RequestHandler.js 13.2 KB
'use strict';

const { setTimeout } = require('node:timers');
const { setTimeout: sleep } = require('node:timers/promises');
const { AsyncQueue } = require('@sapphire/async-queue');
const DiscordAPIError = require('./DiscordAPIError');
const HTTPError = require('./HTTPError');
const RateLimitError = require('./RateLimitError');
const {
} = require('../util/Constants');

function parseResponse(res) {
  if (res.headers.get('content-type').startsWith('application/json')) return res.json();
  return res.buffer();

function getAPIOffset(serverDate) {
  return new Date(serverDate).getTime() -;

function calculateReset(reset, resetAfter, serverDate) {
  // Use direct reset time when available, server date becomes irrelevant in this case
  if (resetAfter) {
    return + Number(resetAfter) * 1_000;
  return new Date(Number(reset) * 1_000).getTime() - getAPIOffset(serverDate);

/* Invalid request limiting is done on a per-IP basis, not a per-token basis.
 * The best we can do is track invalid counts process-wide (on the theory that
 * users could have multiple bots run from one process) rather than per-bot.
 * Therefore, store these at file scope here rather than in the client's
 * RESTManager object.
let invalidCount = 0;
let invalidCountResetTime = null;

class RequestHandler {
  constructor(manager) {
    this.manager = manager;
    this.queue = new AsyncQueue();
    this.reset = -1;
    this.remaining = -1;
    this.limit = -1;

  async push(request) {
    await this.queue.wait();
    try {
      return await this.execute(request);
    } finally {

  get globalLimited() {
    return this.manager.globalRemaining <= 0 && < this.manager.globalReset;

  get localLimited() {
    return this.remaining <= 0 && < this.reset;

  get limited() {
    return this.globalLimited || this.localLimited;

  get _inactive() {
    return this.queue.remaining === 0 && !;

  globalDelayFor(ms) {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        this.manager.globalDelay = null;
      }, ms).unref();

   * Determines whether the request should be queued or whether a RateLimitError should be thrown
  async onRateLimit(request, limit, timeout, isGlobal) {
    const { options } = this.manager.client;
    if (!options.rejectOnRateLimit) return;

    const rateLimitData = {
      method: request.method,
      path: request.path,
      route: request.route,
      global: isGlobal,
    const shouldThrow =
      typeof options.rejectOnRateLimit === 'function'
        ? await options.rejectOnRateLimit(rateLimitData)
        : options.rejectOnRateLimit.some(route => rateLimitData.route.startsWith(route.toLowerCase()));
    if (shouldThrow) {
      throw new RateLimitError(rateLimitData);

  async execute(request) {
     * After calculations have been done, pre-emptively stop further requests
     * Potentially loop until this task can run if e.g. the global rate limit is hit twice
    while ( {
      const isGlobal = this.globalLimited;
      let limit, timeout, delayPromise;

      if (isGlobal) {
        // Set the variables based on the global rate limit
        limit = this.manager.globalLimit;
        timeout = this.manager.globalReset + this.manager.client.options.restTimeOffset -;
      } else {
        // Set the variables based on the route-specific rate limit
        limit = this.limit;
        timeout = this.reset + this.manager.client.options.restTimeOffset -;

      if (this.manager.client.listenerCount(RATE_LIMIT)) {
         * Emitted when the client hits a rate limit while making a request
         * @event BaseClient#rateLimit
         * @param {RateLimitData} rateLimitData Object containing the rate limit info
        this.manager.client.emit(RATE_LIMIT, {
          method: request.method,
          path: request.path,
          route: request.route,
          global: isGlobal,

      if (isGlobal) {
        // If this is the first task to reach the global timeout, set the global delay
        if (!this.manager.globalDelay) {
          // The global delay function should clear the global delay state when it is resolved
          this.manager.globalDelay = this.globalDelayFor(timeout);
        delayPromise = this.manager.globalDelay;
      } else {
        delayPromise = sleep(timeout);

      // Determine whether a RateLimitError should be thrown
      await this.onRateLimit(request, limit, timeout, isGlobal); // eslint-disable-line no-await-in-loop

      // Wait for the timeout to expire in order to avoid an actual 429
      await delayPromise; // eslint-disable-line no-await-in-loop

    // As the request goes out, update the global usage information
    if (!this.manager.globalReset || this.manager.globalReset < {
      this.manager.globalReset = + 1_000;
      this.manager.globalRemaining = this.manager.globalLimit;

     * Represents a request that will or has been made to the Discord API
     * @typedef {Object} APIRequest
     * @property {HTTPMethod} method The HTTP method used in this request
     * @property {string} path The full path used to make the request
     * @property {string} route The API route identifying the rate limit for this request
     * @property {Object} options Additional options for this request
     * @property {number} retries The number of times this request has been attempted

    if (this.manager.client.listenerCount(API_REQUEST)) {
       * Emitted before every API request.
       * This event can emit several times for the same request, e.g. when hitting a rate limit.
       * <info>This is an informational event that is emitted quite frequently,
       * it is highly recommended to check `request.path` to filter the data.</info>
       * @event BaseClient#apiRequest
       * @param {APIRequest} request The request that is about to be sent
      this.manager.client.emit(API_REQUEST, {
        method: request.method,
        path: request.path,
        route: request.route,
        options: request.options,
        retries: request.retries,

    // Perform the request
    let res;
    try {
      res = await request.make();
    } catch (error) {
      // Retry the specified number of times for request abortions
      if (request.retries === this.manager.client.options.retryLimit) {
        throw new HTTPError(error.message,, error.status, request);

      return this.execute(request);

    if (this.manager.client.listenerCount(API_RESPONSE)) {
       * Emitted after every API request has received a response.
       * This event does not necessarily correlate to completion of the request, e.g. when hitting a rate limit.
       * <info>This is an informational event that is emitted quite frequently,
       * it is highly recommended to check `request.path` to filter the data.</info>
       * @event BaseClient#apiResponse
       * @param {APIRequest} request The request that triggered this response
       * @param {Response} response The response received from the Discord API
          method: request.method,
          path: request.path,
          route: request.route,
          options: request.options,
          retries: request.retries,

    let sublimitTimeout;
    if (res.headers) {
      const serverDate = res.headers.get('date');
      const limit = res.headers.get('x-ratelimit-limit');
      const remaining = res.headers.get('x-ratelimit-remaining');
      const reset = res.headers.get('x-ratelimit-reset');
      const resetAfter = res.headers.get('x-ratelimit-reset-after');
      this.limit = limit ? Number(limit) : Infinity;
      this.remaining = remaining ? Number(remaining) : 1;

      this.reset = reset || resetAfter ? calculateReset(reset, resetAfter, serverDate) :;

      if (!resetAfter && request.route.includes('reactions')) {
        this.reset = new Date(serverDate).getTime() - getAPIOffset(serverDate) + 250;

      // Handle retryAfter, which means we have actually hit a rate limit
      let retryAfter = res.headers.get('retry-after');
      retryAfter = retryAfter ? Number(retryAfter) * 1_000 : -1;
      if (retryAfter > 0) {
        // If the global rate limit header is set, that means we hit the global rate limit
        if (res.headers.get('x-ratelimit-global')) {
          this.manager.globalRemaining = 0;
          this.manager.globalReset = + retryAfter;
        } else if (!this.localLimited) {
           * This is a sublimit (e.g. 2 channel name changes/10 minutes) since the headers don't indicate a
           * route-wide rate limit. Don't update remaining or reset to avoid rate limiting the whole
           * endpoint, just set a reset time on the request itself to avoid retrying too soon.
          sublimitTimeout = retryAfter;

    // Count the invalid requests
    if (res.status === 401 || res.status === 403 || res.status === 429) {
      if (!invalidCountResetTime || invalidCountResetTime < {
        invalidCountResetTime = + 1_000 * 60 * 10;
        invalidCount = 0;

      const emitInvalid =
        this.manager.client.listenerCount(INVALID_REQUEST_WARNING) &&
        this.manager.client.options.invalidRequestWarningInterval > 0 &&
        invalidCount % this.manager.client.options.invalidRequestWarningInterval === 0;
      if (emitInvalid) {
         * @typedef {Object} InvalidRequestWarningData
         * @property {number} count Number of invalid requests that have been made in the window
         * @property {number} remainingTime Time in ms remaining before the count resets

         * Emitted periodically when the process sends invalid requests to let users avoid the
         * 10k invalid requests in 10 minutes threshold that causes a ban
         * @event BaseClient#invalidRequestWarning
         * @param {InvalidRequestWarningData} invalidRequestWarningData Object containing the invalid request info
        this.manager.client.emit(INVALID_REQUEST_WARNING, {
          count: invalidCount,
          remainingTime: invalidCountResetTime -,

    // Handle 2xx and 3xx responses
    if (res.ok) {
      // Nothing wrong with the request, proceed with the next one
      return parseResponse(res);

    // Handle 4xx responses
    if (res.status >= 400 && res.status < 500) {
      // Handle ratelimited requests
      if (res.status === 429) {
        const isGlobal = this.globalLimited;
        let limit, timeout;
        if (isGlobal) {
          // Set the variables based on the global rate limit
          limit = this.manager.globalLimit;
          timeout = this.manager.globalReset + this.manager.client.options.restTimeOffset -;
        } else {
          // Set the variables based on the route-specific rate limit
          limit = this.limit;
          timeout = this.reset + this.manager.client.options.restTimeOffset -;

          `Hit a 429 while executing a request.
    Global  : ${isGlobal}
    Method  : ${request.method}
    Path    : ${request.path}
    Route   : ${request.route}
    Limit   : ${limit}
    Timeout : ${timeout}ms
    Sublimit: ${sublimitTimeout ? `${sublimitTimeout}ms` : 'None'}`,

        await this.onRateLimit(request, limit, timeout, isGlobal);

        // If caused by a sublimit, wait it out here so other requests on the route can be handled
        if (sublimitTimeout) {
          await sleep(sublimitTimeout);
        return this.execute(request);

      // Handle possible malformed requests
      let data;
      try {
        data = await parseResponse(res);
      } catch (err) {
        throw new HTTPError(err.message,, err.status, request);

      throw new DiscordAPIError(data, res.status, request);

    // Handle 5xx responses
    if (res.status >= 500 && res.status < 600) {
      // Retry the specified number of times for possible serverside issues
      if (request.retries === this.manager.client.options.retryLimit) {
        throw new HTTPError(res.statusText,, res.status, request);

      return this.execute(request);

    // Fallback in the rare case a status code outside the range 200..=599 is returned
    return null;

module.exports = RequestHandler;

 * @external HTTPMethod
 * @see {@link}

 * @external Response
 * @see {@link}