bundleExecutor.js 7.69 KB
"use strict";
 * Copyright 2020 Google LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.BundleExecutor = void 0;
const status_1 = require("../status");
const googleError_1 = require("../googleError");
const warnings_1 = require("../warnings");
const bundlingUtils_1 = require("./bundlingUtils");
const task_1 = require("./task");
function noop() { }
 * BundleExecutor stores several timers for each bundle (calls are bundled based
 * on the options passed, each bundle has unique ID that is calculated based on
 * field values). Each timer fires and sends a call after certain amount of
 * time, and if a new request comes to the same bundle, the timer can be
 * restarted.
class BundleExecutor {
     * Organizes requests for an api service that requires to bundle them.
     * @param {BundleOptions} bundleOptions - configures strategy this instance
     *   uses when executing bundled functions.
     * @param {BundleDescriptor} bundleDescriptor - the description of the bundling.
     * @constructor
    constructor(bundleOptions, bundleDescriptor) {
        this._options = bundleOptions;
        this._descriptor = bundleDescriptor;
        this._tasks = {};
        this._timers = {};
        this._invocations = {};
        this._invocationId = 0;
     * Schedule a method call.
     * @param {function} apiCall - the function for an API call.
     * @param {Object} request - the request object to be bundled with others.
     * @param {APICallback} callback - the callback to be called when the method finished.
     * @return {function()} - the function to cancel the scheduled invocation.
    schedule(apiCall, request, callback) {
        const bundleId = bundlingUtils_1.computeBundleId(request, this._descriptor.requestDiscriminatorFields);
        callback = (callback || noop);
        if (bundleId === undefined) {
            warnings_1.warn('bundling_schedule_bundleid_undefined', 'The request does not have enough information for request bundling. ' +
                `Invoking immediately. Request: ${JSON.stringify(request)} ` +
                `discriminator fields: ${this._descriptor.requestDiscriminatorFields}`);
            return apiCall(request, callback);
        if (request[this._descriptor.bundledField] === undefined) {
            warnings_1.warn('bundling_no_bundled_field', `Request does not contain field ${this._descriptor.bundledField} that must present for bundling. ` +
                `Invoking immediately. Request: ${JSON.stringify(request)}`);
            return apiCall(request, callback);
        if (!(bundleId in this._tasks)) {
            this._tasks[bundleId] = new task_1.Task(apiCall, request, this._descriptor.bundledField, this._descriptor.subresponseField);
        let task = this._tasks[bundleId];
        callback.id = String(this._invocationId++);
        this._invocations[callback.id] = bundleId;
        const bundledField = request[this._descriptor.bundledField];
        const elementCount = bundledField.length;
        let requestBytes = 0;
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias
        const self = this;
        bundledField.forEach(obj => {
            requestBytes += this._descriptor.byteLengthFunction(obj);
        const countLimit = this._options.elementCountLimit || 0;
        const byteLimit = this._options.requestByteLimit || 0;
        if ((countLimit > 0 && elementCount > countLimit) ||
            (byteLimit > 0 && requestBytes >= byteLimit)) {
            let message;
            if (countLimit > 0 && elementCount > countLimit) {
                message =
                    'The number of elements ' +
                        elementCount +
                        ' exceeds the limit ' +
            else {
                message =
                    'The required bytes ' +
                        requestBytes +
                        ' exceeds the limit ' +
            const error = new googleError_1.GoogleError(message);
            error.code = status_1.Status.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
            return {
                cancel: noop,
        const existingCount = task.getElementCount();
        const existingBytes = task.getRequestByteSize();
        if ((countLimit > 0 && elementCount + existingCount >= countLimit) ||
            (byteLimit > 0 && requestBytes + existingBytes >= byteLimit)) {
            this._tasks[bundleId] = new task_1.Task(apiCall, request, this._descriptor.bundledField, this._descriptor.subresponseField);
            task = this._tasks[bundleId];
        task.extend(bundledField, requestBytes, callback);
        const ret = {
            cancel() {
        const countThreshold = this._options.elementCountThreshold || 0;
        const sizeThreshold = this._options.requestByteThreshold || 0;
        if ((countThreshold > 0 && task.getElementCount() >= countThreshold) ||
            (sizeThreshold > 0 && task.getRequestByteSize() >= sizeThreshold)) {
            return ret;
        if (!(bundleId in this._timers) && this._options.delayThreshold > 0) {
            this._timers[bundleId] = setTimeout(() => {
                delete this._timers[bundleId];
            }, this._options.delayThreshold);
        return ret;
     * Clears scheduled timeout if it exists.
     * @param {String} bundleId - the id for the task whose timeout needs to be
     *   cleared.
     * @private
    _maybeClearTimeout(bundleId) {
        if (bundleId in this._timers) {
            const timerId = this._timers[bundleId];
            delete this._timers[bundleId];
     * Cancels an event.
     * @param {String} id - The id for the event in the task.
     * @private
    _cancel(id) {
        if (!(id in this._invocations)) {
        const bundleId = this._invocations[id];
        if (!(bundleId in this._tasks)) {
        const task = this._tasks[bundleId];
        delete this._invocations[id];
        if (task.cancel(id)) {
            delete this._tasks[bundleId];
     * Invokes a task.
     * @param {String} bundleId - The id for the task.
     * @private
    _runNow(bundleId) {
        if (!(bundleId in this._tasks)) {
            warnings_1.warn('bundle_runnow_bundleid_unknown', `No such bundleid: ${bundleId}`);
        const task = this._tasks[bundleId];
        delete this._tasks[bundleId];
        task.run().forEach(id => {
            delete this._invocations[id];
exports.BundleExecutor = BundleExecutor;
//# sourceMappingURL=bundleExecutor.js.map