index.js 1.32 KB
import setupTrackingContext from './lib/setupTrackingContext'
import processTailwindFeatures from './processTailwindFeatures'
import { env } from './lib/sharedState'
import { findAtConfigPath } from './lib/findAtConfigPath'

module.exports = function tailwindcss(configOrPath) {
  return {
    postcssPlugin: 'tailwindcss',
    plugins: [
      env.DEBUG &&
        function (root) {
          console.time('JIT TOTAL')
          return root
      function (root, result) {
        // Use the path for the `@config` directive if it exists, otherwise use the
        // path for the file being processed
        configOrPath = findAtConfigPath(root, result) ?? configOrPath

        let context = setupTrackingContext(configOrPath)

        if (root.type === 'document') {
          let roots = root.nodes.filter((node) => node.type === 'root')

          for (const root of roots) {
            if (root.type === 'root') {
              processTailwindFeatures(context)(root, result)


        processTailwindFeatures(context)(root, result)
      env.DEBUG &&
        function (root) {
          console.timeEnd('JIT TOTAL')
          return root

module.exports.postcss = true