v3.d.ts 10.4 KB
/// <reference types="node" />
import { OAuth2Client, JWT, Compute, UserRefreshClient, BaseExternalAccountClient, GaxiosPromise, GoogleConfigurable, MethodOptions, StreamMethodOptions, GlobalOptions, GoogleAuth, BodyResponseCallback, APIRequestContext } from 'googleapis-common';
import { Readable } from 'stream';
export declare namespace indexing_v3 {
    export interface Options extends GlobalOptions {
        version: 'v3';
    interface StandardParameters {
         * Auth client or API Key for the request
        auth?: string | OAuth2Client | JWT | Compute | UserRefreshClient | BaseExternalAccountClient | GoogleAuth;
         * V1 error format.
        '$.xgafv'?: string;
         * OAuth access token.
        access_token?: string;
         * Data format for response.
        alt?: string;
         * JSONP
        callback?: string;
         * Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        fields?: string;
         * API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
        key?: string;
         * OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
        oauth_token?: string;
         * Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
        prettyPrint?: boolean;
         * Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        quotaUser?: string;
         * Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
        uploadType?: string;
         * Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
        upload_protocol?: string;
     * Indexing API
     * Notifies Google when your web pages change.
     * @example
     * ```js
     * const {google} = require('googleapis');
     * const indexing = google.indexing('v3');
     * ```
    export class Indexing {
        context: APIRequestContext;
        urlNotifications: Resource$Urlnotifications;
        constructor(options: GlobalOptions, google?: GoogleConfigurable);
     * Output for PublishUrlNotification
    export interface Schema$PublishUrlNotificationResponse {
         * Description of the notification events received for this URL.
        urlNotificationMetadata?: Schema$UrlNotificationMetadata;
     * `UrlNotification` is the resource used in all Indexing API calls. It describes one event in the life cycle of a Web Document.
    export interface Schema$UrlNotification {
         * Creation timestamp for this notification. Users should _not_ specify it, the field is ignored at the request time.
        notifyTime?: string | null;
         * The URL life cycle event that Google is being notified about.
        type?: string | null;
         * The object of this notification. The URL must be owned by the publisher of this notification and, in case of `URL_UPDATED` notifications, it _must_ be crawlable by Google.
        url?: string | null;
     * Summary of the most recent Indexing API notifications successfully received, for a given URL.
    export interface Schema$UrlNotificationMetadata {
         * Latest notification received with type `URL_REMOVED`.
        latestRemove?: Schema$UrlNotification;
         * Latest notification received with type `URL_UPDATED`.
        latestUpdate?: Schema$UrlNotification;
         * URL to which this metadata refers.
        url?: string | null;
    export class Resource$Urlnotifications {
        context: APIRequestContext;
        constructor(context: APIRequestContext);
         * Gets metadata about a Web Document. This method can _only_ be used to query URLs that were previously seen in successful Indexing API notifications. Includes the latest `UrlNotification` received via this API.
         * @example
         * ```js
         * // Before running the sample:
         * // - Enable the API at:
         * //   https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/indexing.googleapis.com
         * // - Login into gcloud by running:
         * //   `$ gcloud auth application-default login`
         * // - Install the npm module by running:
         * //   `$ npm install googleapis`
         * const {google} = require('googleapis');
         * const indexing = google.indexing('v3');
         * async function main() {
         *   const auth = new google.auth.GoogleAuth({
         *     // Scopes can be specified either as an array or as a single, space-delimited string.
         *     scopes: ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/indexing'],
         *   });
         *   // Acquire an auth client, and bind it to all future calls
         *   const authClient = await auth.getClient();
         *   google.options({auth: authClient});
         *   // Do the magic
         *   const res = await indexing.urlNotifications.getMetadata({
         *     // URL that is being queried.
         *     url: 'placeholder-value',
         *   });
         *   console.log(res.data);
         *   // Example response
         *   // {
         *   //   "latestRemove": {},
         *   //   "latestUpdate": {},
         *   //   "url": "my_url"
         *   // }
         * }
         * main().catch(e => {
         *   console.error(e);
         *   throw e;
         * });
         * ```
         * @param params - Parameters for request
         * @param options - Optionally override request options, such as `url`, `method`, and `encoding`.
         * @param callback - Optional callback that handles the response.
         * @returns A promise if used with async/await, or void if used with a callback.
        getMetadata(params: Params$Resource$Urlnotifications$Getmetadata, options: StreamMethodOptions): GaxiosPromise<Readable>;
        getMetadata(params?: Params$Resource$Urlnotifications$Getmetadata, options?: MethodOptions): GaxiosPromise<Schema$UrlNotificationMetadata>;
        getMetadata(params: Params$Resource$Urlnotifications$Getmetadata, options: StreamMethodOptions | BodyResponseCallback<Readable>, callback: BodyResponseCallback<Readable>): void;
        getMetadata(params: Params$Resource$Urlnotifications$Getmetadata, options: MethodOptions | BodyResponseCallback<Schema$UrlNotificationMetadata>, callback: BodyResponseCallback<Schema$UrlNotificationMetadata>): void;
        getMetadata(params: Params$Resource$Urlnotifications$Getmetadata, callback: BodyResponseCallback<Schema$UrlNotificationMetadata>): void;
        getMetadata(callback: BodyResponseCallback<Schema$UrlNotificationMetadata>): void;
         * Notifies that a URL has been updated or deleted.
         * @example
         * ```js
         * // Before running the sample:
         * // - Enable the API at:
         * //   https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/indexing.googleapis.com
         * // - Login into gcloud by running:
         * //   `$ gcloud auth application-default login`
         * // - Install the npm module by running:
         * //   `$ npm install googleapis`
         * const {google} = require('googleapis');
         * const indexing = google.indexing('v3');
         * async function main() {
         *   const auth = new google.auth.GoogleAuth({
         *     // Scopes can be specified either as an array or as a single, space-delimited string.
         *     scopes: ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/indexing'],
         *   });
         *   // Acquire an auth client, and bind it to all future calls
         *   const authClient = await auth.getClient();
         *   google.options({auth: authClient});
         *   // Do the magic
         *   const res = await indexing.urlNotifications.publish({
         *     // Request body metadata
         *     requestBody: {
         *       // request body parameters
         *       // {
         *       //   "notifyTime": "my_notifyTime",
         *       //   "type": "my_type",
         *       //   "url": "my_url"
         *       // }
         *     },
         *   });
         *   console.log(res.data);
         *   // Example response
         *   // {
         *   //   "urlNotificationMetadata": {}
         *   // }
         * }
         * main().catch(e => {
         *   console.error(e);
         *   throw e;
         * });
         * ```
         * @param params - Parameters for request
         * @param options - Optionally override request options, such as `url`, `method`, and `encoding`.
         * @param callback - Optional callback that handles the response.
         * @returns A promise if used with async/await, or void if used with a callback.
        publish(params: Params$Resource$Urlnotifications$Publish, options: StreamMethodOptions): GaxiosPromise<Readable>;
        publish(params?: Params$Resource$Urlnotifications$Publish, options?: MethodOptions): GaxiosPromise<Schema$PublishUrlNotificationResponse>;
        publish(params: Params$Resource$Urlnotifications$Publish, options: StreamMethodOptions | BodyResponseCallback<Readable>, callback: BodyResponseCallback<Readable>): void;
        publish(params: Params$Resource$Urlnotifications$Publish, options: MethodOptions | BodyResponseCallback<Schema$PublishUrlNotificationResponse>, callback: BodyResponseCallback<Schema$PublishUrlNotificationResponse>): void;
        publish(params: Params$Resource$Urlnotifications$Publish, callback: BodyResponseCallback<Schema$PublishUrlNotificationResponse>): void;
        publish(callback: BodyResponseCallback<Schema$PublishUrlNotificationResponse>): void;
    export interface Params$Resource$Urlnotifications$Getmetadata extends StandardParameters {
         * URL that is being queried.
        url?: string;
    export interface Params$Resource$Urlnotifications$Publish extends StandardParameters {
         * Request body metadata
        requestBody?: Schema$UrlNotification;
    export {};