Name Last Update
lib Loading commit data... Loading commit data...
LICENSE Loading commit data... Loading commit data...
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Send e-mails from Node.js – easy as cake! 🍰✉️


See for documentation and terms.


Having an issue?

First review the docs

Documentation for Nodemailer can be found at

Nodemailer throws a SyntaxError for "..."

You are using older Node.js version than v6.0. Upgrade Node.js to get support for the spread operator

I'm having issues with Gmail

Gmail either works well or it does not work at all. It is probably easier to switch to an alternative service instead of fixing issues with Gmail. If Gmail does not work for you then don't use it.

I get ETIMEDOUT errors

Check your firewall settings. Timeout usually occurs when you try to open a connection to a port that is firewalled either on the server or on your machine

I get TLS errors

If you are running the code in your own machine, then check your antivirus settings. Antiviruses often mess around with email ports usage. Node.js might not recognize the MITM cert your antivirus is using.

I have a different problem

If you are having issues with Nodemailer, then the best way to find help would be Stack Overflow or revisit the docs.


Nodemailer is licensed under the MIT license