verify-arch-universal-binary.test 1.32 KB
# RUN: yaml2obj %s > %t

# RUN: llvm-lipo %t -verify_arch i386
# RUN: llvm-lipo %t -verify_arch i386 x86_64

# RUN: not llvm-lipo %t -verify_arch aarch64
# RUN: not llvm-lipo %t -verify_arch arm64
# RUN: yaml2obj %s | not llvm-lipo - -verify_arch aarch64 i386
# lipo does not support this (i.e. yaml2obj %s | not lipo -), included to test function with llvm-lipo
# use the temporary %t when checking tests with lipo

--- !fat-mach-o
  magic:           0xCAFEBABE
  nfat_arch:       2
  - cputype:         0x00000007
    cpusubtype:      0x00000003
    offset:          0x0000000000001000
    size:            28
    align:           12
  - cputype:         0x01000007
    cpusubtype:      0x00000003
    offset:          0x0000000000002000
    size:            32
    align:           12
  - !mach-o
      magic:           0xFEEDFACE
      cputype:         0x00000007
      cpusubtype:      0x00000003
      filetype:        0x00000001
      ncmds:           0
      sizeofcmds:      0
      flags:           0x00002000
  - !mach-o
      magic:           0xFEEDFACF
      cputype:         0x01000007
      cpusubtype:      0x00000003
      filetype:        0x00000001
      ncmds:           0
      sizeofcmds:      0
      flags:           0x00002000
      reserved:        0x00000000