memoryLeaks.test.js 2.49 KB
//'use strict';
// var Crawler = require('../../lib/crawler').Crawler;
//var expect = require('chai').expect;
//var _ = require('underscore');
//var memwatch = require('memwatch');
//var httpbinHost = 'localhost:8000';
//var c;
//describe('Leaks', function() {
//    afterEach(function(){
//        c = {};
//    });
//    it('should leak with JSDOM enabled and without autoWindowClose', function(done){
//        //disabled mocha timeout for this particular test
//        this.timeout(999999999);
//        var N = 100;
//        var hd;
//        c = new Crawler({
//            jQuery: true,
//            timeout: 500,
//            autoWindowClose: false,
//            retryTimeout: 1000,
//            retries: 1,
//            onDrain: function() {
//                // Wait a bit for the GC to kick in
//                setTimeout(function() {
//                    var diff = hd.end();
//                    //Should have grown by more than 2 MB.
//                    expect(diff.change.size_bytes);
//                    done();
//                }, 10000);
//            }
//        });
//        hd = new memwatch.HeapDiff();
//        for (var i=0; i<N; i++) {
//            c.queue([{
//                uri:'http://'+httpbinHost+'/stream/10'+i,
//                callback:function(error,result,$) {}
//            }]);
//        }
//    });
//    it('should NOT leak with JSDOM disabled, crawling 10k urls', function(done) {
//        //disabled mocha timeout for this particular test
//        this.timeout(999999999);
//        var N = 10000;
//        var hd;
//        c = new Crawler({
//            jQuery: false,
//            timeout: 500,
//            autoWindowClose: false,
//            retryTimeout: 1000,
//            retries: 1,
//            onDrain: function() {
//                // Wait a bit for the GC to kick in
//                setTimeout(function() {
//                    var diff = hd.end();
//                    console.log(diff.change.size_bytes);
//                    //Should have almost not changed, less then 1000kb
//                    expect(diff.change.size_bytes);
//                    done();
//                }, 10000);
//            }
//        });
//        hd = new memwatch.HeapDiff();
//        for (var i=0; i<N; i++) {
//            c.queue([{
//                uri:'http://'+httpbinHost+'/stream/10'+i,
//                callback:function(error,result,$) {}
//            }]);
//        }
//    });