFront JSON policy. Required unless
     *                                  you pass in a url and an expiry time.
     * @param cb [Function] if a callback is provided, this function will
     *   pass the hash as the second parameter (after the error parameter) to
     *   the callback function.
     * @return [Object] if called synchronously (with no callback), returns the
     *   signed cookie parameters.
     * @return [null] nothing is returned if a callback is provided.
    getSignedCookie: function (options, cb) {
        var signatureHash = 'policy' in options
            ? signWithCustomPolicy(options.policy, this.keyPairId, this.privateKey)
            : signWithCannedPolicy(options.url, options.expires, this.keyPairId, this.privateKey);

        var cookieHash = {};
        for (var key in signatureHash) {
            if (, key)) {
                cookieHash['CloudFront-' + key] = signatureHash[key];

        return handleSuccess(cookieHash, cb);

     * Create a signed Amazon CloudFront URL.
     * Keep in mind that URLs meant for use in media/flash players may have
     * different requirements for URL formats (e.g. some require that the
     * extension be removed, some require the file name to be prefixed
     * - mp4:<path>, some require you to add "/cfx/st" into your URL).
     * @param options [Object]          The options to create a signed URL.
     * @option options url [String]     The URL to which the signature will grant
     *                                  access. Any query params included with
     *                                  the URL should be encoded. Required.
     * @option options expires [Number] A Unix UTC timestamp indicating when the
     *                                  signature should expire. Required unless you
     *                                  pass in a full policy.
     * @option options policy [String]  A CloudFront JSON policy. Required unless
     *                                  you pass in a url and an expiry time.
     * @param cb [Function] if a callback is provided, this function will
     *   pass the URL as the second parameter (after the error parameter) to
     *   the callback function.
     * @return [String] if called synchronously (with no callback), returns the
     *   signed URL.
     * @return [null] nothing is returned if a callback is provided.
    getSignedUrl: function (options, cb) {
        try {
            var resource = getResource(options.url);
        } catch (err) {
            return handleError(err, cb);

        var parsedUrl = url.parse(options.url, true),
            signatureHash =, 'policy')
                ? signWithCustomPolicy(options.policy, this.keyPairId, this.privateKey)
                : signWithCannedPolicy(resource, options.expires, this.keyPairId, this.privateKey); = null;
        for (var key in signatureHash) {
            if (, key)) {
                parsedUrl.query[key] = signatureHash[key];

        try {
            var signedUrl = determineScheme(options.url) === 'rtmp'
                    ? getRtmpUrl(url.format(parsedUrl))
                    : url.format(parsedUrl);
        } catch (err) {
            return handleError(err, cb);

        return handleSuccess(signedUrl, cb);

 * @api private
module.exports = AWS.CloudFront.Signer;