createApiCall.js 4.25 KB
"use strict";
 * Copyright 2020 Google LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.createApiCall = void 0;
 * Provides function wrappers that implement page streaming and retrying.
const apiCaller_1 = require("./apiCaller");
const retries_1 = require("./normalCalls/retries");
const timeout_1 = require("./normalCalls/timeout");
 * Converts an rpc call into an API call governed by the settings.
 * In typical usage, `func` will be a promise to a callable used to make an rpc
 * request. This will mostly likely be a bound method from a request stub used
 * to make an rpc call. It is not a direct function but a Promise instance,
 * because of its asynchronism (typically, obtaining the auth information).
 * The result is a function which manages the API call with the given settings
 * and the options on the invocation.
 * @param {Promise<GRPCCall>|GRPCCall} func - is either a promise to be used to make
 *   a bare RPC call, or just a bare RPC call.
 * @param {CallSettings} settings - provides the settings for this call
 * @param {Descriptor} descriptor - optionally specify the descriptor for
 *   the method call.
 * @return {GaxCall} func - a bound method on a request stub used
 *   to make an rpc call.
function createApiCall(func, settings, descriptor) {
    // we want to be able to accept both promise resolving to a function and a
    // function. Currently client librares are only calling this method with a
    // promise, but it will change.
    const funcPromise = typeof func === 'function' ? Promise.resolve(func) : func;
    // the following apiCaller will be used for all calls of this function...
    const apiCaller = apiCaller_1.createAPICaller(settings, descriptor);
    return (request, callOptions, callback) => {
        const thisSettings = settings.merge(callOptions);
        let currentApiCaller = apiCaller;
        // special case: if bundling is disabled for this one call,
        // use default API caller instead
        if (settings.isBundling && !thisSettings.isBundling) {
            currentApiCaller = apiCaller_1.createAPICaller(settings, undefined);
        const ongoingCall = currentApiCaller.init(callback);
            .then((func) => {
            var _a;
            // Initially, the function is just what gRPC server stub contains.
            func = currentApiCaller.wrap(func);
            const streaming = (_a = currentApiCaller.descriptor) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.streaming;
            const retry = thisSettings.retry;
            if (!streaming &&
                retry &&
                retry.retryCodes &&
                retry.retryCodes.length > 0) {
                retry.backoffSettings.initialRpcTimeoutMillis =
                    retry.backoffSettings.initialRpcTimeoutMillis ||
                return retries_1.retryable(func, thisSettings.retry, thisSettings.otherArgs, thisSettings.apiName);
            return timeout_1.addTimeoutArg(func, thisSettings.timeout, thisSettings.otherArgs);
            .then((apiCall) => {
            // After adding retries / timeouts, the call function becomes simpler:
            // it only accepts request and callback.
  , request, thisSettings, ongoingCall);
            .catch(err => {
  , err);
        // Calls normally return a "cancellable promise" that can be used to `await` for the actual result,
        // or to cancel the ongoing call.
        return currentApiCaller.result(ongoingCall);
exports.createApiCall = createApiCall;