error-handler.js 8.13 KB
 * express-error-handler
 * A graceful error handler for Express
 * applications.
 * Copyright (C) 2013 Eric Elliott
 * Written for
 * "Programming JavaScript Applications"
 * (O'Reilly)
 * MIT License

'use strict';

var mixIn = require('mout/object/mixIn'),
  createObject = require('mout/lang/createObject'),
  path = require('path'),
  fs = require('fs'),
  statusCodes = require('http').STATUS_CODES,

   * Return true if the error status represents
   * a client error that should not trigger a
   * restart.
   * @param  {number} status
   * @return {boolean}
  isClientError = function isClientError(status) {
    return (status >= 400 && status <= 499);

   * Attempt a graceful shutdown, and then time
   * out if the connections fail to drain in time.
   * @param  {object} o options
   * @param  {object} o.server server object
   * @param  {object} o.timeout timeout in ms
   * @param  {function} exit - force kill function
  close = function close(o, exit) {
    // We need to kill the server process so
    // the app can repair itself. Your process 
    // should be monitored in production and
    // restarted when it shuts down.
    // That can be accomplished with modules
    // like forever, forky, etc...
    // First, try a graceful shutdown:
    if (o.server && typeof o.server.close ===
        'function') {
      try {
        o.server.close(function () {
      finally {

    // Just in case the server.close() callback
    // never fires, this will wait for a timeout
    // and then terminate. Users can override
    // this function by passing options.shutdown:

   * Take an error status and return a route that
   * sends an error with the appropriate status
   * and message to an error handler via
   * `next(err)`.
   * @param  {number} status
   * @param  {string} message
   * @return {function} Express route handler
  httpError = function httpError (status, message) {
    var err = new Error();
    err.status = status;
    err.message = message ||
      statusCodes[status] ||
      'Internal server error';

    return function httpErr(req, res, next) {

  sendFile = function sendFile (staticFile, res) {
    var filePath = path.resolve(staticFile),
      stream = fs.createReadStream(filePath);

  send = function send(statusCode, err, res, o) {
    var body = {
        status: statusCode,
        message: err.message ||

    body = (o.serializer) ?
      o.serializer(createObject(err, body)) :

  defaults = {
    handlers: {},
    views: {},
    static: {},
    timeout: 3 * 1000,
    exitStatus: 1,
    server: undefined,
    shutdown: undefined,
    serializer: undefined,
    framework: 'express'

 * A graceful error handler for Express
 * applications.
 * @param {object} [options]
 * @param {object} [options.handlers] Custom
 *        handlers for specific status codes.
 * @param {object} [options.views] View files to 
 *        render in response to specific status 
 *        codes. Specify a default with
 *        options.views.default.
 * @param {object} [options.static] Static files 
 *        to send in response to specific status 
 *        codes. Specify a default with
 *        options.static.default.
 * @param {number} [options.timeout] Delay 
 *        between the graceful shutdown
 *        attempt and the forced shutdown
 *        timeout.
 * @param {number} [options.exitStatus] Custom 
 *        process exit status code.
 * @param {object} [options.server] The app server
 *        object for graceful shutdowns.
 * @param {function} [options.shutdown] An
 *        alternative shutdown function if the
 *        graceful shutdown fails.
 * @param {function} serializer A function to
 *        customize the JSON error object.
 *        Usage: serializer(err) return errObj
 * @param {function} framework Either 'express'
 *        (default) or 'restify'.
 * @return {function} errorHandler Express error 
 *         handling middleware.
createHandler = function createHandler(options) {

  var o = mixIn({}, defaults, options),

     * In case of an error, wait for a timer to
     * elapse, and then terminate.
     * @param {object} options
     * @param {number} o.exitStatus
     * @param {number} o.timeout
    exit = o.shutdown || function exit(o){

      // Give the app time for graceful shutdown.
      setTimeout(function () {
      }, o.timeout);

    express = o.framework === 'express',
    restify = o.framework === 'restify',

   * Express error handler to handle any
   * uncaught express errors. For error logging,
   * see bunyan-request-logger.
   * @param  {object}   err 
   * @param  {object}   req
   * @param  {object}   res
   * @param  {function} next
  errorHandler = function errorHandler(err, req,
      res, next) {

    var defaultView = o.views['default'],
      defaultStatic = o.static['default'],
      status = err && err.status ||
        res && res.statusCode,
      handler = o.handlers[status],
      view = o.views[status],
      staticFile = o.static[status],

      renderDefault = function
          renderDefault(statusCode) {

        res.statusCode = statusCode;

        if (defaultView) {
          return res.render(defaultView, err);

        if (defaultStatic) {
          return sendFile(defaultStatic, res);

        if (restify) {
          send(statusCode, err, res, o);

        if (express) {
          return res.format({
            json: function () {
              send(statusCode, err, res, {
                serializer: o.serializer || function (o) {
                  return o;
            text: function () {
              send(statusCode, err, res, {
                serializer: function (o) {
                  return o.message;
            html: function () {
              send(statusCode, err, res, {
                serializer: function (o) {
                  return o.message;

      resumeOrClose = function
          resumeOrClose(status) {
        if (!isClientError(status)) {
          return close(o, exit);

    if (!res) {
      return resumeOrClose(status);

    // If there's a custom handler defined,
    // use it and return.
    if (typeof handler === 'function') {
      handler(err, req, res, next);
      return resumeOrClose(status);

    // If there's a custom view defined,
    // render it.
    if (view) {
      res.render(view, err);
      return resumeOrClose(status);

    // If there's a custom static file defined,
    // render it.
    if (staticFile) {
      sendFile(staticFile, res);
      return resumeOrClose(status);

    // If the error is user generated, send
    // a helpful error message, and don't shut
    // down.
    // If we shutdown on user errors,
    // attackers can send malformed requests
    // for the purpose of creating a Denial 
    // Of Service (DOS) attack.
    if (isClientError(status)) {
      return renderDefault(status);

    // For all other errors, deliver a 500
    // error and shut down.

    close(o, exit);

  if (express) {
    return errorHandler;

  if (restify) {
    return function (req, res, route, err) {
      return errorHandler(err, req, res);

createHandler.isClientError = isClientError;
createHandler.clientError = function () {
  var args = [];

  console.log('WARNING: .clientError() is ' +
    'deprecated. Use isClientError() instead.');

  return this.isClientError.apply(this, args);

// HTTP error generating route.
createHandler.httpError = httpError;

module.exports = createHandler;