textthread.h 4.05 KB
#pragma once

// textthread.h
// 8/23/2013 jichi
// Branch: ITH/TextThread.h, rev 120

#include "host/textthread_p.h"
#include <intrin.h> // require _InterlockedExchange

struct RepeatCountNode {
  short repeat;
  short count;
  RepeatCountNode *next;

  //RepeatCountNode() : repeat(0), count(0), next(nullptr) {}

struct ThreadParameter {
  DWORD pid; // jichi: 5/11/2014: The process ID
  DWORD hook;
  DWORD retn; // jichi 5/11/2014: The return address of the hook
  DWORD spl;  // jichi 5/11/2014: the processed split value of the hook parameter

#define CURRENT_SELECT 0x1000
#define BUFF_NEWLINE 0x4000
#define CYCLIC_REPEAT 0x8000
#define COUNT_PER_FOWARD 0x200
#define REPEAT_DETECT 0x10000
#define REPEAT_SUPPRESS 0x20000
#define REPEAT_NEWLINE 0x40000

class TextThread;
typedef void (* ConsoleCallback)(LPCSTR text);
typedef void (* ConsoleWCallback)(LPCWSTR text);
typedef DWORD (* ThreadOutputFilterCallback)(TextThread *, BYTE *, DWORD, DWORD, PVOID, bool space); // jichi 10/27/2013: Add space
typedef DWORD (* ThreadEventCallback)(TextThread *);

//extern DWORD split_time,repeat_count,global_filter,cyclic_remove;

class TextThread : public MyVector<BYTE, 0x200>
  TextThread(DWORD pid, DWORD hook, DWORD retn, DWORD spl, WORD num);
  //virtual void CopyLastSentence(LPWSTR str);
  //virtual void SetComment(LPWSTR);
  //virtual void ExportTextToFile(LPWSTR filename);

  virtual bool CheckCycle(TextThread *start);
  virtual DWORD GetThreadString(LPSTR str, DWORD max);
  virtual DWORD GetEntryString(LPSTR str, DWORD max = 0x200);

  void Reset();
  void AddText(const BYTE *con,int len, bool new_line, bool space); // jichi 10/27/2013: add const; remove console; add space
  void RemoveSingleRepeatAuto(const BYTE *con, int &len); // jichi 10/27/2013: add const
  void RemoveSingleRepeatForce(BYTE *con, int &len);
  void RemoveCyclicRepeat(BYTE *&con, int &len);
  void ResetRepeatStatus();
  void AddLineBreak();
  //void ResetEditText();
  void ComboSelectCurrent();
  void UnLinkAll();
  void CopyLastToClipboard();

  //void AdjustPrevRepeat(DWORD len);
  //void PrevRepeatLength(DWORD &len);

  //bool AddToCombo();
  bool RemoveFromCombo();

  void SetNewLineFlag();
  void SetNewLineTimer();

  BYTE *GetStore(DWORD *len) { if (len) *len = used; return storage; }
  DWORD LastSentenceLen() { return used - last_sentence; }
  DWORD PID() const { return tp.pid; }
  DWORD Addr() const {return tp.hook; }
  DWORD &Status() { return status; }
  WORD Number() const { return thread_number; }
  WORD &Last() { return last; }
  WORD &LinkNumber() { return link_number; }
  UINT_PTR &Timer() { return timer; }
  ThreadParameter *GetThreadParameter() { return &tp; }
  TextThread *&Link() { return link; }
  //LPCWSTR GetComment() { return comment; }

  ThreadOutputFilterCallback RegisterOutputCallBack(ThreadOutputFilterCallback cb, PVOID data)
    app_data = data;
    return (ThreadOutputFilterCallback)_InterlockedExchange((long*)&output,(long)cb);

  ThreadOutputFilterCallback RegisterFilterCallBack(ThreadOutputFilterCallback cb, PVOID data)
    app_data = data;
    return (ThreadOutputFilterCallback)_InterlockedExchange((long*)&filter,(long)cb);

  void SetRepeatFlag() { status |= CYCLIC_REPEAT; }
  void ClearNewLineFlag() { status &= ~BUFF_NEWLINE; }
  void ClearRepeatFlag() { status &= ~CYCLIC_REPEAT; }

  void AddTextDirect(const BYTE *con, int len, bool space); // jichi 10/27/2013: add const; add space; change to protected

  ThreadParameter tp;

  WORD thread_number,
  WORD last,
  WORD repeat_single;
  WORD repeat_single_current;
  WORD repeat_single_count;
  WORD repeat_detect_count;
  RepeatCountNode *head;

  TextThread *link;
  ThreadOutputFilterCallback filter;  // jichi 10/27/2013: Remove filter
  ThreadOutputFilterCallback output;
  PVOID app_data;
  LPSTR thread_string;
  UINT_PTR timer;
  DWORD status,repeat_detect_limit;
  DWORD last_sentence,

// EOF