pathTemplate.js 10.1 KB
"use strict";
 * Copyright 2020 Google LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.PathTemplate = void 0;
class PathTemplate {
     * @param {String} data the of the template
     * @constructor
    constructor(data) {
        this.bindings = {}; = data;
        this.segments = this.parsePathTemplate(data);
        this.size = this.segments.length;
     * Matches a fully-qualified path template string.
     * @param {String} path a fully-qualified path template string
     * @return {Object} contains const names matched to binding values
     * @throws {TypeError} if path can't be matched to this template
    match(path) {
        let pathSegments = path.split('/');
        const bindings = {};
        if (pathSegments.length !== this.segments.length) {
            // if the path contains a wildcard, then the length may differ by 1.
            if (!'**')) {
                throw new TypeError(`This path ${path} does not match path template ${}, the number of parameters is not same.`);
            else if (pathSegments.length !== this.segments.length + 1) {
                throw new TypeError(`This path ${path} does not match path template ${}, the number of parameters is not same with one wildcard.`);
        for (let index = 0; index < this.segments.length && pathSegments.length > 0; index++) {
            if (this.segments[index] !== pathSegments[0]) {
                if (!this.segments[index].includes('*')) {
                    throw new TypeError(`segment does not match, ${this.segments[index]} and  ${pathSegments[index]}.`);
                else {
                    let segment = this.segments[index];
                    const variable = segment.match(/(?<={)[$0-9a-zA-Z_]+(?==.*})/g) || [];
                    if (segment.includes('**')) {
                        bindings[variable[0]] = pathSegments[0] + '/' + pathSegments[1];
                        pathSegments = pathSegments.slice(2);
                    else {
                        // atomic resource
                        if (variable.length === 1) {
                            bindings[variable[0]] = pathSegments[0];
                        else {
                            // non-slash resource
                            // segment: {blurb_id=*}.{legacy_user=*} to match pathSegments: ['bar.user2']
                            // split the match pathSegments[0] -> value: ['bar', 'user2']
                            // compare the length of two arrays, and compare array items
                            const value = pathSegments[0].split(/[-_.~]/);
                            if (value.length !== variable.length) {
                                throw new Error(`segment ${segment} does not match ${pathSegments[0]}`);
                            for (const v of variable) {
                                bindings[v] = value[0];
                                segment = segment.replace(`{${v}=*}`, `${value[0]}`);
                            // segment: {blurb_id=*}.{legacy_user=*} matching pathSegments: ['bar~user2'] should fail
                            if (segment !== pathSegments[0]) {
                                throw new TypeError(`non slash resource pattern ${this.segments[index]} and ${pathSegments[0]} should have same separator`);
            else {
        return bindings;
     * Renders a path template using the provided bindings.
     * @param {Object} bindings a mapping of const names to binding strings
     * @return {String} a rendered representation of the path template
     * @throws {TypeError} if a key is missing, or if a sub-template cannot be
     *   parsed
    render(bindings) {
        if (Object.keys(bindings).length !== Object.keys(this.bindings).length) {
            throw new TypeError(`The number of variables ${Object.keys(bindings).length} does not match the number of needed variables ${Object.keys(this.bindings).length}`);
        let path = this.inspect();
        for (const key of Object.keys(bindings)) {
            const b = bindings[key].toString();
            if (!this.bindings[key]) {
                throw new TypeError(`render fails for not matching ${bindings[key]}`);
            const variable = this.bindings[key];
            if (variable === '*') {
                if (!b.match(/[^/{}]+/)) {
                    throw new TypeError(`render fails for not matching ${b}`);
                path = path.replace(`{${key}=*}`, `${b}`);
            else if (variable === '**') {
                if (!b.match(/[^{}]+/)) {
                    throw new TypeError(`render fails for not matching ${b}`);
                path = path.replace(`{${key}=**}`, `${b}`);
        return path;
     * Renders the path template.
     * @return {string} contains const names matched to binding values
    inspect() {
        return this.segments.join('/');
     * Parse the path template.
     * @return {string[]} return segments of the input path.
     * For example: 'buckets/{hello}'' will give back ['buckets', {hello=*}]
    parsePathTemplate(data) {
        const pathSegments = splitPathTemplate(data);
        let index = 0;
        let wildCardCount = 0;
        const segments = [];
        pathSegments.forEach(segment => {
            // * or ** -> segments.push('{$0=*}');
            //         -> bindings['$0'] = '*'
            if (segment === '*' || segment === '**') {
                this.bindings[`$${index}`] = segment;
                index = index + 1;
                if (segment === '**') {
                    wildCardCount = wildCardCount + 1;
            // {project}~{location} -> {project=*}~{location=*}
            else if (segment.match(/(?<={)[0-9a-zA-Z-.~_]+(?:}[-._~]?{)[0-9a-zA-Z-.~_]+(?=})/)) {
                // [project, location]
                const variable = segment.match(/(?<=\{).*?(?=(?:=.*?)?\})/g) || [];
                for (const v of variable) {
                    this.bindings[v] = '*';
                    segment = segment.replace(v, v + '=*');
            // {project} / {project=*} -> segments.push('{project=*}');
            //           -> bindings['project'] = '*'
            else if (segment.match(/(?<={)[0-9a-zA-Z-.~_]+(?=(=\*)?})/)) {
                const variable = segment.match(/(?<={)[0-9a-zA-Z-.~_]+(?=(=\*)?})/);
                this.bindings[variable[0]] = '*';
            // {project=**} -> segments.push('{project=**}');
            //           -> bindings['project'] = '**'
            else if (segment.match(/(?<={)[0-9a-zA-Z-.~_]+(?=(=\*\*)})/)) {
                const variable = segment.match(/(?<={)[0-9a-zA-Z-.~_]+(?=(=\*\*)})/);
                this.bindings[variable[0]] = '**';
                wildCardCount = wildCardCount + 1;
            // {hello=/what} -> segments.push('{hello=/what}');
            //              -> no binding in this case
            else if (segment.match(/(?<={)[0-9a-zA-Z-.~_]+=[^*]+(?=})/)) {
            // helloazAZ09-.~_what -> segments.push('helloazAZ09-.~_what');
            //              -> no binding in this case
            else if (segment.match(/[0-9a-zA-Z-.~_]+/)) {
            if (wildCardCount > 1) {
                throw new TypeError('Can not have more than one wildcard.');
        return segments;
exports.PathTemplate = PathTemplate;
 * Split the path template by `/`.
 * It can not be simply splitted by `/` because there might be `/` in the segments.
 * For example: 'a/b/{a=hello/world}' we do not want to break the brackets pair
 * so above path will be splitted as ['a', 'b', '{a=hello/world}']
function splitPathTemplate(data) {
    let left = 0;
    let right = 0;
    let bracketCount = 0;
    const segments = [];
    while (right >= left && right < data.length) {
        if (data.charAt(right) === '{') {
            bracketCount = bracketCount + 1;
        else if (data.charAt(right) === '}') {
            bracketCount = bracketCount - 1;
        else if (data.charAt(right) === '/') {
            if (right === data.length - 1) {
                throw new TypeError('Invalid path, it can not be ended by /');
            if (bracketCount === 0) {
                // complete bracket, to avoid the case a/b/**/*/{a=hello/world}
                segments.push(data.substring(left, right));
                left = right + 1;
        if (right === data.length - 1) {
            if (bracketCount !== 0) {
                throw new TypeError('Brackets are invalid.');
        right = right + 1;
    return segments;