GuildStickerManager.js 5.5 KB
'use strict';

const { Collection } = require('@discordjs/collection');
const CachedManager = require('./CachedManager');
const { TypeError } = require('../errors');
const MessagePayload = require('../structures/MessagePayload');
const { Sticker } = require('../structures/Sticker');

 * Manages API methods for Guild Stickers and stores their cache.
 * @extends {CachedManager}
class GuildStickerManager extends CachedManager {
  constructor(guild, iterable) {
    super(guild.client, Sticker, iterable);

     * The guild this manager belongs to
     * @type {Guild}
    this.guild = guild;

   * The cache of Guild Stickers
   * @type {Collection<Snowflake, Sticker>}
   * @name GuildStickerManager#cache

  _add(data, cache) {
    return super._add(data, cache, { extras: [this.guild] });

   * Options for creating a guild sticker.
   * @typedef {Object} GuildStickerCreateOptions
   * @property {?string} [description] The description for the sticker
   * @property {string} [reason] Reason for creating the sticker

   * Creates a new custom sticker in the guild.
   * @param {BufferResolvable|Stream|FileOptions|MessageAttachment} file The file for the sticker
   * @param {string} name The name for the sticker
   * @param {string} tags The Discord name of a unicode emoji representing the sticker's expression
   * @param {GuildStickerCreateOptions} [options] Options
   * @returns {Promise<Sticker>} The created sticker
   * @example
   * // Create a new sticker from a URL
   * guild.stickers.create('', 'rip', 'headstone')
   *   .then(sticker => console.log(`Created new sticker with name ${}!`))
   *   .catch(console.error);
   * @example
   * // Create a new sticker from a file on your computer
   * guild.stickers.create('./memes/banana.png', 'banana', 'banana')
   *   .then(sticker => console.log(`Created new sticker with name ${}!`))
   *   .catch(console.error);
  async create(file, name, tags, { description, reason } = {}) {
    const resolvedFile = await MessagePayload.resolveFile(file);
    if (!resolvedFile) throw new TypeError('REQ_RESOURCE_TYPE');
    file = { ...resolvedFile, key: 'file' };

    const data = { name, tags, description: description ?? '' };

    const sticker = await this.client.api
      .guilds({ data, files: [file], reason, dontUsePayloadJSON: true });
    return this.client.actions.GuildStickerCreate.handle(this.guild, sticker).sticker;

   * Data that resolves to give a Sticker object. This can be:
   * * A Sticker object
   * * A Snowflake
   * @typedef {Sticker|Snowflake} StickerResolvable

   * Resolves a StickerResolvable to a Sticker object.
   * @method resolve
   * @memberof GuildStickerManager
   * @instance
   * @param {StickerResolvable} sticker The Sticker resolvable to identify
   * @returns {?Sticker}

   * Resolves a StickerResolvable to a Sticker id string.
   * @method resolveId
   * @memberof GuildStickerManager
   * @instance
   * @param {StickerResolvable} sticker The Sticker resolvable to identify
   * @returns {?Snowflake}

   * Edits a sticker.
   * @param {StickerResolvable} sticker The sticker to edit
   * @param {GuildStickerEditData} [data] The new data for the sticker
   * @param {string} [reason] Reason for editing this sticker
   * @returns {Promise<Sticker>}
  async edit(sticker, data, reason) {
    const stickerId = this.resolveId(sticker);
    if (!stickerId) throw new TypeError('INVALID_TYPE', 'sticker', 'StickerResolvable');

    const d = await this.client.api.guilds({

    const existing = this.cache.get(stickerId);
    if (existing) {
      const clone = existing._clone();
      return clone;
    return this._add(d);

   * Deletes a sticker.
   * @param {StickerResolvable} sticker The sticker to delete
   * @param {string} [reason] Reason for deleting this sticker
   * @returns {Promise<void>}
  async delete(sticker, reason) {
    sticker = this.resolveId(sticker);
    if (!sticker) throw new TypeError('INVALID_TYPE', 'sticker', 'StickerResolvable');

    await this.client.api.guilds({ reason });

   * Obtains one or more stickers from Discord, or the sticker cache if they're already available.
   * @param {Snowflake} [id] The Sticker's id
   * @param {BaseFetchOptions} [options] Additional options for this fetch
   * @returns {Promise<Sticker|Collection<Snowflake, Sticker>>}
   * @example
   * // Fetch all stickers from the guild
   * message.guild.stickers.fetch()
   *   .then(stickers => console.log(`There are ${stickers.size} stickers.`))
   *   .catch(console.error);
   * @example
   * // Fetch a single sticker
   * message.guild.stickers.fetch('222078108977594368')
   *   .then(sticker => console.log(`The sticker name is: ${}`))
   *   .catch(console.error);
  async fetch(id, { cache = true, force = false } = {}) {
    if (id) {
      if (!force) {
        const existing = this.cache.get(id);
        if (existing) return existing;
      const sticker = await this.client.api.guilds(;
      return this._add(sticker, cache);

    const data = await this.client.api.guilds(;
    return new Collection( => [, this._add(sticker, cache)]));

module.exports = GuildStickerManager;