
Update README.md

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<div align="center"><img src="./image/title.PNG" width="70%" height="70%"></div>
# 공휴일 카운터 및 활동 추천 (Holiday-Counter-Recommend-Activity)
사용자에게 가장 가까운 공휴일의 남은 날짜와 추천하는 활동을 알려주는 웹/앱입니다.
## About The Project
- Open Api로부터 이번달의 공휴일 정보를 불러옵니다.
- 현재 날짜 이후로부터 가장 가까운 공휴일의 남은 날짜와 추천하는 활동을 알려줍니다.
공휴일 카운터 및 활동 추천
### Overview
## Getting Started (Installation)
Require overview image
### Project Architecture
Require project architecture image
### Built With
- [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/ko/)
- [Express](https://expressjs.com/ko/)
## Getting Started
### Prerequisites
- Node.js
Need to get your service key from **[here](https://www.data.go.kr/data/15012690/openapi.do)**
- `holiday-counter-recommend-activity/nodejs/.env`
### Installation
1. Clone the repository
[copy content="git clone http://khuhub.khu.ac.kr/teamPARK/holiday-counter-recommend-activity.git"]
2. Install NPM packages
[copy content="npm install"]
3. Open Server
[copy content="npm start"]
git clone http://khuhub.khu.ac.kr/teamPARK/holiday-counter-recommend-activity.git
## Built with
- [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/ko/)
2. Write your service key that you get in prerequisite to
3. Install NPM packages
npm install
## Contributing
4. Open Server
npm start
## Contributing
다음 과정을 통해 프로젝트에 기여할 수 있습니다.
1. Fork the project repository
2. Create your branch
3. Make changes and commit
4. Push to your own Gibhub repository
2. Create your branch (git checkout feature/name)
3. Make changes and commit (git commit -m "Input your commit contents")
4. Push to your own Gibhub repository (git push origin feature/name)
5. Create a pull request
## Contact
- 박지환: peto@khu.ac.kr
- 박규리: kyuri0924@khu.ac.kr
- 박종현: asd401200@khu.ac.kr
## Contact
[프로젝트 링크] (http://khuhub.khu.ac.kr/teamPARK/holiday-counter-recommand-activity.git)
**[Project Link](http://khuhub.khu.ac.kr/teamPARK/holiday-counter-recommend-activity.git)**
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