cast.js 9.59 KB
 * Module dependencies.

var StrictModeError = require('./error/strict');
var Types = require('./schema/index');
var util = require('util');
var utils = require('./utils');

var ALLOWED_GEOWITHIN_GEOJSON_TYPES = ['Polygon', 'MultiPolygon'];

 * Handles internal casting for query filters.
 * @param {Schema} schema
 * @param {Object} obj Object to cast
 * @param {Object} options the query options
 * @param {Query} context passed to setters
 * @api private
module.exports = function cast(schema, obj, options, context) {
  if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
    throw new Error('Query filter must be an object, got an array ', util.inspect(obj));

  var paths = Object.keys(obj);
  var i = paths.length;
  var _keys;
  var any$conditionals;
  var schematype;
  var nested;
  var path;
  var type;
  var val;

  while (i--) {
    path = paths[i];
    val = obj[path];

    if (path === '$or' || path === '$nor' || path === '$and') {
      var k = val.length;

      while (k--) {
        val[k] = cast(schema, val[k], options, context);
    } else if (path === '$where') {
      type = typeof val;

      if (type !== 'string' && type !== 'function') {
        throw new Error('Must have a string or function for $where');

      if (type === 'function') {
        obj[path] = val.toString();

    } else if (path === '$elemMatch') {
      val = cast(schema, val, options, context);
    } else {
      if (!schema) {
        // no casting for Mixed types

      schematype = schema.path(path);

      if (!schematype) {
        // Handle potential embedded array queries
        var split = path.split('.'),
            j = split.length,

        // Find the part of the var path that is a path of the Schema
        while (j--) {
          pathFirstHalf = split.slice(0, j).join('.');
          schematype = schema.path(pathFirstHalf);
          if (schematype) {

        // If a substring of the input path resolves to an actual real path...
        if (schematype) {
          // Apply the casting; similar code for $elemMatch in schema/array.js
          if (schematype.caster && schematype.caster.schema) {
            remainingConds = {};
            pathLastHalf = split.slice(j).join('.');
            remainingConds[pathLastHalf] = val;
            obj[path] = cast(schematype.caster.schema, remainingConds, options, context)[pathLastHalf];
          } else {
            obj[path] = val;

        if (utils.isObject(val)) {
          // handle geo schemas that use object notation
          // { loc: { long: Number, lat: Number }

          var geo = '';
          if (val.$near) {
            geo = '$near';
          } else if (val.$nearSphere) {
            geo = '$nearSphere';
          } else if (val.$within) {
            geo = '$within';
          } else if (val.$geoIntersects) {
            geo = '$geoIntersects';
          } else if (val.$geoWithin) {
            geo = '$geoWithin';

          if (geo) {
            var numbertype = new Types.Number('__QueryCasting__');
            var value = val[geo];

            if (val.$maxDistance != null) {
              val.$maxDistance = numbertype.castForQueryWrapper({
                val: val.$maxDistance,
                context: context
            if (val.$minDistance != null) {
              val.$minDistance = numbertype.castForQueryWrapper({
                val: val.$minDistance,
                context: context

            if (geo === '$within') {
              var withinType = value.$center
                  || value.$centerSphere
                  || value.$box
                  || value.$polygon;

              if (!withinType) {
                throw new Error('Bad $within paramater: ' + JSON.stringify(val));

              value = withinType;
            } else if (geo === '$near' &&
                typeof value.type === 'string' && Array.isArray(value.coordinates)) {
              // geojson; cast the coordinates
              value = value.coordinates;
            } else if ((geo === '$near' || geo === '$nearSphere' || geo === '$geoIntersects') &&
                value.$geometry && typeof value.$geometry.type === 'string' &&
                Array.isArray(value.$geometry.coordinates)) {
              if (value.$maxDistance != null) {
                value.$maxDistance = numbertype.castForQueryWrapper({
                  val: value.$maxDistance,
                  context: context
              if (value.$minDistance != null) {
                value.$minDistance = numbertype.castForQueryWrapper({
                  val: value.$minDistance,
                  context: context
              if (utils.isMongooseObject(value.$geometry)) {
                value.$geometry = value.$geometry.toObject({
                  transform: false,
                  virtuals: false
              value = value.$geometry.coordinates;
            } else if (geo === '$geoWithin') {
              if (value.$geometry) {
                if (utils.isMongooseObject(value.$geometry)) {
                  value.$geometry = value.$geometry.toObject({ virtuals: false });
                var geoWithinType = value.$geometry.type;
                if (ALLOWED_GEOWITHIN_GEOJSON_TYPES.indexOf(geoWithinType) === -1) {
                  throw new Error('Invalid geoJSON type for $geoWithin "' +
                    geoWithinType + '", must be "Polygon" or "MultiPolygon"');
                value = value.$geometry.coordinates;
              } else {
                value = value.$box || value.$polygon || value.$center ||
                if (utils.isMongooseObject(value)) {
                  value = value.toObject({ virtuals: false });

            _cast(value, numbertype, context);

        if (options && options.upsert && options.strict && !schema.nested[path]) {
          if (options.strict === 'throw') {
            throw new StrictModeError(path);
          throw new StrictModeError(path, 'Path "' + path + '" is not in ' +
            'schema, strict mode is `true`, and upsert is `true`.');
        } else if (options && options.strictQuery === 'throw') {
          throw new StrictModeError(path, 'Path "' + path + '" is not in ' +
            'schema and strictQuery is true.');
      } else if (val === null || val === undefined) {
        obj[path] = null;
      } else if ( === 'Object') {
        any$conditionals = Object.keys(val).some(function(k) {
          return k.charAt(0) === '$' && k !== '$id' && k !== '$ref';

        if (!any$conditionals) {
          obj[path] = schematype.castForQueryWrapper({
            val: val,
            context: context
        } else {
          var ks = Object.keys(val),

          k = ks.length;

          while (k--) {
            $cond = ks[k];
            nested = val[$cond];

            if ($cond === '$not') {
              if (nested && schematype && !schematype.caster) {
                _keys = Object.keys(nested);
                if (_keys.length && _keys[0].charAt(0) === '$') {
                  for (var key in nested) {
                    nested[key] = schematype.castForQueryWrapper({
                      $conditional: key,
                      val: nested[key],
                      context: context
                } else {
                  val[$cond] = schematype.castForQueryWrapper({
                    $conditional: $cond,
                    val: nested,
                    context: context
              cast(schematype.caster ? schematype.caster.schema : schema, nested, options, context);
            } else {
              val[$cond] = schematype.castForQueryWrapper({
                $conditional: $cond,
                val: nested,
                context: context
      } else if ( === 'Array' && ['Buffer', 'Array'].indexOf(schematype.instance) === -1) {
        var casted = [];
        for (var valIndex = 0; valIndex < val.length; valIndex++) {
            val: val[valIndex],
            context: context

        obj[path] = { $in: casted };
      } else {
        obj[path] = schematype.castForQueryWrapper({
          val: val,
          context: context

  return obj;

function _cast(val, numbertype, context) {
  if (Array.isArray(val)) {
    val.forEach(function(item, i) {
      if (Array.isArray(item) || utils.isObject(item)) {
        return _cast(item, numbertype, context);
      val[i] = numbertype.castForQueryWrapper({ val: item, context: context });
  } else {
    var nearKeys = Object.keys(val);
    var nearLen = nearKeys.length;
    while (nearLen--) {
      var nkey = nearKeys[nearLen];
      var item = val[nkey];
      if (Array.isArray(item) || utils.isObject(item)) {
        _cast(item, numbertype, context);
        val[nkey] = item;
      } else {
        val[nkey] = numbertype.castForQuery({ val: item, context: context });