
Add 02_operating_systems

1 +# Operating Systems - Coding Assignment1: safety algorithm
2 +- [Coding Assignment1]safety_algorithm.py
3 +- [Coding Assignment1]r_SafeCaseResult.png
4 +- [Coding Assignment1]r_UnsafeCaseResult.png
5 +- (ref)ref_safety_algorithm.py
6 +- (ref)ref_safety_algorithm2.py
7 +- (ref)ref_safety_algorithm3.py
8 +
9 +# Operating Systems - Coding Assignment2: memory allocation
10 +- [Coding Assignment2]memory_allocation.py
11 +- processes.txt
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +#_*_ coding: utf-8 _*_
2 +
3 +process_num = 4 #process 갯수
4 +resource_num = 3 #resourse 종류
5 +resource_max = []
6 +
7 +finished_process = [] # process 수행종료 여부
8 +alloc = [] # 각 process의 초기할당
9 +process_max = [] # 각 process의 max
10 +avail = [] # 각 process의 available
11 +need = [] # 각 process의 need
12 +safety_order = [] # safe한 process의 순서를 나타냄
13 +
14 +def main() :
15 +
16 + # 초기 설정 작업 #
17 +
18 + # finished_process 계산
19 + for i in range(0, process_num) :
20 + finished_process.append(False)
21 + safety_order.append(0)
22 +
23 +
24 + while(1) :
25 +
26 + print("\nPlease Enter 1 to Safe Case")
27 + print("or 2 to Unsafe Case")
28 + choice = int(input("Enter : "))
29 +
30 + if(choice == 1) :
31 +
32 + # Safe Case의 각 resource 상한과 현재 할당량, process별 상한 지정
33 + resource_max = [20,30,40]
34 + alloc = [[0,5,1],[2,2,2],[1,2,1],[2,8,18]]
35 + process_max = [[10,15,4],[2,25,35],[17,20,30],[10,19,20]]
36 +
37 + for j in range(0, resource_num) : # avail 계산
38 + temp = resource_max[j]
39 + for i in range(0,process_num) :
40 + temp -= alloc[i][j]
41 + avail.append(temp)
42 +
43 + for i in range(0, process_num) : # need 계산
44 + temp = []
45 + for j in range(0, resource_num) :
46 + temp.append(abs(process_max[i][j]-alloc[i][j]))
47 + need.append(temp)
48 +
49 + break
50 +
51 + elif(choice == 2) :
52 +
53 + # Unsafe Case의 각 resource 상한과 현재 할당량, process별 상한 지정
54 + resource_max = [20,30,40]
55 + alloc = [[0,5,1],[2,2,2],[1,2,1],[2,8,18]]
56 + process_max = [[20,15,4],[2,25,35],[19,20,30],[15,19,20]]
57 +
58 + for j in range(0, resource_num) : # avail 계산
59 + temp = resource_max[j]
60 + for i in range(0,process_num) :
61 + temp -= alloc[i][j]
62 + avail.append(temp)
63 +
64 + for i in range(0, process_num) : # need 계산
65 + temp = []
66 + for j in range(0, resource_num) :
67 + temp.append(abs(process_max[i][j]-alloc[i][j]))
68 + need.append(temp)
69 +
70 + break
71 +
72 + else :
73 + print("Please Enter Right Value!")
74 +
75 +
76 +
77 + # 현재상황 출력
78 + print("\n--------------Safety Algorithm--------------\n")
79 +
80 + print("Current Allocation : [A, B, C]")
81 + for i in range(0, process_num) :
82 + print(" P#"+str(i+1)+" : "+str(alloc[i]))
83 +
84 + print("\n Current Max : [A, B, C]")
85 + for i in range(0, process_num) :
86 + print(" P#"+str(i+1)+" : "+str(process_max[i]))
87 +
88 +
89 +
90 + # 비교 및 순서도출
91 + time = 0
92 +
93 + while(time < process_num) :
94 + for i in range(0, process_num) :
95 + k = 0
96 + for j in range(0,resource_num) :
97 + if(need[i][j] <= avail[j]) :
98 + k += 1 # 해당 process가 available보다 작은 need를 가졌다면 count
99 +
100 + if(k == resource_num) : # 해당 process의 모든 resource가 available보다 작은 need를 가진 경우
101 + finished_process[i] = True # 해당 process는 finish 했다고 표시됨
102 + for l in range(0, resource_num) :
103 + avail[l] = avail[l] + alloc[i][l] # 자신이 할당했던 resource를 환원하고
104 + need[i][l] = 10000 # 끝난 process는 need값을 많이 높여 비교대상에서 제외
105 +
106 + safety_order[time] = i # safety_order에 현재 time에 적합한 process의 index를 설정
107 + break
108 +
109 + time += 1
110 +
111 +
112 + time = 0
113 +
114 + for i in range(0, process_num) :
115 + if(finished_process[i] == True) :
116 + time += 1 # i값에 따라 True인 process를 찾고 time을 증가시킨다
117 +
118 + if(time == process_num) : # 모든 process가 True여야만 Safe Case이다.
119 + result = ""
120 + for i in range(0, process_num) :
121 + result = result + "Process#" + str(safety_order[i]+1) + "/"
122 + print("\n Safe Processes! : " + result)
123 +
124 + else :
125 + print("\nNot Safe Processes!")
126 +
127 +
128 + print("\n--------------------------------------------\n")
129 +
130 +if __name__ == '__main__' :
131 + main()
132 +
1 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 +
3 +# Node 클래스 정의
4 +class Node:
5 + def __init__(self, pnum, psize):
6 + self.pnum = pnum
7 + self.psize = psize
8 + self.next = None
9 +
10 +
11 +# 자료구조 정의
12 +class MemoryList:
13 + total_memory = 1000.0
14 + available_memory = total_memory
15 +
16 + # 초기화 메소드
17 + def __init__(self):
18 + dummy = Node(0,0.0)
19 + self.head = dummy
20 + self.tail = dummy
21 +
22 + self.current = None
23 + self.before = None
24 + self.alloc_ptr = None
25 + self.searching_ptr = None
26 + self.hole = 0
27 + self.hole_found = None
28 +
29 + self.num_of_data = 0
30 +
31 + # self.allocMemory(0,self.total_memory)
32 +
33 + # allocMemory 메소드
34 + def allocMemory(self, pnum, psize):
35 +
36 + if(psize != 0) :
37 +
38 + if(self.available_memory<psize) :
39 + print("Not enough memory!")
40 +
41 + # 처음인 경우 그냥 넣고
42 + elif((self.num_of_data == 0)or(self.hole==0)) :
43 + new_node = Node(pnum, psize)
44 + self.available_memory -= psize
45 + self.tail.next = new_node
46 + self.tail = new_node
47 +
48 + self.num_of_data += 1
49 +
50 + # 첫 할당이 아닐 경우는 alloc_ptr 초기화 해서 사용합니다.
51 + else :
52 + self.first()
53 + self.alloc_ptr = self.current
54 + self.searching_ptr = self.current
55 +
56 + # best를 찾기 위한 변수
57 + best_fit = 10000
58 + self.hole_found = False
59 +
60 + while(True) :
61 + # pnum = 0(빈자리) 중 psize보다 큰 자리가 있으면
62 + if((self.searching_ptr.pnum==0)and(self.searching_ptr.psize>=psize)) :
63 + self.hole_found = True
64 + # best fit 계산해보고, alloc_ptr 설정
65 + if(best_fit>(self.searching_ptr.psize-psize)) :
66 + best_fit = self.searching_ptr.psize-psize
67 + self.alloc_ptr = self.searching_ptr
68 +
69 +
70 + # 마지막까지 갔으면 break!
71 + if(self.searching_ptr.next == None) :
72 + self.searching_ptr = None
73 + break
74 + self.searching_ptr = self.searching_ptr.next
75 +
76 + if(self.hole_found == True) :
77 + # new_node를 뒤에 붙일 노드로 초기화
78 + new_node = Node(0, (self.alloc_ptr.psize-psize))
79 +
80 + new_node.next = self.alloc_ptr.next
81 + self.alloc_ptr.next = new_node
82 +
83 + self.alloc_ptr.pnum = pnum
84 + self.alloc_ptr.psize = psize
85 +
86 + if(new_node.psize == 0) :
87 + self.alloc_ptr.next = new_node.next
88 + new_node.next = None
89 +
90 + self.available_memory -= psize
91 + self.num_of_data += 1
92 +
93 + elif(self.hole_found == False) :
94 +
95 + new_node = Node(pnum, psize)
96 + self.tail.next = new_node
97 + self.tail = new_node
98 + self.available_memory -= psize
99 + self.num_of_data += 1
100 +
101 +
102 +
103 +
104 + elif(psize == 0) :
105 + self.first()
106 + while(True) :
107 + if(self.current.pnum == pnum) :
108 + self.current.pnum = 0
109 + self.available_memory += self.current.psize
110 + self.hole += 1
111 + break
112 + else :
113 + self.next()
114 +
115 +
116 + # def delete(self):
117 + # # pop_pnum = self.current.pnum
118 + # # pop_psize = self.current.psize
119 +
120 + # if self.current is self.tail:
121 + # self.tail = self.before
122 +
123 + # self.before.next = self.current.next
124 + # self.current = self.before # 중요 : current가 next가 아닌 before로 변경된다.
125 + # #
126 +
127 + # self.num_of_data -= 1
128 +
129 + # return pop_pnum, pop_psize
130 +
131 + # first 메소드 (search1 - 맨 앞의 노드 검색, before, current 변경)
132 + def first(self):
133 + if self.num_of_data == 0: # 데이터가 없는 경우 첫번째 노드도 없기 때문에 None 리턴
134 + return None
135 +
136 + self.before = self.head
137 + self.current = self.head.next
138 +
139 + # return self.current.psize, self.current.pnum
140 +
141 + # next 메소드 (search2 - current 노드의 다음 노드 검색, 이전에 first 메소드가 한번은 실행되어야 함)
142 + def next(self):
143 + if self.current.next == None:
144 + # print ("End")
145 + return None
146 +
147 + else :
148 + self.before = self.current
149 + self.current = self.current.next
150 +
151 + return self.current.pnum, self.current.psize
152 +
153 + def size(self):
154 + return self.num_of_data
155 +
156 +
157 +
158 +
159 +
160 +
161 +
162 +
163 +myMemory = MemoryList()
164 +
165 +
166 +# 파일 open & process 할당.
167 +f = open('processes.txt','r')
168 +i = 1
169 +print("\n[Memory Size : 1000.0]\n")
170 +
171 +while(True) :
172 + line = f.readline().strip().split()
173 + if(not line) : break
174 +
175 + myMemory.allocMemory(int(line[0]), float(line[1]))
176 +
177 + myMemory.first()
178 +
179 + print("REQUEST#"+str(i)+" - Process#"+str(line[0])+" "+str(line[1]))
180 + while(True) :
181 + if(myMemory.current.pnum!=0) :
182 + print("Process#" + str(myMemory.current.pnum) + ": " + str(myMemory.current.psize))
183 + else :
184 + print(" Hole: "+str(myMemory.current.psize))
185 +
186 + if(myMemory.next()==None) :
187 + break
188 +
189 + print("Available Memory: "+str(myMemory.available_memory)+"\n")
190 + i += 1
191 +
192 +
193 +# print(pdict)
194 +f.close()
195 +
196 +
197 +
198 +# ---------- Testing ----------#
199 +
200 +# myMemory.allocMemory(1,22.0)
201 +# myMemory.allocMemory(2,18.0)
202 +# myMemory.allocMemory(3,28.0)
203 +# myMemory.allocMemory(5,25.0)
204 +# myMemory.allocMemory(4,5.0)
205 +# myMemory.allocMemory(2,0)
206 +# myMemory.allocMemory(6,10.0)
207 +# # myMemory.allocMemory(4,0)
208 +# myMemory.allocMemory(5,0)
209 +# myMemory.allocMemory(7,20.0)
210 +
211 +
212 +
213 +
214 +# print("MEMORY SIZE: "+str(myMemory.total_memory)+"\n")
215 +
216 +# print("REQUEST 1: 22.0")
217 +# print("Best Fit: Allocated at address "+str(myMemory.current.psize))
218 +# print(" "+str(myMemory.available_memory)+" free")
1 +1 100
2 +2 100
3 +3 100
4 +4 80
5 +5 100
6 +4 0
7 +6 100
8 +7 100
9 +8 88
10 +9 23
11 +10 22
12 +9 0
13 +11 67
14 +4 50
15 +7 0
16 +11 0
17 +12 100
18 +13 100
19 +12 0
20 +14 99
1 +from string import ascii_uppercase
2 +
3 +letters = list(ascii_uppercase)
4 +
5 +def main():
6 + available = []
7 + original_available = []
8 + process = []
9 +
10 + total_allocation = []
11 + total_resources = []
12 +
13 + # f(x1)
14 + number_of_resources = 3
15 + number_of_processes = 4
16 +
17 + # f(x2)
18 + total_resources = set_total_resources(number_of_resources=number_of_resources)
19 +
20 + # f(x3)
21 + process = set_processes(number_of_resources=number_of_resources, number_of_processes=number_of_processes)
22 + total_allocation = get_total_allocation(process=process, number_of_processes=len(process), number_of_resources=number_of_resources)
23 + available = get_available(total_resources=total_resources, total_allocation=total_allocation, number_of_resources=number_of_resources)
24 + original_available = list(available)
25 +
26 +
27 + # f(x4)
28 + process = get_process_need(process=process, number_of_processes=len(process), number_of_resources=number_of_resources)
29 +
30 + temp = list(process)
31 +
32 +
33 + # f(x5)
34 + while (len(process) != 0):
35 + queue, process = compare_ai_need(available=available, process=process, number_of_processes=len(process), number_of_resources=number_of_resources)
36 + # f(x6)
37 + available = get_new_ai(available=available, queue=queue, number_of_processes=len(queue), number_of_resources=number_of_resources)
38 +
39 +
40 + # f(x7)
41 + is_safe, available = check_safety(original_available=original_available, available=available, total_allocation=total_allocation, number_of_resources=number_of_resources)
42 +
43 + process = list(temp)
44 +
45 + print("Total Resources : {}".format(total_resources))
46 + print("Total Allocation : {}".format(total_allocation))
47 + print("Original Available Instance : {}".format(original_available))
48 + print("New Available Instance : {}".format(available))
49 + print("Processes : {}".format(process))
50 + print("Safe" if is_safe == True else "Not Safe")
51 +
52 +
53 +
54 +
55 +def set_total_resources(number_of_resources=0):
56 + total_resources = []
57 + for resource_number in range(0, number_of_resources):
58 + total_resources.append(int(input("Total Resources, value for {}: ".format(letters[resource_number]))))
59 + return total_resources
60 +
61 +def set_processes(number_of_resources=0, number_of_processes=0):
62 + cur_allocation = []
63 + max_allocation = []
64 + process = []
65 + for index in range(0, number_of_processes):
66 + for resource_number in range(0, number_of_resources):
67 + max_allocation.append(int(input("Max. Allocation #{}, value for {}: ".format(index + 1, letters[resource_number]))))
68 + for resource_number in range(0, number_of_resources):
69 + cur_allocation.append(int(input("Cur. Allocation #{}, value for {}: ".format(index + 1, letters[resource_number]))))
70 + process.append([max_allocation, cur_allocation])
71 + max_allocation = []
72 + cur_allocation = []
73 + return process
74 +
75 +def get_total_allocation(process=[], number_of_processes=0, number_of_resources=0):
76 + summation = 0
77 + total_allocation = []
78 + for resource_number in range(0, number_of_resources):
79 + for index in range(0, number_of_processes):
80 + summation += process[index][1][resource_number]
81 + total_allocation.append(summation)
82 + summation = 0
83 + return total_allocation
84 +
85 +def get_available(total_resources=[], total_allocation=[], number_of_resources=0):
86 + available = list([abs(rn_total_resources - rn_total_allocation) for rn_total_resources, rn_total_allocation in zip(total_resources, total_allocation)])
87 + return available
88 +
89 +def get_process_need(process=[], number_of_processes=0, number_of_resources=0):
90 + for index in range(0, number_of_processes):
91 + need = list([abs(rn_max_alloc - rn_current_alloc) for index, rn_max_alloc, rn_current_alloc in zip(process, process[index][0], process[index][1])])
92 + process[index].append(need)
93 + need = []
94 + return process
95 +
96 +def compare_ai_need(available=[], process=[], number_of_processes=0, number_of_resources=0):
97 + for_removal = []
98 + queue = []
99 + for index in range(0, number_of_processes):
100 + if (process[index][2] < available):
101 + queue.append([process[index][2], process[index][0]])
102 + for_removal.append(process[index])
103 + queue.sort()
104 + for index in range(0, len(for_removal)):
105 + process.remove(for_removal[index])
106 + return queue, process
107 +
108 +def get_new_ai(available=[], queue=[], number_of_processes=0, number_of_resources=0):
109 + for index in range(0, number_of_processes):
110 + for resource_number in range(0, number_of_resources):
111 + available[resource_number] = abs(available[resource_number] - queue[index][0][resource_number]) + queue[index][1][resource_number]
112 + return available
113 +
114 +def check_safety(original_available=[], available=[], total_allocation=[], number_of_resources=0):
115 + available = list([abs(rn_available - rn_total_allocation) for rn_available, rn_total_allocation in zip(available, total_allocation)])
116 + return (True if (original_available == available) else False), available
117 +
118 +if __name__ == '__main__':
119 + main()
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +#_*_ coding: utf-8 _*_
2 +
3 +from string import ascii_uppercase
4 +
5 +
6 +letters = list(ascii_uppercase)
7 +
8 +
9 +def main() :
10 +
11 + available = []
12 + original_available = []
13 + process = []
14 + finished_process = []
15 + finished = False
16 +
17 + total_allocation = []
18 +
19 + # resource는 3종류이며, 각각 20, 30, 40을 가지고 있다.
20 + number_of_resources = 3
21 + total_resources = [20,30,40]
22 +
23 + # process는 4개가 있다.
24 + number_of_processes = 4
25 +
26 + # [ process:[[max],[current]], ...]
27 + process = [[[10,6,4],[0,1,1]],[[5,6,7],[2,2,2]],[[15,3,4],[1,2,2]],[[7,9,20],[2,8,11]]]
28 +
29 + # total_allocation, available, original_available 계산
30 + total_allocation = get_total_allocation(process, number_of_processes, number_of_resources)
31 + available = get_total_available(total_resources, total_allocation, number_of_resources)
32 + original_available = available
33 +
34 + # finish 설정
35 + for i in range(0,number_of_processes) :
36 + finished_process.append(False)
37 +
38 + print(" total_resources : " + str(total_resources))
39 + print("total_allocation : " + str(total_allocation))
40 + print(" available : " + str(available))
41 + print(" finish : " + str(finished_process))
42 +
43 +
44 + get_process_need(process, number_of_processes, number_of_resources)
45 + print("\n process : Max Allocation Need")
46 +
47 + for i in range(0, number_of_processes) :
48 + print(" " + str(process[i]))
49 +
50 +
51 + temp = list(process)
52 +
53 + while(len(process) != 0) :
54 + queue, process = compare_avail_need(available, process, number_of_processes, number_of_resources)
55 + available = get_new_avail(available, queue, len(queue), number_of_resources)
56 +
57 +
58 + is_safe, available = check_safety(original_available, available, total_allocation, number_of_resources)
59 +
60 + process = list(temp)
61 +
62 + print("New available instances : " + str(available))
63 + print(" Processes : " + str(process))
64 + print(" Safe" if is_safe==True else " Not Safe")
65 +
66 +
67 +
68 +
69 +
70 +def get_total_allocation(process, number_of_processes, number_of_resources) :
71 + sum = 0
72 + temp = []
73 + # 각 process들의 현재 할당된 resource를 더해서 현재 전체 사용중인 resource 도출
74 + for i in range(0, number_of_resources) :
75 + for j in range(0, number_of_processes) :
76 + sum += process[j][1][i]
77 + temp.append(sum)
78 + sum = 0
79 +
80 + return temp
81 +
82 +def get_total_available(total_resources, total_allocation, number_of_resources) :
83 + temp = []
84 +
85 + # 현재 사용 가능한 resource를 계산
86 + for i in range(0,number_of_resources) :
87 + temp.append(total_resources[i] - total_allocation[i])
88 +
89 + return temp
90 +
91 +def get_process_need(process, number_of_processes, number_of_resources) :
92 + need = []
93 + for i in range(0, number_of_processes) :
94 + for j in range(0, number_of_resources) :
95 + need.append(process[i][0][j] - process[i][1][j])
96 + process[i].append(need)
97 + need = []
98 +
99 +def compare_avail_need(available, process, number_of_processes, number_of_resources) :
100 + remove_list = []
101 + queue = []
102 +
103 + for i in range(0, number_of_processes) :
104 + if(process[i][2] < available) :
105 + queue.append([process[i][2], process[i][0]])
106 + remove_list.append(process[i])
107 + queue.sort()
108 + for i in range(0, len(remove_list)) :
109 + process.remove(remove_list[i])
110 + return queue, process
111 +
112 +def get_new_avail(available, queue, number_of_processes, number_of_resources) :
113 + for i in range(0, number_of_processes) :
114 + for j in range(0, number_of_resources) :
115 + available[j] = abs(available[j] - queue[i][0][j]) + queue[i][1][j]
116 + return available
117 +
118 +def check_safety(original_available, available, total_allocation, number_of_resources) :
119 + available = list([abs(rn_available - rn_total_allocation) for rn_available, rn_total_allocation in zip(available, total_allocation)])
120 + return (True if (original_available == available) else False), available
121 +
122 +
123 +
124 +if __name__ == '__main__' :
125 + main()
126 +
127 +
1 +#_*_ coding: utf-8 _*_
2 +
3 +process_num = 4 #process 갯수
4 +resource_num = 3 #resourse 종류
5 +resource_max = []
6 +
7 +finished_process = [] # process 수행종료 여부
8 +alloc = [] # 각 process의 초기할당
9 +process_max = [] # 각 process의 max
10 +avail = [] # 각 process의 available
11 +need = [] # 각 process의 need
12 +safety_order = [] # safe한 process의 순서를 나타냄
13 +
14 +def main() :
15 +
16 + # 초기 설정 작업 #
17 +
18 + # finished_process 계산
19 + for i in range(0, process_num) :
20 + finished_process.append(False)
21 + safety_order.append(0)
22 +
23 +
24 + while(1) :
25 +
26 + print("\nPlease Enter 1 to Safe Case")
27 + print("or 2 to Unsafe Case")
28 + choice = int(input("Enter : "))
29 +
30 + if(choice == 1) :
31 +
32 + # Safe Case의 각 resource 상한과 현재 할당량, process별 상한 지정
33 + resource_max = [20,30,40]
34 + alloc = [[0,5,1],[2,2,2],[1,2,1],[2,8,18]]
35 + process_max = [[10,15,4],[2,25,35],[17,20,30],[10,19,20]]
36 +
37 + for j in range(0, resource_num) : # avail 계산
38 + temp = resource_max[j]
39 + for i in range(0,process_num) :
40 + temp -= alloc[i][j]
41 + avail.append(temp)
42 +
43 + for i in range(0, process_num) : # need 계산
44 + temp = []
45 + for j in range(0, resource_num) :
46 + temp.append(abs(process_max[i][j]-alloc[i][j]))
47 + need.append(temp)
48 +
49 + break
50 +
51 + elif(choice == 2) :
52 +
53 + # Unsafe Case의 각 resource 상한과 현재 할당량, process별 상한 지정
54 + resource_max = [20,30,40]
55 + alloc = [[0,5,1],[2,2,2],[1,2,1],[2,8,18]]
56 + process_max = [[20,15,4],[2,25,35],[19,20,30],[15,19,20]]
57 +
58 + for j in range(0, resource_num) : # avail 계산
59 + temp = resource_max[j]
60 + for i in range(0,process_num) :
61 + temp -= alloc[i][j]
62 + avail.append(temp)
63 +
64 + for i in range(0, process_num) : # need 계산
65 + temp = []
66 + for j in range(0, resource_num) :
67 + temp.append(abs(process_max[i][j]-alloc[i][j]))
68 + need.append(temp)
69 +
70 + break
71 +
72 + else :
73 + print("Please Enter Right Value!")
74 +
75 +
76 +
77 + # 현재상황 출력
78 + print("\n--------------Safety Algorithm--------------\n")
79 +
80 + print("Current Allocation : [A, B, C]")
81 + for i in range(0, process_num) :
82 + print(" P#"+str(i+1)+" : "+str(alloc[i]))
83 +
84 + print("\n Current Max : [A, B, C]")
85 + for i in range(0, process_num) :
86 + print(" P#"+str(i+1)+" : "+str(process_max[i]))
87 +
88 +
89 +
90 + # 비교 및 순서도출
91 + time = 0
92 +
93 + while(time < process_num) :
94 + for i in range(0, process_num) :
95 + k = 0
96 + for j in range(0,resource_num) :
97 + if(need[i][j] <= avail[j]) :
98 + k += 1 # 해당 process가 available보다 작은 need를 가졌다면 count
99 +
100 + if(k == resource_num) : # 해당 process의 모든 resource가 available보다 작은 need를 가진 경우
101 + finished_process[i] = True # 해당 process는 finish 했다고 표시됨
102 + for l in range(0, resource_num) :
103 + avail[l] = avail[l] + alloc[i][l] # 자신이 할당했던 resource를 환원하고
104 + need[i][l] = 10000 # 끝난 process는 need값을 많이 높여 비교대상에서 제외
105 +
106 + safety_order[time] = i # safety_order에 현재 time에 적합한 process의 index를 설정
107 + break
108 +
109 + time += 1
110 +
111 +
112 + time = 0
113 +
114 + for i in range(0, process_num) :
115 + if(finished_process[i] == True) :
116 + time += 1 # i값에 따라 True인 process를 찾고 time을 증가시킨다
117 +
118 + if(time == process_num) : # 모든 process가 True여야만 Safe Case이다.
119 + result = ""
120 + for i in range(0, process_num) :
121 + result = result + "Process#" + str(safety_order[i]+1) + "/"
122 + print("\n Safe Processes! : " + result)
123 +
124 + else :
125 + print("\nNot Safe Processes!")
126 +
127 +
128 + print("\n--------------------------------------------\n")
129 +
130 +if __name__ == '__main__' :
131 + main()
132 +
No preview for this file type
1 +# Operating Systems - Java Lab
2 +- Java Lab files
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +import java.util.Scanner;
2 +
3 +public class lecture3{
4 + public static void main(String args[]){
5 + /*
6 + int num;
7 +
8 + System.out.print("Enter Number : ");
9 + Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
10 + num = input.nextInt();
11 +
12 + if(num%5 == 0)
13 + System.out.println("HiFive");
14 + else if(num%2 == 0)
15 + System.out.println("HiEven");
16 + else
17 + System.out.println("HiOdd");
18 + */
19 +
20 + /*
21 + float bmi;
22 +
23 + System.out.print("Enter Weight : ");
24 + Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
25 + bmi = input.nextFloat();
26 +
27 + if(bmi<18.5){
28 + System.out.println("Underweight");
29 + }
30 + else if(bmi<25){
31 + System.out.println("Normal");
32 + }
33 + else if(bmi<30){
34 + System.out.println("Overweight");
35 + }
36 + else{
37 + System.out.println("Obese");
38 + }
39 + */
40 +
41 + int x = 1;
42 +
43 + System.out.println((x > 1) & (x++ < 10));
44 + System.out.println((1 > x) && ( 1 > x++));
45 + System.out.println((1 == x) | (10 > x++));
46 + System.out.println((1 == x) || (10 > x++));
47 +
48 +
49 + }
50 +
51 +
52 +}
53 +
1 +import java.util.Scanner;
2 +
3 +public class lecture4{
4 + public static void main(String args[]){
5 +
6 + System.out.println("Test");
7 + System.out.println("Hi Hi");
8 + }
9 +
10 +
11 +}
12 +
1 +import java.util.Scanner;
2 +import java.lang.Math;
3 +
4 +public class test{
5 + public static void main(String args[]){
6 +
7 + double radius;
8 + double area;
9 +
10 + Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
11 + System.out.print("Enter a double value: ");
12 + radius = input.nextDouble();
13 +
14 + //radius = 20;
15 +
16 + area = Math.pow(radius, 2) * 3.14159;
17 +
18 + System.out.println(area);
19 +
20 +
21 +
22 +
23 + }
24 +
25 +}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +import java.util.Scanner;
2 +import java.lang.Math;
3 +
4 +public class test2{
5 + public static void main(String args[]){
6 +
7 + double fahrenheit;
8 + double celcious;
9 +
10 + Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
11 + System.out.print("Enter a fahrenheit degree: ");
12 + fahrenheit = input.nextDouble();
13 +
14 +
15 + celcious = (5.0 / 9)*(fahrenheit 32);
16 +
17 + System.out.println(fahrenheit+"fahrenheit degree is "+celcious+"celcious degree");
18 +
19 +
20 +
21 + }
22 +
23 +}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +# Operating Systems
2 +- Coding Assignment
3 +- Java Lab
4 +
1 # 2018-1st University Semester Lecture Files 1 # 2018-1st University Semester Lecture Files
2 - 01.Algorithm Analysis / 2018.9.14. Add / 2018.3 ~ 2018.6 2 - 01.Algorithm Analysis / 2018.9.14. Add / 2018.3 ~ 2018.6
3 - 3 +- 02.Operating Systems / 2018.9.16. Add / 2018.3 ~ 2018.6