index.js 8.52 KB
"use strict";
 * @license
 * Copyright 2018 gRPC authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const camelCase = require("lodash.camelcase");
const Protobuf = require("protobufjs");
const descriptor = require("protobufjs/ext/descriptor");
const util_1 = require("./util");
function isAnyExtension(obj) {
    return ('@type' in obj) && (typeof obj['@type'] === 'string');
exports.isAnyExtension = isAnyExtension;
const descriptorOptions = {
    longs: String,
    enums: String,
    bytes: String,
    defaults: true,
    oneofs: true,
    json: true,
function joinName(baseName, name) {
    if (baseName === '') {
        return name;
    else {
        return baseName + '.' + name;
function isHandledReflectionObject(obj) {
    return (obj instanceof Protobuf.Service ||
        obj instanceof Protobuf.Type ||
        obj instanceof Protobuf.Enum);
function isNamespaceBase(obj) {
    return obj instanceof Protobuf.Namespace || obj instanceof Protobuf.Root;
function getAllHandledReflectionObjects(obj, parentName) {
    const objName = joinName(parentName,;
    if (isHandledReflectionObject(obj)) {
        return [[objName, obj]];
    else {
        if (isNamespaceBase(obj) && typeof obj.nested !== 'undefined') {
            return Object.keys(obj.nested)
                .map(name => {
                return getAllHandledReflectionObjects(obj.nested[name], objName);
                .reduce((accumulator, currentValue) => accumulator.concat(currentValue), []);
    return [];
function createDeserializer(cls, options) {
    return function deserialize(argBuf) {
        return cls.toObject(cls.decode(argBuf), options);
function createSerializer(cls) {
    return function serialize(arg) {
        const message = cls.fromObject(arg);
        return cls.encode(message).finish();
function createMethodDefinition(method, serviceName, options, fileDescriptors) {
    /* This is only ever called after the corresponding root.resolveAll(), so we
     * can assume that the resolved request and response types are non-null */
    const requestType = method.resolvedRequestType;
    const responseType = method.resolvedResponseType;
    return {
        path: '/' + serviceName + '/' +,
        requestStream: !!method.requestStream,
        responseStream: !!method.responseStream,
        requestSerialize: createSerializer(requestType),
        requestDeserialize: createDeserializer(requestType, options),
        responseSerialize: createSerializer(responseType),
        responseDeserialize: createDeserializer(responseType, options),
        // TODO(murgatroid99): Find a better way to handle this
        originalName: camelCase(,
        requestType: createMessageDefinition(requestType, fileDescriptors),
        responseType: createMessageDefinition(responseType, fileDescriptors),
function createServiceDefinition(service, name, options, fileDescriptors) {
    const def = {};
    for (const method of service.methodsArray) {
        def[] = createMethodDefinition(method, name, options, fileDescriptors);
    return def;
function createMessageDefinition(message, fileDescriptors) {
    const messageDescriptor = message.toDescriptor('proto3');
    return {
        format: 'Protocol Buffer 3 DescriptorProto',
        type: messageDescriptor.$type.toObject(messageDescriptor, descriptorOptions),
        fileDescriptorProtos: fileDescriptors,
function createEnumDefinition(enumType, fileDescriptors) {
    const enumDescriptor = enumType.toDescriptor('proto3');
    return {
        format: 'Protocol Buffer 3 EnumDescriptorProto',
        type: enumDescriptor.$type.toObject(enumDescriptor, descriptorOptions),
        fileDescriptorProtos: fileDescriptors,
 * function createDefinition(obj: Protobuf.Service, name: string, options:
 * Options): ServiceDefinition; function createDefinition(obj: Protobuf.Type,
 * name: string, options: Options): MessageTypeDefinition; function
 * createDefinition(obj: Protobuf.Enum, name: string, options: Options):
 * EnumTypeDefinition;
function createDefinition(obj, name, options, fileDescriptors) {
    if (obj instanceof Protobuf.Service) {
        return createServiceDefinition(obj, name, options, fileDescriptors);
    else if (obj instanceof Protobuf.Type) {
        return createMessageDefinition(obj, fileDescriptors);
    else if (obj instanceof Protobuf.Enum) {
        return createEnumDefinition(obj, fileDescriptors);
    else {
        throw new Error('Type mismatch in reflection object handling');
function createPackageDefinition(root, options) {
    const def = {};
    const descriptorList = root.toDescriptor('proto3').file;
    const bufferList = => Buffer.from(descriptor.FileDescriptorProto.encode(value).finish()));
    for (const [name, obj] of getAllHandledReflectionObjects(root, '')) {
        def[name] = createDefinition(obj, name, options, bufferList);
    return def;
function createPackageDefinitionFromDescriptorSet(decodedDescriptorSet, options) {
    options = options || {};
    const root = Protobuf.Root.fromDescriptor(decodedDescriptorSet);
    return createPackageDefinition(root, options);
 * Load a .proto file with the specified options.
 * @param filename One or multiple file paths to load. Can be an absolute path
 *     or relative to an include path.
 * @param options.keepCase Preserve field names. The default is to change them
 *     to camel case.
 * @param options.longs The type that should be used to represent `long` values.
 *     Valid options are `Number` and `String`. Defaults to a `Long` object type
 *     from a library.
 * @param options.enums The type that should be used to represent `enum` values.
 *     The only valid option is `String`. Defaults to the numeric value.
 * @param options.bytes The type that should be used to represent `bytes`
 *     values. Valid options are `Array` and `String`. The default is to use
 *     `Buffer`.
 * @param options.defaults Set default values on output objects. Defaults to
 *     `false`.
 * @param options.arrays Set empty arrays for missing array values even if
 *     `defaults` is `false`. Defaults to `false`.
 * @param options.objects Set empty objects for missing object values even if
 *     `defaults` is `false`. Defaults to `false`.
 * @param options.oneofs Set virtual oneof properties to the present field's
 *     name
 * @param options.json Represent Infinity and NaN as strings in float fields,
 *     and automatically decode google.protobuf.Any values.
 * @param options.includeDirs Paths to search for imported `.proto` files.
function load(filename, options) {
    return util_1.loadProtosWithOptions(filename, options).then(loadedRoot => {
        return createPackageDefinition(loadedRoot, options);
exports.load = load;
function loadSync(filename, options) {
    const loadedRoot = util_1.loadProtosWithOptionsSync(filename, options);
    return createPackageDefinition(loadedRoot, options);
exports.loadSync = loadSync;
function fromJSON(json, options) {
    options = options || {};
    const loadedRoot = Protobuf.Root.fromJSON(json);
    return createPackageDefinition(loadedRoot, options);
exports.fromJSON = fromJSON;
function loadFileDescriptorSetFromBuffer(descriptorSet, options) {
    const decodedDescriptorSet = descriptor.FileDescriptorSet.decode(descriptorSet);
    return createPackageDefinitionFromDescriptorSet(decodedDescriptorSet, options);
exports.loadFileDescriptorSetFromBuffer = loadFileDescriptorSetFromBuffer;
function loadFileDescriptorSetFromObject(descriptorSet, options) {
    const decodedDescriptorSet = descriptor.FileDescriptorSet.fromObject(descriptorSet);
    return createPackageDefinitionFromDescriptorSet(decodedDescriptorSet, options);
exports.loadFileDescriptorSetFromObject = loadFileDescriptorSetFromObject;