
Add package exporter

1 +fileFormatVersion: 2
2 +guid: caeddadec8b5e471f8eb2fa2be00758e
3 +folderAsset: yes
4 +timeCreated: 1512295982
5 +licenseType: Pro
6 +DefaultImporter:
7 + externalObjects: {}
8 + userData:
9 + assetBundleName:
10 + assetBundleVariant:
1 +// 단순 유니티 패키지 제작용 스크립트
2 +
3 +
4 +using UnityEngine;
5 +using System.Collections;
6 +using UnityEditor;
7 +
8 +public static class ExportPackage {
9 +
10 +
11 + [MenuItem("Export/Export with tags and layers, Input settings")]
12 + public static void export()
13 + {
14 + string[] projectContent = new string[] {"Assets", "ProjectSettings/TagManager.asset","ProjectSettings/InputManager.asset","ProjectSettings/ProjectSettings.asset"};
15 + AssetDatabase.ExportPackage(projectContent, "OpenVR-Shooter.unitypackage",ExportPackageOptions.Interactive | ExportPackageOptions.Recurse |ExportPackageOptions.IncludeDependencies);
16 + Debug.Log("Project Exported");
17 + }
18 +
19 +}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +fileFormatVersion: 2
2 +guid: a0c4c44f7d054454eb7cceea80ed0d1a
3 +timeCreated: 1512295992
4 +licenseType: Pro
5 +MonoImporter:
6 + externalObjects: {}
7 + serializedVersion: 2
8 + defaultReferences: []
9 + executionOrder: 0
10 + icon: {instanceID: 0}
11 + userData:
12 + assetBundleName:
13 + assetBundleVariant: