1.01 KB
 * There are multiple formulas for calculating arccosine of x:
 * 1) acos(x) = (1/2*pi) + i * ln(i*x + sqrt(1-x^2)) (notice the 'i'...)
 * 2) acos(x) = pi/2 + asin(-x) (asin isn't implemented yet)
 * 3) acos(x) = pi/2 - asin(x) (ditto)
 * 4) acos(x) = 2*atan2(sqrt(1-x), sqrt(1+x))
 * 5) acos(x) = pi/2 - atan2(x, ( sqrt(1-x^2) ) )
 * Options 1-3 are not currently usable, #5 generates more concise radeonsi
 * bitcode and assembly than #4 (134 vs 132 instructions on radeonsi), but
 * precision of #4 may be better.

// TODO: Enable half precision when atan2 is implemented
#if __CLC_FPSIZE > 16

#if __CLC_FPSIZE == 64
#define __CLC_CONST(x) x
#elif __CLC_FPSIZE == 32
#define __CLC_CONST(x) x ## f
#elif __CLC_FPSIZE == 16
#define __CLC_CONST(x) x ## h

  return (
    (__CLC_GENTYPE) __CLC_CONST(2.0) * atan2(
      sqrt((__CLC_GENTYPE) __CLC_CONST(1.0) - x),
      sqrt((__CLC_GENTYPE) __CLC_CONST(1.0) + x)

#undef __CLC_CONST
