
Update README.md

Showing 1 changed file with 10 additions and 7 deletions
......@@ -76,9 +76,11 @@ Code explanation
├── README.md
├── Our Encoder
| ├── codec-Copy1.py
| ├── codec-Copy2.py
| └── codec-Copy3.py
| ├── codec_allIntra.py
| ├── codec_proposed.py
| ├── codec_anotherMethod.py
| ├── train_RGB.py
| └── train_YCbCr.py
├── PostProcessing
| ├── get_BPP.m
| ├── get_PSNR_and_BPP manual.docx
......@@ -93,7 +95,8 @@ Code explanation
├── 영상 주관적 화질평가
| └── pYUV manual.docx
├── 기초조사서.docx
└── 중간보고서.hwp
├── 중간보고서.hwp
└── 최종보고서.docx
#### PreProcessing
frame_to_png: 하나의 frame(.rgb)를 이미지(.png) 파일로 변환
......@@ -106,9 +109,9 @@ png_to_rgb: 여러 이미지(.png)를 여러 frame의 영상(.rgb)으로 변환
PostProcessing: HEVC 또는 VVC에서 Decoding된 영상(10bit, BGR)을 8it, RGB영상으로 변환 및 PSNR, SSIM, BPP계산
#### Our Codec
codec-Copy1: ALL Intra Compression Codec
codec-Copy2: First Frame Intra Compression + Other Frame Residual(clip(recon-ref, -0.5, 0.5)+0.5) Compression Codec
codec-Copy3: First Frame Intra + Other Frame Residual1(clip(recon-ref, 0, 1)), Residual2(-clip(recon-ref, -1, 0)) Codec
codec_allIntra: ALL Intra Compression Codec
codec_proposed: First Frame Intra Compression + Other Frame Residual(clip(recon-ref, -0.5, 0.5)+0.5) Compression Codec
codec_anotherMethod: First Frame Intra + Other Frame Residual1(clip(recon-ref, 0, 1)), Residual2(-clip(recon-ref, -1, 0)) Codec