oauth2tests.js 13.9 KB
var vows = require('vows'),
    assert = require('assert'),
    DummyResponse= require('./shared').DummyResponse,
    DummyRequest= require('./shared').DummyRequest,
    https = require('https'),
    OAuth2= require('../lib/oauth2').OAuth2,
    url = require('url');

    'Given an OAuth2 instance with clientId and clientSecret, ': {
      topic: new OAuth2("clientId", "clientSecret"),
      'When dealing with the response from the OP': {
        'we should treat a 201 response as a success': function(oa) {
          var callbackCalled= false;
          var http_library= {
            request: function() {
              return new DummyRequest(new DummyResponse(201));
          oa._executeRequest( http_library, {}, null, function(err, result, response) {
            callbackCalled= true;
            assert.equal(err, null);
        'we should treat a 200 response as a success': function(oa) {
          var callbackCalled= false;
          var http_library= {
            request: function() {
              return new DummyRequest(new DummyResponse(200));
          oa._executeRequest( http_library, {}, null, function(err, result, response) {
            callbackCalled= true;
            assert.equal(err, null);
      'When handling the access token response': {
        'we should correctly extract the token if received as form-data': function (oa) {
            oa._request= function( method, url, fo, bar, bleh, callback) {
              callback(null, "access_token=access&refresh_token=refresh");
            oa.getOAuthAccessToken("", {}, function(error, access_token, refresh_token) {
              assert.equal( access_token, "access");
              assert.equal( refresh_token, "refresh");
        'we should not include access token in both querystring and headers (favours headers if specified)': function (oa) {
            oa._request = new OAuth2("clientId", "clientSecret")._request.bind(oa);
            oa._executeRequest= function( http_library, options, post_body, callback) {
              callback(null, url.parse(options.path, true).query, options.headers);

            oa._request("GET", "http://foo/", {"Authorization":"Bearer BadNews"}, null, "accessx",  function(error, query, headers) {
              assert.ok( !('access_token' in query), "access_token also in query");
              assert.ok( 'Authorization' in headers, "Authorization not in headers");
        'we should include access token in the querystring if no Authorization header present to override it': function (oa) {
           oa._request = new OAuth2("clientId", "clientSecret")._request.bind(oa);
           oa._executeRequest= function( http_library, options, post_body, callback) {
             callback(null, url.parse(options.path, true).query, options.headers);
           oa._request("GET", "http://foo/", {}, null, "access",  function(error, query, headers) {
             assert.ok( 'access_token' in query, "access_token not present in query");
              assert.ok( !('Authorization' in headers), "Authorization in headers");
        'we should correctly extract the token if received as a JSON literal': function (oa) {
          oa._request= function(method, url, headers, post_body, access_token, callback) {
            callback(null, '{"access_token":"access","refresh_token":"refresh"}');
          oa.getOAuthAccessToken("", {}, function(error, access_token, refresh_token) {
            assert.equal( access_token, "access");
            assert.equal( refresh_token, "refresh");
        'we should return the received data to the calling method': function (oa) {
          oa._request= function(method, url, headers, post_body, access_token, callback) {
            callback(null, '{"access_token":"access","refresh_token":"refresh","extra_1":1, "extra_2":"foo"}');
          oa.getOAuthAccessToken("", {}, function(error, access_token, refresh_token, results) {
            assert.equal( access_token, "access");
            assert.equal( refresh_token, "refresh");
            assert.isNotNull( results );
            assert.equal( results.extra_1, 1);
            assert.equal( results.extra_2, "foo");
      'When no grant_type parameter is specified': {
        'we should pass the value of the code argument as the code parameter': function(oa) {
          oa._request= function(method, url, headers, post_body, access_token, callback) {
            assert.isTrue( post_body.indexOf("code=xsds23") != -1 );
          oa.getOAuthAccessToken("xsds23", {} );
      'When an invalid grant_type parameter is specified': {
        'we should pass the value of the code argument as the code parameter': function(oa) {
          oa._request= function(method, url, headers, post_body, access_token, callback) {
            assert.isTrue( post_body.indexOf("code=xsds23") != -1 );
          oa.getOAuthAccessToken("xsds23", {grant_type:"refresh_toucan"} );
      'When a grant_type parameter of value "refresh_token" is specified': {
        'we should pass the value of the code argument as the refresh_token parameter, should pass a grant_type parameter, but shouldn\'t pass a code parameter' : function(oa) {
          oa._request= function(method, url, headers, post_body, access_token, callback) {
            assert.isTrue( post_body.indexOf("refresh_token=sdsds2") != -1 );
            assert.isTrue( post_body.indexOf("grant_type=refresh_token") != -1 );
            assert.isTrue( post_body.indexOf("code=") == -1 );
          oa.getOAuthAccessToken("sdsds2", {grant_type:"refresh_token"} );
      'When we use the authorization header': {
        'and call get with the default authorization method': {
          'we should pass the authorization header with Bearer method and value of the access_token, _request should be passed a null access_token' : function(oa) {
            oa._request= function(method, url, headers, post_body, access_token, callback) {
              assert.equal(headers["Authorization"], "Bearer abcd5");
              assert.isNull( access_token );
            oa.get("", "abcd5");
        'and call get with the authorization method set to Basic': {
          'we should pass the authorization header with Basic method and value of the access_token, _request should be passed a null access_token' : function(oa) {
            oa._request= function(method, url, headers, post_body, access_token, callback) {
              assert.equal(headers["Authorization"], "Basic cdg2");
              assert.isNull( access_token );
            oa.get("", "cdg2");
      'When we do not use the authorization header': {
        'and call get': {
          'we should pass NOT provide an authorization header and the access_token should be being passed to _request' : function(oa) {
            oa._request= function(method, url, headers, post_body, access_token, callback) {
              assert.equal( access_token, "abcd5" );
            oa.get("", "abcd5");
    'Given an OAuth2 instance with clientId, clientSecret and customHeaders': {
      topic: new OAuth2("clientId", "clientSecret", undefined, undefined, undefined,
          { 'SomeHeader': '123' }),
      'When GETing': {
        'we should see the custom headers mixed into headers property in options passed to http-library' : function(oa) {
          oa._executeRequest= function( http_library, options, callback ) {
            assert.equal(options.headers["SomeHeader"], "123");
          oa.get("", {});
    'Given an OAuth2 instance with a clientId and clientSecret': {
      topic: new OAuth2("clientId", "clientSecret"),
        'When POSTing': {
          'we should see a given string being sent to the request' : function(oa) {
            var bodyWritten= false;
            oa._chooseHttpLibrary= function() {
              return {
                request: function(options) {
                  assert.equal(options.headers["Content-Type"], "text/plain");
                  assert.equal(options.headers["Content-Length"], 26);
                  assert.equal(options.method, "POST");
                  return  {
                    end: function() {},
                    on: function() {},
                    write: function(body) {
                      bodyWritten= true;
                      assert.equal(body, "THIS_IS_A_POST_BODY_STRING")
            oa._request("POST", "", {"Content-Type":"text/plain"}, "THIS_IS_A_POST_BODY_STRING");
            assert.ok( bodyWritten );
          'we should see a given buffer being sent to the request' : function(oa) {
            var bodyWritten= false;
            oa._chooseHttpLibrary= function() {
              return {
                request: function(options) {
                  assert.equal(options.headers["Content-Type"], "application/octet-stream");
                  assert.equal(options.headers["Content-Length"], 4);
                  assert.equal(options.method, "POST");
                  return  {
                    end: function() {},
                    on: function() {},
                    write: function(body) {
                      bodyWritten= true;
                      assert.equal(4, body.length)
            oa._request("POST", "", {"Content-Type":"application/octet-stream"}, new Buffer([1,2,3,4]));
            assert.ok( bodyWritten );
        'When PUTing': {
          'we should see a given string being sent to the request' : function(oa) {
            var bodyWritten= false;
            oa._chooseHttpLibrary= function() {
              return {
                request: function(options) {
                  assert.equal(options.headers["Content-Type"], "text/plain");
                  assert.equal(options.headers["Content-Length"], 25);
                  assert.equal(options.method, "PUT");
                  return  {
                    end: function() {},
                    on: function() {},
                    write: function(body) {
                      bodyWritten= true;
                      assert.equal(body, "THIS_IS_A_PUT_BODY_STRING")
            oa._request("PUT", "", {"Content-Type":"text/plain"}, "THIS_IS_A_PUT_BODY_STRING");
            assert.ok( bodyWritten );
          'we should see a given buffer being sent to the request' : function(oa) {
            var bodyWritten= false;
            oa._chooseHttpLibrary= function() {
              return {
                request: function(options) {
                  assert.equal(options.headers["Content-Type"], "application/octet-stream");
                  assert.equal(options.headers["Content-Length"], 4);
                  assert.equal(options.method, "PUT");
                  return  {
                    end: function() {},
                    on: function() {},
                    write: function(body) {
                      bodyWritten= true;
                      assert.equal(4, body.length)
            oa._request("PUT", "", {"Content-Type":"application/octet-stream"}, new Buffer([1,2,3,4]));
            assert.ok( bodyWritten );
    'When the user passes in the User-Agent in customHeaders': {
      topic: new OAuth2("clientId", "clientSecret", undefined, undefined, undefined,
          { 'User-Agent': '123Agent' }),
      'When calling get': {
        'we should see the User-Agent mixed into headers property in options passed to http-library' : function(oa) {
          oa._executeRequest= function( http_library, options, callback ) {
            assert.equal(options.headers["User-Agent"], "123Agent");
          oa.get("", {});
    'When the user does not pass in a User-Agent in customHeaders': {
      topic: new OAuth2("clientId", "clientSecret", undefined, undefined, undefined,
      'When calling get': {
        'we should see the default User-Agent mixed into headers property in options passed to http-library' : function(oa) {
          oa._executeRequest= function( http_library, options, callback ) {
            assert.equal(options.headers["User-Agent"], "Node-oauth");
          oa.get("", {});
    'When specifying an agent, that agent is passed to the HTTP request method' : {
      topic : new OAuth2('clientId', 'clientSecret', undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined),
      'When calling _executeRequest': {
        'we whould see the agent being put into the options' : function(oa) {
          oa.setAgent('awesome agent');
            request : function(options, cb) {
              assert.equal(options.agent, 'awesome agent');
              return new DummyRequest(new DummyResponse(200));
          }, {}, null, function() {});