
change trainee avatar setting

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100122: girlBone_RightToe_End
100124: girlBone_RightToeBase
100126: girlBone_RightUpLeg
100128: girlBone_root
100130: girlBone_Spine
100132: girlBone_Spine1
100134: girlBone_Spine2
100136: hair_01
100138: nacked_arms
100140: nacked_body
100142: nacked_boots
100144: nacked_hair
100146: nacked_pants
100148: //RootNode
400000: face
400002: girlBone_eyes
400004: girlBone_eyes_end
400006: girlBone_Head
400008: girlBone_Hips
400010: girlBone_LeftArm
400012: girlBone_LeftFoot
400014: girlBone_LeftForeArm
400016: girlBone_LeftHand
400018: girlBone_LeftHandIndex1
400020: girlBone_LeftHandIndex2
400022: girlBone_LeftHandIndex3
400024: girlBone_LeftHandIndex4
400026: girlBone_LeftHandMiddle1
400028: girlBone_LeftHandMiddle2
400030: girlBone_LeftHandMiddle3
400032: girlBone_LeftHandMiddle4
400034: girlBone_LeftHandPinky1
400036: girlBone_LeftHandPinky2
400038: girlBone_LeftHandPinky3
400040: girlBone_LeftHandPinky4
400042: girlBone_LeftHandRing1
400044: girlBone_LeftHandRing2
400046: girlBone_LeftHandRing3
400048: girlBone_LeftHandRing4
400050: girlBone_LeftHandThumb1
400052: girlBone_LeftHandThumb2
400054: girlBone_LeftHandThumb3
400056: girlBone_LeftHandThumb4
400058: girlBone_LeftLeg
400060: girlBone_LeftShoulder
400062: girlBone_LeftToe_End
400064: girlBone_LeftToeBase
400066: girlBone_LeftUpLeg
400068: girlBone_Neck
400070: girlBone_RightArm
400072: girlBone_RightFoot
400074: girlBone_RightForeArm
400076: girlBone_RightHand
400078: girlBone_RightHandIndex1
400080: girlBone_RightHandIndex2
400082: girlBone_RightHandIndex3
400084: girlBone_RightHandIndex4
400086: girlBone_RightHandMiddle1
400088: girlBone_RightHandMiddle2
400090: girlBone_RightHandMiddle3
400092: girlBone_RightHandMiddle4
400094: girlBone_RightHandPinky1
400096: girlBone_RightHandPinky2
400098: girlBone_RightHandPinky3
400100: girlBone_RightHandPinky4
400102: girlBone_RightHandRing1
400104: girlBone_RightHandRing2
400106: girlBone_RightHandRing3
400108: girlBone_RightHandRing4
400110: girlBone_RightHandThumb1
400112: girlBone_RightHandThumb2
400114: girlBone_RightHandThumb3
400116: girlBone_RightHandThumb4
400118: girlBone_RightLeg
400120: girlBone_RightShoulder
400122: girlBone_RightToe_End
400124: girlBone_RightToeBase
400126: girlBone_RightUpLeg
400128: girlBone_root
400130: girlBone_Spine
400132: girlBone_Spine1
400134: girlBone_Spine2
400136: hair_01
400138: nacked_arms
400140: nacked_body
400142: nacked_boots
400144: nacked_hair
400146: nacked_pants
400148: //RootNode
2100000: 09 - Default
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4300002: nacked_arms
4300004: nacked_body
4300006: nacked_boots
4300008: nacked_hair
4300010: nacked_pants
4300012: face
7400000: T_pose
9500000: //RootNode
13700000: face
13700002: hair_01
13700004: nacked_arms
13700006: nacked_body
13700008: nacked_boots
13700010: nacked_hair
13700012: nacked_pants
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