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LLVM-libc Source Tree Layout

At the top-level, LLVM-libc source tree is organized in to the following directories:

+ libc
     - cmake
     - docs
     - include
     - lib
     - loader
     - src
     - test
     + utils
         - build_scripts
         - testing
     - www

Each of these directories is explained in detail below.

The cmake directory

The cmake directory contains the implementations of LLVM-libc's CMake build rules.

The docs directory

The docs directory contains design docs and also informative documents like this document on source layout.

The include directory

The include directory contains:

  1. Self contained public header files - These are header files which are already in the form that get installed when LLVM-libc is installed on a user's computer.
  2. *.h.def and * files - These files are used to construct the generated public header files.
  3. A CMakeLists.txt file - This file lists the targets for the self contained and generated public header files.

The lib directory

This directory contains a CMakeLists.txt file listing the targets for the public libraries libc.a, libm.a etc.

The loader directory

This directory contains the implementations of the application loaders like crt1.o etc.

The src directory

This directory contains the implementations of the llvm-libc entrypoints. It is further organized as follows:

  1. There is a toplevel CMakeLists.txt file.
  2. For every public header file provided by llvm-libc, there exists a corresponding directory in the src directory. The name of the directory is same as the base name of the header file. For example, the directory corresponding to the public math.h header file is named math. The implementation standard document explains more about the header directories.

The test directory

This directory contains tests for the various components of llvm-libc. The directory structure within this directory mirrors the directory structure of the toplevel libc directory itself. A test for, say the mmap function, lives in the directory test/src/sys/mman/ as implementation of mmap lives in src/sys/mman.

The www directory

The www directory contains the HTML content of

The utils/build_scripts directory

This directory contains scripts which support the build system, tooling etc.

The utils/testing directory

This directory contains testing infrastructure.