
Merge branch 'feature/ChatbotTest_Megabox' into 'feature/Chatbot_megabox'

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See merge request !28
1 +const chatbot = require("./app.js");
2 +const request = require('request');
3 +const cheerio = require('cheerio');
4 +const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
5 +require('chromedriver');
6 +const {Builder,until} = require('selenium-webdriver'); //모듈 불러오기
7 +var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');
8 +var By = webdriver.By;
9 +const chrome = require('selenium-webdriver/chrome');//크롬 사용시
10 +const async = require('async')
11 +let express = require('express');
12 +let app = express();
13 +let bodyParser = require('body-parser');
14 +const { timeout } = require('async');
15 +app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
16 +app.use(bodyParser.json());
17 +const booking_url = "https://megabox.co.kr/booking?";
18 +exports.booking_url = booking_url;
19 +const rate_url = "https://www.megabox.co.kr/movie";
20 +let r =0;
21 +let movie_data = [];
22 +exports.movie_data = movie_data;
23 +let location_data = [];
24 +exports.location_data = location_data;
25 +let index = 0;
26 +exports.init = ()=>{async.waterfall([//for 동기적 처리
27 + async () => {
28 + const driver = new webdriver.Builder().forBrowser('chrome').setChromeOptions(new chrome.Options().headless()).build();//
29 + driver.get(booking_url);
30 + driver.switchTo().frame(0)//frameBokdMBooking 프레임 가져옴
31 + let seoul = await driver.wait(until.elementsLocated(By.css('#mCSB_4_container>ul>li>#btn')));
32 + let Gyeonggi = await driver.wait(until.elementsLocated(By.css('#mCSB_5_container>ul>li>#btn')));
33 + const Incheon = await driver.wait(until.elementsLocated(By.css('#mCSB_6_container>ul>li>#btn')));
34 + const DCS = await driver.wait(until.elementsLocated(By.css('#mCSB_7_container>ul>li>#btn')));//Daejeon Chungcheong Sejong
35 + const BDG = await driver.wait(until.elementsLocated(By.css('#mCSB_8_container>ul>li>#btn')));//Busan Daegu Gyeongsang
36 + const GJ= await driver.wait(until.elementsLocated(By.css('#mCSB_9_container>ul>li>#btn')));//gwangju_jeonla
37 + const Gangwon = await driver.wait(until.elementsLocated(By.css('#mCSB_10_container>ul>li>#btn')));
38 + const location_list = [seoul, Gyeonggi, Incheon, DCS, BDG, GJ, Gangwon]//
39 + for(let i = 0; i < location_list.length; i++){
40 + for (item of location_list[i]) {
41 + location_data[index++] = {
42 + 'LocationName':await item.getAttribute("brch-nm"),
43 + 'LocationNum' : await item.getAttribute("brch-no")
44 + }
45 + // let location_name = await item.getAttribute("brch-nm");
46 + // let location_num = await item.getAttribute("brch-no");
47 + // let obj = {};
48 + // obj[location_name]= location_num
49 + // location_data[index++] = obj;
50 + }
51 + }
52 + let movie_list = await driver.wait(until.elementsLocated(By.css('#mCSB_1_container>ul>li>.btn')));
53 + r = 0;
54 + for (item of movie_list) {
55 + //Using getAttribute to get the data
56 + movie_data[r++] = {
57 + 'rank' : r,
58 + 'title' : await item.getAttribute("movie-nm"),
59 + 'movie_num':await item.getAttribute("movie-no"),
60 + }
61 + }
62 +
63 + driver.close();
64 +
65 + },
66 + async () => {
67 + r = 0;
68 + const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
69 + headless: true
70 + });
71 + const page = await browser.newPage();
72 + await page.goto(rate_url);
73 + const content = await page.content();
74 +
75 + const $ = cheerio.load(content);
76 + const $rate_lists = $("ol.list>li");
77 + $rate_lists.each((index, list) => {
78 + const name = $(list).find('div.tit-area > p.tit').attr('title');
79 + const rate = $(list).find('div.rate-date > span.rate').text();
80 +
81 + if(movie_data[r].title === name){
82 + movie_data[r++]['rate'] = rate;
83 + }
84 + });
85 + for(i of movie_data){
86 + if(Object.keys(i).length==3){
87 + movie_data[r++]['rate'] = '예매율 0%';
88 + }
89 + }
90 +
91 + browser.close();
92 + console.log("Comepleted!");
93 + },
94 +
95 +])}
96 +const appdriver = new webdriver.Builder().forBrowser('chrome').setChromeOptions(new chrome.Options().headless()).build();
97 +exports.using_PlayingMovieURL = async(PlayingMovieURL) => {
98 + appdriver.get(PlayingMovieURL);
99 + //appdriver.switchTo().frame(0)
100 + //frameBokdMBooking 프레임 가져옴
101 +}
102 +exports.geting_PlayingMovie= async() => {
103 + let movie_list = await appdriver.wait(until.elementsLocated(By.css('#mCSB_1_container>ul>li>.btn')));
104 + let n = 0;
105 + for (item of movie_list) {
106 + movie_data[n++]['running'] = await item.getAttribute('form-at');
107 + }
108 + console.log("Completed get Running");
109 +}
110 +// let userData = {
111 +// 'Date': '',
112 +// 'location':''
113 +// };
114 +// // const _sleep = (delay) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, delay));
115 +// app.get('/Megabox', (req, res) => {
116 +// res.send(movie_data);
117 +// })
118 +// app.post('/Megabox', (req, res) => {//사용자에게 Date와 location(영화관 장소) 받아옴
119 +// let PlayingMovieURL;
120 +// userData['Date'] = req.body.Date;
121 +// for(i of location_data){
122 +// if(i['LocationName'] == req.body.location){
123 +// userData['location']=i['LocationNum'];
124 +// break;
125 +// }
126 +// }
127 +// PlayingMovieURL = booking_url + '?brchNo1='+userData['location']+'&playDe='+userData['Date'];//사용자 정보 바탕으로 해당 일자 영화관 영화 상영 여부 확인
128 +
129 +// appdriver.get(PlayingMovieURL);
130 +// appdriver.switchTo().frame(0)//frameBokdMBooking 프레임 가져옴
131 +// res.send(movie_data);
132 +// })
133 +// app.post('/Megabox', (req, res) => {//사용자에게 Date와 location(영화관 장소) 받아옴
134 +// userData['Date'] = req.body.Date;
135 +// for(i of location_data){
136 +// if(i['LocationName'] == req.body.location){
137 +// userData['location']=i['LocationNum'];
138 +// break;
139 +// }
140 +// }
141 +// let PlayingMovieURL = booking_url + '?brchNo1='+userData['location']+'&playDe='+userData['Date'];//사용자 정보 바탕으로 해당 일자 영화관 영화 상영 여부 확인
142 +
143 +// appdriver.get(PlayingMovieURL);
144 +// appdriver.switchTo().frame(0)//frameBokdMBooking 프레임 가져옴
145 +// res.send(movie_data);
146 +// })
147 +app.get('/Megabox/GetPlayingMovie', async(req, res, next) => {//영화 상영 여부 객체에 넣음
148 +
149 + // let movie_list = await appdriver.wait(until.elementsLocated(By.css('#mCSB_1_container>ul>li>.btn')));
150 + // let n = 0;
151 + // for (item of movie_list) {
152 + // movie_data[n++]['running'] = await item.getAttribute('form-at')
153 + // }
154 + using_PlayingMovieURL('https://megabox.co.kr/booking?brchNo1=4451&playDe=20220606');
155 + geting_PlayingMovie();
156 + res.send(PlayingMovieList);
157 +})
158 +app.listen(5000);
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This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 +{
2 + "name": "megabox",
3 + "version": "1.0.0",
4 + "description": "",
5 + "main": "app.js",
6 + "scripts": {
7 + "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
8 + },
9 + "keywords": [],
10 + "author": "",
11 + "license": "ISC",
12 + "dependencies": {
13 + "async": "^3.2.3",
14 + "body-parser": "^1.20.0",
15 + "cheerio": "^1.0.0-rc.11",
16 + "chromedriver": "^101.0.0",
17 + "express": "^4.18.1",
18 + "puppeteer": "^14.1.1",
19 + "express-async-handler": "^1.2.0",
20 + "selenium-webdriver": "^4.1.2"
21 + }
22 +}
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1 +# 3대 멀티플렉스 통합 예매 챗봇
2 +
3 +
4 +CGV, 롯데시네마, MEGABOX 영화관의 정보를 통합 제공 및 예매를 도와주는 챗봇입니다.
5 +
6 + ![enter image description here](http://cdn.joongboo.com/news/photo/201904/1339879_2043449_5356.png)
7 +
8 +## About The Project
9 +
10 +
11 +### Motivation
12 +
13 +> CGV에서 영화를 예매할 때 보고싶은 영화가 없는 경우, 다른 브랜드의 영화관을 예매할려면 추가적으로 검색을 해서 창을 새로 띄워야한다. 그래서 우리는 3개의 영화관 브랜드를 한번에 예매할 수 있는 플랫폼을 만들어 챗봇을 통해 간단하게 예매할 수 있도록 설계했다.
14 +
15 +
16 +### Built With
17 +
18 ++ node.js
19 ++ AWS
20 ++ Line Messaging API
21 ++ Kakao Search-by-Keyword API
22 +
23 +## Getting Started
24 +
25 +### Prerequisites
26 +
27 +### Installation
28 +
29 +
30 +# Contributing
31 +
32 +1. 해당 Repository를 Fork합니다.
33 +`git fork http://khuhub.khu.ac.kr/2021105632/Multiplex_Ticketing_Platform.git`
34 +2. Fork한 Repository를 Clone합니다.
35 +`git clone http://khuhub.khu.ac.kr/{YourID}/Multiplex_Ticketing_Platform.git`
36 +3. 당신이 개발하고자 하는 기능의 Branch를 추가합니다.
37 +`git checkout -b feature/{YourBranchName}`
38 +4. 기능을 구현합니다.
39 +5. 당신이 추가한 기능 또는 수정 사항을 Commit합니다.
40 +`git commit -m 'Add feature {FeatureName}'`
41 +6. 당신의 Branch를 Push합니다.
42 +`git push origin feature/{YourBranchName}`
43 +7. Pull Request를 엽니다.
44 +
45 +
46 +## License
47 +
48 +Apache License를 사용합니다. LICENSE.txt를 통해 자세한 정보를 확인해주세요.
49 +
50 +
51 +## Contact
52 +
53 +> 임승현 - kevinlsh17@khu.ac.kr
54 +
55 +> 이혜인 - hil0409@khu.ac.kr
56 +
57 +> 신승민 - s091506@khu.ac.kr
58 +
59 +> Project Link: [http://khuhub.khu.ac.kr/2021105632/Multiplex_Ticketing_Platform.git](http://khuhub.khu.ac.kr/2021105632/Multiplex_Ticketing_Platform.git)
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