Joung Jiwon

Merge branch 'cal' into 'master'

ejs page

See merge request !12
const express = require('express');
const request = require('request');
const http = require('http');
const app = express();
var bodyParser = require("body-parser");
let path = require('path');
let server = http.createServer(app);
app.set('view engine','ejs');
app.set('views', path.join(__dirname, 'views'));
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended : false }));"/", function(req, res){
//let sxv = req.render(sx)
//let syv = req.render(sy)
//let exv = req.render(ex)
//let eyv = req.render(ey)
app.get('/', function (req, response) {
let requestUrl = ""
request.get(requestUrl, (err, res, body) => {
if (err) {
console.log(`err => ${err}`)
else {
if (res.statusCode == 200) {
var result = body
var obj = JSON.parse(result);
//console.log(`body data => ${result}`)
var time = (obj)["result"]["path"][0].info.totalTime
var pay = (obj)["result"]["path"][0].info.payment
var distance = (obj)["result"]["path"][0].info.totalDistance
response.render('index', {
time: time,
pay: pay,
distance: distance
server.listen('3000', 'localhost', function () {
console.log('server listen on port:' + server.address().port);
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매일 학교에 통학하시나요?<br>
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<option value="0">1학년 1학기</option>
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<div class="answer-field">한번 갈 때마다 ...<br>
<span class="answer-highlight" id="hour"><%= Math.floor(time/60) %></span> 시간
<span class="answer-highlight" id="minute"><%= time%60 %></span><br>
<span class="answer-highlight" id="pay"><%= pay %></span><br>
<span class="answer-highlight" id="distance"><%= distance %></span> m <br>
<div class="row">
<div id="list-answer">
<div class="answer-field" id="answer-how-many-hours">
지금까지 <span class="answer-highlight" id="since">?</span>시간을 길에서 보내셨군요<br>
졸업까지 앞으로 <span class="answer-highlight" id="until">?</span>시간은 더 길에서 보내시면 됩니다.<br>
<div class="row">
<div class="answer-detail-question">
이 시간에 알바를 했다면? <span id="salary">?</span><br>
교통비로 국밥 <span id="dish">?</span>그릇<br>
이 거리라면 에베레스트 등반을 <span id="everest">?</span>번이나...<br>
지구를 <span id="earth">?</span>바퀴나 돌아요<br><br><br>
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btn.addEventListener('click', updateBtn);
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address: start
}, function (status, response) {
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return alert('Something wrong!');
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items = result.items;
var sx = result.items[0].point.x;
var sy = result.items[0].point.y;
address: end
}, function (status, response) {
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return alert('Something wrong!');
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var ex = 126.921666;
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zoom: 10
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//노선그래픽 데이터 호출
//길찾기 API 호출
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//ODsay apiKey 입력
var url = "" + mabObj + "&apiKey=D5/cqOgLNnn/iHrOs3rXewYFNPO6KVQvntHKQ/5muGA";"GET", url, true);
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new naver.maps.LatLng(, resultJsonData.result.boundary.left),
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// 지도위 마커 표시해주는 함수
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var marker = new naver.maps.Marker({
position: new naver.maps.LatLng(y, x),
map: map
// 노선그래픽 데이터를 이용하여 지도위 폴리라인 그려주는 함수
function drawNaverPolyLine(data) {
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lineArray.push(new naver.maps.LatLng(data.result.lane[i].section[j].graphPos[k].y, data.result.lane[i].section[j].graphPos[k].x));
//지하철결과의 경우 노선에 따른 라인색상 지정하는 부분 (1,2호선의 경우만 예로 들음)
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map: map,
path: lineArray,
strokeWeight: 3,
strokeColor: '#003499'
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var polyline = new naver.maps.Polyline({
map: map,
path: lineArray,
strokeWeight: 3,
strokeColor: '#37b42d'
} else {
var polyline = new naver.maps.Polyline({
map: map,
path: lineArray,
strokeWeight: 3
<script> //값 계산
$('button-calculate').click(function () {
function semester() {
var target = document.getElementById("semester").value;
var input = 0
var since, until, salary, dish, everest, earth
// 임시값 지정
var time = document.getElementById("hour").innerHTML
var pay = document.getElementById("pay").innerHTML
var distance = document.getElementById("distance").innerHTML
function sum(sem) {
since = sem * time * 150
until = (8 - sem) * time * 150
salary = sem * since * 8590
dish = Math.floor((sem * pay * 150) / 6000)
everest = Math.floor((sem * distance * 2) / 8846)
earth = ((sem * distance * 2) / 40075000).toFixed(3)
if (target == 'sem-1-1') {
input = 1
else if (target == 'sem-1-2') {
input = 2
else if (target == 'sem-2-1') {
input = 3
else if (target == 'sem-2-2') {
input = 4
else if (target == 'sem-3-1') {
input = 5
else if (target == 'sem-3-2') {
input = 6
else if (target == 'sem-4-1') {
input = 7
else if (target == 'sem-4-2') {
input = 8
document.getElementById("since").innerHTML = since
document.getElementById("until").innerHTML = until
document.getElementById("salary").innerHTML = salary
document.getElementById("dish").innerHTML = dish
document.getElementById("everest").innerHTML = everest
document.getElementById("earth").innerHTML = earth
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