cli.h 2.56 KB
#pragma once

// cli.h
// 8/24/2013 jichi
// Branch: IHF_DLL/IHF_CLIENT.h, rev 133
// 8/24/2013 TODO:
// - Clean up this file
// - Reduce global variables. Use namespaces or singleton classes instead.

//#include <windows.h>
//#define IHF
#include "config.h"
#include "hook.h"

// jichi 12/25/2013: Header in each message sent to vnrsrv
// There are totally three elements
// - 0x0 dwAddr  hook address
// - 0x4 dwRetn  return address
// - 0x8 dwSplit split value
#define HEADER_SIZE 0xc

extern int current_hook;
extern WCHAR dll_mutex[];
//extern WCHAR dll_name[];
extern DWORD trigger;
//extern DWORD current_process_id;

// jichi 6/3/2014: Get memory range of the current module
extern DWORD processStartAddress,

template <class T, class D, class fComp, class fCopy, class fLength>
class AVLTree;
struct FunctionInfo {
  DWORD addr;
  DWORD module;
  DWORD size;
  LPWSTR name;
struct SCMP;
struct SCPY;
struct SLEN;
extern AVLTree<char, FunctionInfo, SCMP, SCPY, SLEN> *tree;

void InitFilterTable();

// jichi 9/25/2013: This class will be used by NtMapViewOfSectionfor
// interprocedure communication, where constructor/destructor will NOT work.
class TextHook : public Hook
  int UnsafeInsertHookCode();
  DWORD UnsafeSend(DWORD dwDataBase, DWORD dwRetn);
  int InsertHook();
  int InsertHookCode();
  int InitHook(const HookParam &hp, LPCWSTR name = 0, WORD set_flag = 0);
  int InitHook(LPVOID addr, DWORD data, DWORD data_ind,
      DWORD split_off, DWORD split_ind, WORD type, DWORD len_off = 0);
  DWORD Send(DWORD dwDataBase, DWORD dwRetn);
  int RecoverHook();
  int RemoveHook();
  int ClearHook();
  int ModifyHook(const HookParam&);
  int SetHookName(LPCWSTR name);
  int GetLength(DWORD base, DWORD in); // jichi 12/25/2013: Return 0 if failed
  void CoolDown(); // jichi 9/28/2013: flush instruction cache on wine

extern TextHook *hookman,

//void InitDefaultHook();

struct FilterRange { DWORD lower, upper; };
extern FilterRange *filter;

extern bool running,

extern HANDLE hPipe,

DWORD WINAPI WaitForPipe(LPVOID lpThreadParameter);
DWORD WINAPI CommandPipe(LPVOID lpThreadParameter);

//void RequestRefreshProfile();

//typedef DWORD (*InsertHookFun)(DWORD);
//typedef DWORD (*IdentifyEngineFun)();
//typedef DWORD (*InsertDynamicHookFun)(LPVOID addr, DWORD frame, DWORD stack);
//extern IdentifyEngineFun IdentifyEngine;
//extern InsertDynamicHookFun InsertDynamicHook;

// jichi 9/28/2013: Protect pipeline in wine
void CliLockPipe();
void CliUnlockPipe();

// EOF