index.js 9 KB
"use strict";
 * Copyright 2018 Google LLC
 * Distributed under MIT license.
 * See file LICENSE for detail or copy at
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.requestTimeout = exports.resetIsAvailableCache = exports.isAvailable = exports.project = exports.instance = exports.HEADERS = exports.HEADER_VALUE = exports.HEADER_NAME = exports.SECONDARY_HOST_ADDRESS = exports.HOST_ADDRESS = exports.BASE_PATH = void 0;
const gaxios_1 = require("gaxios");
const jsonBigint = require('json-bigint'); // eslint-disable-line
exports.BASE_PATH = '/computeMetadata/v1';
exports.HOST_ADDRESS = '';
exports.HEADER_NAME = 'Metadata-Flavor';
exports.HEADER_VALUE = 'Google';
exports.HEADERS = Object.freeze({ [exports.HEADER_NAME]: exports.HEADER_VALUE });
 * Returns the base URL while taking into account the GCE_METADATA_HOST
 * environment variable if it exists.
 * @returns The base URL, e.g.,
function getBaseUrl(baseUrl) {
    if (!baseUrl) {
        baseUrl =
            process.env.GCE_METADATA_IP ||
                process.env.GCE_METADATA_HOST ||
    // If no scheme is provided default to HTTP:
    if (!/^https?:\/\//.test(baseUrl)) {
        baseUrl = `http://${baseUrl}`;
    return new URL(exports.BASE_PATH, baseUrl).href;
// Accepts an options object passed from the user to the API. In previous
// versions of the API, it referred to a `Request` or an `Axios` request
// options object.  Now it refers to an object with very limited property
// names. This is here to help ensure users don't pass invalid options when
// they  upgrade from 0.4 to 0.5 to 0.8.
function validate(options) {
    Object.keys(options).forEach(key => {
        switch (key) {
            case 'params':
            case 'property':
            case 'headers':
            case 'qs':
                throw new Error("'qs' is not a valid configuration option. Please use 'params' instead.");
                throw new Error(`'${key}' is not a valid configuration option.`);
async function metadataAccessor(type, options, noResponseRetries = 3, fastFail = false) {
    options = options || {};
    if (typeof options === 'string') {
        options = { property: options };
    let property = '';
    if (typeof options === 'object' && {
        property = '/' +;
    try {
        const requestMethod = fastFail ? fastFailMetadataRequest : gaxios_1.request;
        const res = await requestMethod({
            url: `${getBaseUrl()}/${type}${property}`,
            headers: Object.assign({}, exports.HEADERS, options.headers),
            retryConfig: { noResponseRetries },
            params: options.params,
            responseType: 'text',
            timeout: requestTimeout(),
        // NOTE: node.js converts all incoming headers to lower case.
        if (res.headers[exports.HEADER_NAME.toLowerCase()] !== exports.HEADER_VALUE) {
            throw new Error(`Invalid response from metadata service: incorrect ${exports.HEADER_NAME} header.`);
        else if (! {
            throw new Error('Invalid response from the metadata service');
        if (typeof === 'string') {
            try {
                return jsonBigint.parse(;
            catch (_a) {
                /* ignore */
    catch (e) {
        if (e.response && e.response.status !== 200) {
            e.message = `Unsuccessful response status code. ${e.message}`;
        throw e;
async function fastFailMetadataRequest(options) {
    const secondaryOptions = {
        url: options.url.replace(getBaseUrl(), getBaseUrl(exports.SECONDARY_HOST_ADDRESS)),
    // We race a connection between DNS/IP to metadata server. There are a couple
    // reasons for this:
    // 1. the DNS is slow in some GCP environments; by checking both, we might
    //    detect the runtime environment signficantly faster.
    // 2. we can't just check the IP, which is tarpitted and slow to respond
    //    on a user's local machine.
    // Additional logic has been added to make sure that we don't create an
    // unhandled rejection in scenarios where a failure happens sometime
    // after a success.
    // Note, however, if a failure happens prior to a success, a rejection should
    // occur, this is for folks running locally.
    let responded = false;
    const r1 = gaxios_1.request(options)
        .then(res => {
        responded = true;
        return res;
        .catch(err => {
        if (responded) {
            return r2;
        else {
            responded = true;
            throw err;
    const r2 = gaxios_1.request(secondaryOptions)
        .then(res => {
        responded = true;
        return res;
        .catch(err => {
        if (responded) {
            return r1;
        else {
            responded = true;
            throw err;
    return Promise.race([r1, r2]);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
function instance(options) {
    return metadataAccessor('instance', options);
exports.instance = instance;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
function project(options) {
    return metadataAccessor('project', options);
exports.project = project;
 * How many times should we retry detecting GCP environment.
function detectGCPAvailableRetries() {
    return process.env.DETECT_GCP_RETRIES
        ? Number(process.env.DETECT_GCP_RETRIES)
        : 0;
 * Determine if the metadata server is currently available.
let cachedIsAvailableResponse;
async function isAvailable() {
    try {
        // If a user is instantiating several GCP libraries at the same time,
        // this may result in multiple calls to isAvailable(), to detect the
        // runtime environment. We use the same promise for each of these calls
        // to reduce the network load.
        if (cachedIsAvailableResponse === undefined) {
            cachedIsAvailableResponse = metadataAccessor('instance', undefined, detectGCPAvailableRetries(), 
            // If the default HOST_ADDRESS has been overridden, we should not
            // make an effort to try SECONDARY_HOST_ADDRESS (as we are likely in
            // a non-GCP environment):
            !(process.env.GCE_METADATA_IP || process.env.GCE_METADATA_HOST));
        await cachedIsAvailableResponse;
        return true;
    catch (err) {
        if (process.env.DEBUG_AUTH) {
        if (err.type === 'request-timeout') {
            // If running in a GCP environment, metadata endpoint should return
            // within ms.
            return false;
        if (err.response && err.response.status === 404) {
            return false;
        else {
            if (!(err.response && err.response.status === 404) &&
                // A warning is emitted if we see an unexpected err.code, or err.code
                // is not populated:
                (!err.code ||
                    ].includes(err.code))) {
                let code = 'UNKNOWN';
                if (err.code)
                    code = err.code;
                process.emitWarning(`received unexpected error = ${err.message} code = ${code}`, 'MetadataLookupWarning');
            // Failure to resolve the metadata service means that it is not available.
            return false;
exports.isAvailable = isAvailable;
 * reset the memoized isAvailable() lookup.
function resetIsAvailableCache() {
    cachedIsAvailableResponse = undefined;
exports.resetIsAvailableCache = resetIsAvailableCache;
function requestTimeout() {
    // In testing, we were able to reproduce behavior similar to
    // by making many concurrent network requests. Requests do not actually fail,
    // rather they take significantly longer to complete (and we hit our
    // default 3000ms timeout).
    // This logic detects a GCF environment, using the documented environment
    // variables K_SERVICE and FUNCTION_NAME:
    // and, in a GCF environment
    // eliminates timeouts (by setting the value to 0 to disable).
    return process.env.K_SERVICE || process.env.FUNCTION_NAME ? 0 : 3000;
exports.requestTimeout = requestTimeout;