

import os
import PIL
from PIL import Image, ImageEnhance, ImageFilter
import random
import cv2, argparse
import numpy as np
from xml.etree.ElementTree import *
from pascal_voc_writer import Writer
def image_overlay(src, color="#FFFFFF", alpha=0.5):
overlay = Image.new('RGBA', src.size, color)
bw_src = ImageEnhance.Color(src).enhance(0.0)
return Image.blend(bw_src, overlay, alpha)
def insert_black_mask(img):
black_mask = Image.new('RGBA',img.size, (0, 0, 0))
val = random.randint(100, 150)
img.paste(black_mask, (0, 0,img.size[0], img.size[1]), mask = black_mask)
return img
def random_bright_contrast(img):
img = ImageEnhance.Contrast(img)
num_contrast = random.uniform(0.7, 1.5)
img = img.enhance(num_contrast)
num_brightness = random.uniform(0.8, 1.0)
img = ImageEnhance.Brightness(img)
img = img.enhance(num_brightness)
if random.random() < 0.1:
img = img.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR)
return img
def image_filtering(img, ang_range=1.2, shear_range=1.5, trans_range=1):
img = np.array(img)
# Rotation
ang_rot = np.random.uniform(ang_range) - ang_range / 2
rows, cols, ch = img.shape
Rot_M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((cols / 2, rows / 2), ang_rot, 0.9)
# Translation
tr_x = trans_range * np.random.uniform() - trans_range / 2
tr_y = trans_range * np.random.uniform() - trans_range / 2
Trans_M = np.float32([[1, 0, tr_x], [0, 1, tr_y]])
# Shear
pts1 = np.float32([[5, 5], [20, 5], [5, 20]])
pt1 = 5 + shear_range * np.random.uniform() - shear_range / 2
pt2 = 20 + shear_range * np.random.uniform() - shear_range / 2
pts2 = np.float32([[pt1, 5], [pt2, pt1], [5, pt2]])
shear_M = cv2.getAffineTransform(pts1, pts2)
img = cv2.warpAffine(img, Rot_M, (cols, rows))
img = cv2.warpAffine(img, Trans_M, (cols, rows))
img = cv2.warpAffine(img, shear_M, (cols, rows))
img = Image.fromarray(img)
return img
def image_augmentation(img, car_img, car_boxes):
bbox = None
car_box_1 = car_boxes[0]
car_box_2 = car_boxes[1]
width_of_plate_holder = car_box_1[2] - car_box_1[0]
wpercent = (width_of_plate_holder / float(img.size[0]))
hsize = int((float(img.size[1]) * float(wpercent)))
img = img.resize((width_of_plate_holder, hsize), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
img = np.array(img)
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2BGRA)
w, h, _ = img.shape
pts1 = np.float32([[0, 0], [0, w], [h, 0], [h, w]])
h_change = abs(car_box_1[1] - car_box_2[1])
if (abs(car_box_1[0] - car_box_2[0])) < (width_of_plate_holder / 2):
pts2 = np.float32([[0, h_change], [0, w], [h, 0], [h, w - h_change]])
elif (abs(car_box_1[0] - car_box_2[0])) >(width_of_plate_holder / 2):
pts2 = np.float32([[0, 0], [0, w - h_change], [h, h_change], [h, w ]])
pts2 = np.float32([[0, 0], [0, w], [h, 0], [h, w]])
M = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(pts1, pts2)
img = cv2.warpPerspective(img, M, (h, w), flags = cv2.INTER_CUBIC, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, borderValue = [0, 0, 0, 0])
img = Image.fromarray(img)
width, height = img.size
width_prop = car_boxes[0][0]
height_prop = car_boxes[0][1]
car_img.paste(img, (width_prop, height_prop, width + width_prop, height + height_prop), mask = img)
bbox = [width_prop, height_prop, width + width_prop, height + height_prop]
return car_img, bbox
class ImageGenerator:
def __init__(self, components_path, detection_images_path,
detection_annotations_path, recognition_data_path, cars_path, background_path):
# paths inintialization
self.components_path = components_path
self.detection_images_path = detection_images_path
self.detection_annotations_path = detection_annotations_path
self.recognition_data_path = recognition_data_path
self.cars_path = cars_path
self.background_path = background_path
# plates initializtion
plate_files_path = 'plates_type_'
self.plate_types = ["blank", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"]
# plate type 1
self.Plate_1_images, self.Plate_1_names = self.init_component(
components_path + plate_files_path + self.plate_types[1] + '/')
# plate type 2
self.Plate_2_images, self.Plate_2_names = self.init_component(
components_path + plate_files_path + self.plate_types[2] + '/')
# plate type 3
self.Plate_3_images, self.Plate_3_names = self.init_component(
components_path + plate_files_path + self.plate_types[3] + '/')
# plate type 4
self.Plate_4_images, self.Plate_4_names = self.init_component(
components_path + plate_files_path + self.plate_types[4] + '/')
# plate type 5
self.Plate_5_images, self.Plate_5_names = self.init_component(
components_path + plate_files_path + self.plate_types[5] + '/')
# plate type 6
self.Plate_6_images, self.Plate_6_names = self.init_component(
components_path + plate_files_path + self.plate_types[6] + '/')
# components init paths
chars_path = 'char_'
nums_path = 'num_'
regions_path = 'regions_'
# folders dictionary
chars_dic = {"black":"black", "white":"white"}
nums_dic = {"white":"white", "black":"black"}
regions_dic = {"region_black":"black", "region_white":"white", "regions_type_4":"type_4"}
# black chars
self.black_chars_images, self.black_chars_names = self.init_component(
components_path + chars_path + chars_dic["black"] + '/')
# white chars
self.white_chars_images, self.white_chars_names = self.init_component(
components_path + chars_path + chars_dic["white"] + '/')
# white numbers
self.white_numbers_images, self.white_numbers_names = self.init_component(
components_path + nums_path + nums_dic["white"] + '/')
# black numbers
self.black_numbers_images, self.black_numbers_names = self.init_component(
components_path + nums_path + nums_dic["black"] + '/')
# white regions
self.white_regions_images, self.white_regions_names = self.init_component(
components_path + regions_path + regions_dic["region_white"] + '/')
# black regions
self.black_regions_images, self.black_regions_names = self.init_component(
components_path + regions_path + regions_dic["region_black"] + '/')
# type 4 regions
self.type_4_regions_images, self.type_4_regions_names = self.init_component(
components_path + regions_path + regions_dic["regions_type_4"] + '/')
self.type_1_components = {"Plate_images":self.Plate_1_images,
"Plate_resize":(520, 110),
"Chars":[self.black_chars_images, self.black_chars_names],
"Numbers":[self.black_numbers_images, self.black_numbers_names],
"Order":[{"type":"Numbers", "place":(50,15), "resize":(50,80)},
{"type":"Numbers", "place":(105,15), "resize":(50,80)},
{"type":"Chars", "place":(160,20), "resize":(50,70)},
{"type":"Numbers", "place":(255,15), "resize":(50,80)},
{"type":"Numbers", "place":(310,15), "resize":(50,80)},
{"type":"Numbers", "place":(365,15), "resize":(50,80)},
{"type":"Numbers", "place":(420,15), "resize":(50,80)}]}
self.type_2_components = {"Plate_images":self.Plate_2_images,
"Plate_resize":(335, 155),
"Chars":[self.black_chars_images, self.black_chars_names],
"Numbers":[self.black_numbers_images, self.black_numbers_names],
"Order":[{"type":"Numbers", "place":(10,50), "resize":(40,80)},
{"type":"Numbers", "place":(55,50), "resize":(40,80)},
{"type":"Chars", "place":(100,60), "resize":(40,70)},
{"type":"Numbers", "place":(150,50), "resize":(40,80)},
{"type":"Numbers", "place":(195,50), "resize":(40,80)},
{"type":"Numbers", "place":(240,50), "resize":(40,80)},
{"type":"Numbers", "place":(285,50), "resize":(40,80)}]}
self.type_3_components = {"Plate_images":self.Plate_3_images,
"Plate_resize":(335, 170),
"Chars":[self.black_chars_images, self.black_chars_names],
"Numbers":[self.black_numbers_images, self.black_numbers_names],
"Regions":[self.black_regions_images, self.black_regions_names],
"Order":[{"type":"Regions", "place":(80,10), "resize":(80,50)},
{"type":"Numbers", "place":(180,10), "resize":(30,50)},
{"type":"Numbers", "place":(215,10), "resize":(30,50)},
{"type":"Chars", "place":(15,70), "resize":(60,70)},
{"type":"Numbers", "place":(80,70), "resize":(50,90)},
{"type":"Numbers", "place":(140,70), "resize":(50,90)},
{"type":"Numbers", "place":(200,70), "resize":(50,90)},
{"type":"Numbers", "place":(260,70), "resize":(50,90)}]}
self.type_4_components = {"Plate_images":self.Plate_4_images,
"Plate_resize":(520, 110),
"Chars":[self.black_chars_images, self.black_chars_names],
"Numbers":[self.black_numbers_images, self.black_numbers_names],
"Regions":[ self.type_4_regions_images, self.type_4_regions_names],
"Order":[{"type":"Regions", "place":(30,15), "resize":(50,80)},
{"type":"Numbers", "place":(90,15), "resize":(50,80)},
{"type":"Numbers", "place":(145,15), "resize":(50,80)},
{"type":"Chars", "place":(200,20), "resize":(50,70)},
{"type":"Numbers", "place":(270,15), "resize":(50,80)},
{"type":"Numbers", "place":(325,15), "resize":(50,80)},
{"type":"Numbers", "place":(380,15), "resize":(50,80)},
{"type":"Numbers", "place":(435,15), "resize":(50,80)}]}
self.type_5_components = {"Plate_images":self.Plate_5_images,
"Plate_resize":(440, 220),
"Chars":[self.white_chars_images, self.white_chars_names],
"Numbers":[self.white_numbers_images, self.white_numbers_names],
"Order":[{"type":"Numbers", "place":(115,15), "resize":(65,55)},
{"type":"Numbers", "place":(185,15), "resize":(65,55)},
{"type":"Chars", "place":(255,10), "resize":(65,55)},
{"type":"Numbers", "place":(15,80), "resize":(95,125)},
{"type":"Numbers", "place":(120,80), "resize":(95,125)},
{"type":"Numbers", "place":(225,80), "resize":(95,125)},
{"type":"Numbers", "place":(330,80), "resize":(95,125)}]}
self.type_6_components = {"Plate_images":self.Plate_6_images,
"Plate_resize":(335, 170),
"Chars":[self.white_chars_images, self.white_chars_names],
"Numbers":[self.white_numbers_images, self.white_numbers_names],
"Regions":[self.white_regions_images, self.white_regions_names],
{"type":"Regions", "place":(90,10), "resize":(80,50)},
{"type":"Numbers", "place":(170,10), "resize":(35,50)},
{"type":"Numbers", "place":(210,10), "resize":(35,50)},
{"type":"Chars", "place":(15,65), "resize":(60,65)},
{"type":"Numbers", "place":(95,65), "resize":(50,95)},
{"type":"Numbers", "place":(150,65), "resize":(50,95)},
{"type":"Numbers", "place":(205,65), "resize":(50,95)},
{"type":"Numbers", "place":(260,65), "resize":(50,95)}]}
self.components_to_types = {"1":self.type_1_components,
self.cars_images, self.cars_list, self.cars_boxes_dic = self.init_car_data(cars_path)
self.backgrounds, self.background_list = self.init_component(background_path)
def init_component(self, files_dir):
# a bit initialization
components = list()
components_list = list()
files_path = os.listdir(files_dir)
files_path = [f for f in os.listdir(files_dir) if f.endswith('.jpg') or f.endswith('.png')]
for file in files_path:
component_path = files_dir + file
component = Image.open(component_path)
return components, components_list
def build_data(self, desired_number, desired_types, desired_dataset, count):
for iteration in range(desired_number):
# generate desired plate
plate_type = random.choice(self.plate_types)
while plate_type not in desired_types:
plate_type = random.choice(self.plate_types)
generated_plate, label = self.build_plate(plate_type)
if desired_dataset == 'recognition':
desired_height = 110
if random.random() < 0.9:
generated_plate = image_filtering(generated_plate)
self.save_plate(generated_plate, label, desired_height)
print(str(count) + " / " + str(desired_number))
count += 1
print("Fuck! Save error, probably same combination")
full_img, bbox = self.generate_full_image(desired_dataset, generated_plate)
self.save_img_annotation(full_img, bbox, label, plate_type, count)
print(str(count) + " / " + str(desired_number))
count += 1
print('Could not create or save')
def build_plate(self, plate_type):
generated_plate = None
components = self.components_to_types[plate_type]
plates = components["Plate_images"]
# choose plate
Plate_img = random.choice(plates)
Plate_img = Plate_img.resize(components["Plate_resize"], PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
Generated_Plate, Plate_label = self.place_components(Plate_img, components)
Generated_Plate = Generated_Plate.convert('RGB')
Generated_Plate = random_bright_contrast(Generated_Plate)
return Generated_Plate, Plate_label
def place_components(self, Plate_img, components):
label = str()
for component in components["Order"]:
index = random.choice(range(len(components[component["type"]][0])))
component_img = components[component["type"]][0][index]
component_label = components[component["type"]][1][index][:-4]
resize_ratio = component["resize"]
resized_component_img = component_img.resize(resize_ratio, PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
xmin,ymin = component["place"]
xmax, ymax = xmin + resized_component_img.size[0], ymin + resized_component_img.size[1]
place_holder = (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
Plate_img.paste(resized_component_img, place_holder, mask = resized_component_img)
label += component_label
return Plate_img, label
def save_plate(self, plate, label, desired_height):
wpercent = (desired_height / float(plate.size[1]))
hsize = int((float(plate.size[0]) * float(wpercent)))
plate = plate.resize((hsize, desired_height), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
plate = plate.convert('RGB')
plate = plate.convert('L')
plate.save(self.recognition_data_path + label + '.jpg')
def init_car_data(self, cars_path):
cars_xml = [f for f in os.listdir(cars_path) if f.endswith('.xml')]
cars_imgs, cars_list = self.init_component(cars_path)
car_boxes_dic = {}
for car_xml in cars_xml:
car_boxes = []
car_box1 = []
car_box2 = []
node = parse(cars_path + car_xml)
elems = node.findall('object')
for item in (['xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax', 'ymax']):
car_boxes_dic[car_xml[:-3] + "png"] = car_boxes
return cars_imgs, cars_list, car_boxes_dic
def generate_full_image(self, desired_dataset, plate):
if random.random() < 0.3:
plate = insert_black_mask(plate)
full_img, bbox = None, None
car = random.choice(self.cars_list)
car_img = Image.open(self.cars_path + car)
car_boxes = self.cars_boxes_dic[car]
background = random.choice(self.background_list)
background_img = Image.open(self.background_path + background)
car_with_plate_img, bbox = image_augmentation(plate, car_img, car_boxes)
full_img, bbox = self.insert_car_to_background(background_img, car_with_plate_img, desired_dataset, bbox)
return full_img, bbox
def insert_car_to_background(self, background_img, car_with_plate_img, desired_dataset, bbox):
background_img = background_img.resize((1600, 1200), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
img_width, img_height = background_img.size
background_car_holder_width = None
if desired_dataset == 'parking':
background_car_holder_width = random.randint(int(img_width * 0.7), int(img_width * 0.8))
width_prop = random.randint(int(img_width * 0.05), int(img_width * 0.4))
height_prop = random.randint(int(img_height * 0.1), int(img_height * 0.3))
elif desired_dataset == 'cctv':
width_prop = random.randint(int(img_width * 0.1), int(img_width * 0.4))
height_prop = random.randint(int(img_height * 0.1), int(img_height * 0.25))
background_car_holder_width = random.randint(int(img_width * 0.3 * height_prop * 4/1200),
int(img_width * 0.45 * height_prop * 4/1200))
wpercent = (background_car_holder_width / float(car_with_plate_img.size[0]))
hsize = int((float(car_with_plate_img.size[1]) * float(wpercent)))
resized_car_with_plate_img = car_with_plate_img.resize((background_car_holder_width, hsize), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
# take bbox
bbox[0] = int(bbox[0] * resized_car_with_plate_img.size[0] / car_with_plate_img.size[0])
bbox[1] = int(bbox[1] * resized_car_with_plate_img.size[1] / car_with_plate_img.size[1])
bbox[2] = int(bbox[2] * resized_car_with_plate_img.size[0] / car_with_plate_img.size[0])
bbox[3] = int(bbox[3] * resized_car_with_plate_img.size[1] / car_with_plate_img.size[1])
# insert car in background
width, height = resized_car_with_plate_img.size
background_img.paste(resized_car_with_plate_img, (width_prop, height_prop, width + width_prop, height + height_prop),
mask = resized_car_with_plate_img)
background_img = background_img.convert('L')
bbox[0] += width_prop
bbox[1] += height_prop
bbox[2] += width_prop
bbox[3] += height_prop
return background_img, bbox
def save_img_annotation(self, full_img, bbox, label, plate_type, count):
saved = False
#self.detection_images_path = detection_images_path
#self.detection_annotations_path = detection_annotations_path
# annotation file making
file_name = str(count) + '_P' + plate_type + '_img.jpg'
img_save_path = self.detection_images_path + file_name
writer = Writer(img_save_path, full_img.size[0], full_img.size[1])
writer.addObject('P' + plate_type, bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3])
writer.save(self.detection_annotations_path + file_name[:-3] +'xml')
saved = True
print("Could not save")
return saved
components_path = 'components_2/'
detection_images_path = '../dataset/yolo'
detection_annotations_path = 'detection_annotations/'
recognition_data_path = 'recognition_data/'
# choose right folder for desired type
# for parking ->
# cars_path = 'cars/'
# background_path = 'background/'
# for cctv ->
# cars_path = 'cctv_cars/'
# background_path = 'cctv_background/'
cars_path = 'cars/'
background_path = 'background/'
desired_number = 10000
desired_types = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6']
# cctv parking recognition provide choose one to generate and store things
desired_dataset = 'parking'
count = 1
generator = ImageGenerator(components_path = components_path,
detection_images_path = detection_images_path,
detection_annotations_path = detection_annotations_path,
recognition_data_path = recognition_data_path,
cars_path = cars_path,
background_path = background_path)
generator.build_data(desired_number = desired_number,
desired_types = desired_types,
desired_dataset = desired_dataset,
count = count)
\ No newline at end of file
import os
import PIL
from PIL import Image, ImageEnhance, ImageFilter
import random
import cv2, argparse
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# from xml.etree.ElementTree import parse
# from pascal_voc_writer import Writer
def image_overlay(src, color="#FFFFFF", alpha=0.5):
overlay = Image.new("RGBA", src.size, color)
bw_src = ImageEnhance.Color(src).enhance(0.0)
return Image.blend(bw_src, overlay, alpha)
def insert_black_mask(img):
black_mask = Image.new("RGBA", img.size, (0, 0, 0))
val = random.randint(100, 150)
img.paste(black_mask, (0, 0, img.size[0], img.size[1]), mask=black_mask)
return img
def random_bright_contrast(img):
img = ImageEnhance.Contrast(img)
num_contrast = random.uniform(0.7, 1.5)
img = img.enhance(num_contrast)
num_brightness = random.uniform(0.8, 1.0)
img = ImageEnhance.Brightness(img)
img = img.enhance(num_brightness)
if random.random() < 0.1:
img = img.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR)
return img
def image_filtering(img, ang_range=1.2, shear_range=1.5, trans_range=1):
img = np.array(img)
# Rotation
ang_rot = np.random.uniform(ang_range) - ang_range / 2
rows, cols, ch = img.shape
Rot_M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((cols / 2, rows / 2), ang_rot, 0.9)
# Translation
tr_x = trans_range * np.random.uniform() - trans_range / 2
tr_y = trans_range * np.random.uniform() - trans_range / 2
Trans_M = np.float32([[1, 0, tr_x], [0, 1, tr_y]])
# Shear
pts1 = np.float32([[5, 5], [20, 5], [5, 20]])
pt1 = 5 + shear_range * np.random.uniform() - shear_range / 2
pt2 = 20 + shear_range * np.random.uniform() - shear_range / 2
pts2 = np.float32([[pt1, 5], [pt2, pt1], [5, pt2]])
shear_M = cv2.getAffineTransform(pts1, pts2)
img = cv2.warpAffine(img, Rot_M, (cols, rows))
img = cv2.warpAffine(img, Trans_M, (cols, rows))
img = cv2.warpAffine(img, shear_M, (cols, rows))
img = Image.fromarray(img)
return img
def image_augmentation(img, car_img, car_boxes):
bbox = None
car_box_1 = car_boxes[0]
car_box_2 = car_boxes[1]
width_of_plate_holder = car_box_1[2] - car_box_1[0]
wpercent = width_of_plate_holder / float(img.size[0])
hsize = int((float(img.size[1]) * float(wpercent)))
img = img.resize((width_of_plate_holder, hsize), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
img = np.array(img)
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2BGRA)
w, h, _ = img.shape
pts1 = np.float32([[0, 0], [0, w], [h, 0], [h, w]])
h_change = abs(car_box_1[1] - car_box_2[1])
if (abs(car_box_1[0] - car_box_2[0])) < (width_of_plate_holder / 2):
pts2 = np.float32([[0, h_change], [0, w], [h, 0], [h, w - h_change]])
elif (abs(car_box_1[0] - car_box_2[0])) > (width_of_plate_holder / 2):
pts2 = np.float32([[0, 0], [0, w - h_change], [h, h_change], [h, w]])
pts2 = np.float32([[0, 0], [0, w], [h, 0], [h, w]])
M = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(pts1, pts2)
img = cv2.warpPerspective(
(h, w),
borderValue=[0, 0, 0, 0],
img = Image.fromarray(img)
width, height = img.size
width_prop = car_boxes[0][0]
height_prop = car_boxes[0][1]
(width_prop, height_prop, width + width_prop, height + height_prop),
bbox = [width_prop, height_prop, width + width_prop, height + height_prop]
return car_img, bbox
class ImageGenerator:
def __init__(
# paths inintialization
self.components_path = components_path
self.plate_images_path = plate_images_path
self.detection_annotations_path = detection_annotations_path
self.recognition_data_path = recognition_data_path
self.cars_path = cars_path
self.background_path = background_path
# plates initializtion
plate_files_path = "plates_type_"
self.plate_types = ["blank", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"]
# plate type 1
self.Plate_1_images, self.Plate_1_names = self.init_component(
components_path + plate_files_path + self.plate_types[1] + "/"
# plate type 2
self.Plate_2_images, self.Plate_2_names = self.init_component(
components_path + plate_files_path + self.plate_types[2] + "/"
# plate type 3
self.Plate_3_images, self.Plate_3_names = self.init_component(
components_path + plate_files_path + self.plate_types[3] + "/"
# plate type 4
self.Plate_4_images, self.Plate_4_names = self.init_component(
components_path + plate_files_path + self.plate_types[4] + "/"
# plate type 5
self.Plate_5_images, self.Plate_5_names = self.init_component(
components_path + plate_files_path + self.plate_types[5] + "/"
# plate type 6
self.Plate_6_images, self.Plate_6_names = self.init_component(
components_path + plate_files_path + self.plate_types[6] + "/"
# components init paths
chars_path = "char_"
nums_path = "num_"
regions_path = "regions_"
# folders dictionary
chars_dic = {"black": "black", "white": "white"}
nums_dic = {"white": "white", "black": "black"}
regions_dic = {
"region_black": "black",
"region_white": "white",
"regions_type_4": "type_4",
# black chars
self.black_chars_images, self.black_chars_names = self.init_component(
components_path + chars_path + chars_dic["black"] + "/"
# white chars
self.white_chars_images, self.white_chars_names = self.init_component(
components_path + chars_path + chars_dic["white"] + "/"
# white numbers
self.white_numbers_images, self.white_numbers_names = self.init_component(
components_path + nums_path + nums_dic["white"] + "/"
# black numbers
self.black_numbers_images, self.black_numbers_names = self.init_component(
components_path + nums_path + nums_dic["black"] + "/"
# white regions
self.white_regions_images, self.white_regions_names = self.init_component(
components_path + regions_path + regions_dic["region_white"] + "/"
# black regions
self.black_regions_images, self.black_regions_names = self.init_component(
components_path + regions_path + regions_dic["region_black"] + "/"
# type 4 regions
self.type_4_regions_images, self.type_4_regions_names = self.init_component(
components_path + regions_path + regions_dic["regions_type_4"] + "/"
self.type_1_components = {
"Plate_images": self.Plate_1_images,
"Plate_resize": (520, 110),
"Chars": [self.black_chars_images, self.black_chars_names],
"Numbers": [self.black_numbers_images, self.black_numbers_names],
"Order": [
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (50, 15), "resize": (50, 80)},
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (105, 15), "resize": (50, 80)},
{"type": "Chars", "place": (160, 20), "resize": (50, 70)},
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (255, 15), "resize": (50, 80)},
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (310, 15), "resize": (50, 80)},
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (365, 15), "resize": (50, 80)},
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (420, 15), "resize": (50, 80)},
self.type_2_components = {
"Plate_images": self.Plate_2_images,
"Plate_resize": (335, 155),
"Chars": [self.black_chars_images, self.black_chars_names],
"Numbers": [self.black_numbers_images, self.black_numbers_names],
"Order": [
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (10, 50), "resize": (40, 80)},
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (55, 50), "resize": (40, 80)},
{"type": "Chars", "place": (100, 60), "resize": (40, 70)},
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (150, 50), "resize": (40, 80)},
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (195, 50), "resize": (40, 80)},
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (240, 50), "resize": (40, 80)},
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (285, 50), "resize": (40, 80)},
self.type_3_components = {
"Plate_images": self.Plate_3_images,
"Plate_resize": (335, 170),
"Chars": [self.black_chars_images, self.black_chars_names],
"Numbers": [self.black_numbers_images, self.black_numbers_names],
"Regions": [self.black_regions_images, self.black_regions_names],
"Order": [
{"type": "Regions", "place": (80, 10), "resize": (80, 50)},
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (180, 10), "resize": (30, 50)},
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (215, 10), "resize": (30, 50)},
{"type": "Chars", "place": (15, 70), "resize": (60, 70)},
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (80, 70), "resize": (50, 90)},
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (140, 70), "resize": (50, 90)},
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (200, 70), "resize": (50, 90)},
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (260, 70), "resize": (50, 90)},
self.type_4_components = {
"Plate_images": self.Plate_4_images,
"Plate_resize": (520, 110),
"Chars": [self.black_chars_images, self.black_chars_names],
"Numbers": [self.black_numbers_images, self.black_numbers_names],
"Regions": [self.type_4_regions_images, self.type_4_regions_names],
"Order": [
{"type": "Regions", "place": (30, 15), "resize": (50, 80)},
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (90, 15), "resize": (50, 80)},
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (145, 15), "resize": (50, 80)},
{"type": "Chars", "place": (200, 20), "resize": (50, 70)},
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (270, 15), "resize": (50, 80)},
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (325, 15), "resize": (50, 80)},
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (380, 15), "resize": (50, 80)},
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (435, 15), "resize": (50, 80)},
self.type_5_components = {
"Plate_images": self.Plate_5_images,
"Plate_resize": (440, 220),
"Chars": [self.white_chars_images, self.white_chars_names],
"Numbers": [self.white_numbers_images, self.white_numbers_names],
"Order": [
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (115, 15), "resize": (65, 55)},
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (185, 15), "resize": (65, 55)},
{"type": "Chars", "place": (255, 10), "resize": (65, 55)},
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (15, 80), "resize": (95, 125)},
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (120, 80), "resize": (95, 125)},
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (225, 80), "resize": (95, 125)},
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (330, 80), "resize": (95, 125)},
self.type_6_components = {
"Plate_images": self.Plate_6_images,
"Plate_resize": (335, 170),
"Chars": [self.white_chars_images, self.white_chars_names],
"Numbers": [self.white_numbers_images, self.white_numbers_names],
"Regions": [self.white_regions_images, self.white_regions_names],
"Order": [
{"type": "Regions", "place": (90, 10), "resize": (80, 50)},
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (170, 10), "resize": (35, 50)},
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (210, 10), "resize": (35, 50)},
{"type": "Chars", "place": (15, 65), "resize": (60, 65)},
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (95, 65), "resize": (50, 95)},
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (150, 65), "resize": (50, 95)},
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (205, 65), "resize": (50, 95)},
{"type": "Numbers", "place": (260, 65), "resize": (50, 95)},
self.components_to_types = {
"1": self.type_1_components,
"2": self.type_2_components,
"3": self.type_3_components,
"4": self.type_4_components,
"5": self.type_5_components,
"6": self.type_6_components,
# self.cars_images, self.cars_list, self.cars_boxes_dic = self.init_car_data(
# cars_path
# )
# self.backgrounds, self.background_list = self.init_component(background_path)
def init_component(self, files_dir):
# a bit initialization
components = list()
components_list = list()
files_path = os.listdir(files_dir)
files_path = [
f for f in os.listdir(files_dir) if f.endswith(".jpg") or f.endswith(".png")
for file in files_path:
component_path = files_dir + file
component = Image.open(component_path)
return components, components_list
def build_data(self, desired_number, desired_types, desired_dataset, count):
# def build_data(self, desired_number, desired_types, count):
for iteration in range(desired_number):
# generate desired plate
plate_type = random.choice(self.plate_types)
while plate_type not in desired_types:
plate_type = random.choice(self.plate_types)
generated_plate, label = self.build_plate(plate_type)
# parking??
# if desired_dataset == "recognition":
# desired_height = 110
# if random.random() < 0.9:
# generated_plate = image_filtering(generated_plate)
# self.save_plate(generated_plate, label, desired_height)
# try:
# print(str(count) + " / " + str(desired_number))
# count += 1
# except:
# print("Fuck! Save error, probably same combination")
# continue
# full_img, bbox = self.generate_full_image(desired_dataset, generated_plate)
# try:
# # self.save_img_annotation(full_img, bbox, label, plate_type, count)
# self.save_img_annotation(generated_plate, label, plate_type, count)
# print(str(count) + " / " + str(desired_number))
# count += 1
# except:
# print("Could not create or save")
self.save_img_annotation(generated_plate, label, plate_type, count)
print(str(count) + " / " + str(desired_number))
count += 1
def build_plate(self, plate_type):
generated_plate = None
components = self.components_to_types[plate_type]
plates = components["Plate_images"]
# choose plate
Plate_img = random.choice(plates)
Plate_img = Plate_img.resize(components["Plate_resize"], PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
Generated_Plate, Plate_label = self.place_components(Plate_img, components)
Generated_Plate = Generated_Plate.convert("RGB")
Generated_Plate = random_bright_contrast(Generated_Plate)
return Generated_Plate, Plate_label
def place_components(self, Plate_img, components):
label = str()
for component in components["Order"]:
index = random.choice(range(len(components[component["type"]][0])))
component_img = components[component["type"]][0][index]
component_label = components[component["type"]][1][index][:-4]
resize_ratio = component["resize"]
resized_component_img = component_img.resize(
resize_ratio, PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS
xmin, ymin = component["place"]
xmax, ymax = (
xmin + resized_component_img.size[0],
ymin + resized_component_img.size[1],
place_holder = (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
resized_component_img, place_holder, mask=resized_component_img
label += component_label
return Plate_img, label
# def save_img_annotation(self, full_img, bbox, label, plate_type, count): #
def save_img_annotation(self, plate_img, label, plate_type, count): #
saved = False
# print("label param : ", label)
# self.plate_images_path = plate_images_path
# self.detection_annotations_path = detection_annotations_path
# try:
# # annotation file making
# file_name = str(count) + "_P" + plate_type + "_img.jpg"
# img_save_path = self.plate_images_path + file_name
# plate_img.save(img_save_path)
# annotations = []
# vectors = self.components_to_types[plate_type]["Order"]
# for v in vectors:
# x1, y1 = v["place"]
# x2 = v["place"][0] + v["resize"][0]
# y2 = v["place"][1] + v["resize"][1]
# annotations.append([img_save_path, x1, y1, x2, y2])
# saved = True
# annotations = np.array(annotations)
# label = label.split("")
# if plate_type in ["4","5","6"]:
# col = [label[0] + label[1]] + label[2:]
# else:
# col = label
# print(col)
# np.insert(annotations, -1, col, axis=1)
# print(annotations)
# pd.DataFrame(
# annotations, columns=["image path", "x1", "y1", "x2", "y2", "label"]
# )
# pd.to_csv("annotations.csv", mode="a", header=False, index=True)
# except:
# print("Could not save")
file_name = str(count) + "_P" + plate_type + "_img.jpg"
img_save_path = self.plate_images_path + file_name
annotations = []
vectors = self.components_to_types[plate_type]["Order"]
width, height = self.components_to_types[plate_type]["Plate_resize"]
for v in vectors:
x1, y1 = v["place"]
x2 = v["place"][0] + v["resize"][0]
y2 = v["place"][1] + v["resize"][1]
annotations.append([file_name, width, height, x1, y1, x2, y2])
saved = True
annotations = np.array(annotations)
label = list(label)
# print("label : ", label)
if plate_type in ["3", "4", "6"]:
col = label[:3] + [label[3] + label[4]] + label[5:]
col = label[:2] + [label[2] + label[3]] + label[4:]
# print(col)
# np.insert(annotations, 5, col, axis=1)
# print(annotations)
df = pd.DataFrame(
# annotations, columns=["image path", "x1", "y1", "x2", "y2", "label"]
columns=["image path","width","height", "x1", "y1", "x2", "y2"],
df["label"] = col
df.to_csv(self.plate_images_path+"annotations.csv", mode="a", header=False, index=False)
return saved
components_path = "components_2/"
plate_images_path = "../dataset/test/test1/"
detection_annotations_path = "detection_annotations/"
recognition_data_path = "recognition_data/"
# choose right folder for desired type
# for parking ->
# cars_path = 'cars/'
# background_path = 'background/'
# for cctv ->
# cars_path = 'cctv_cars/'
# background_path = 'cctv_background/'
cars_path = "cars/"
background_path = "background/"
desired_number = 500
desired_types = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"]
# cctv parking recognition provide choose one to generate and store things
desired_dataset = "parking"
count = 1
generator = ImageGenerator(
voc2coco @ 30a272cc
Subproject commit 30a272ccb3778bade716d0fb1556df47ef8225f4