
프론트로부터 전달받은 영상 파일 base64 디코딩 후 로컬에 저장

1 const express = require('express'); 1 const express = require('express');
2 +const fs = require('fs');
3 +const {
4 + cv,
5 + getDataFilePath,
6 + drawBlueRect,
7 + drawGreenRect
8 +} = require('./utils');
9 +
10 +const openCV = require('opencv4nodejs');
11 +
2 const router = express.Router(); 12 const router = express.Router();
3 13
4 -router.post('/videoResult', function(req,res) { 14 +//================================================================
5 - file = req.body[0].preview.split(',')[1]; 15 +
6 - console.log(file.length); 16 +router.post('/videoResult', function (req, res) {
7 - 17 +
8 - return res.json({data:'myData'}); 18 + try {
19 + let preview = req.body[0].preview;
20 +
21 + str = preview.replace(/^data:(.*?);base64,/, "");
22 + str = str.replace(/ /g, '+');
23 +
24 +
25 + fs.writeFile(`./data/temp.mp4`, str, 'base64', function (err) {
26 + if (err) throw err;
27 + console.log("saved");
28 + const vCap = new openCV.VideoCapture('./data/temp.mp4')
29 + const delay = 1000;
30 + let done = false;
31 + let cnt = 0;
32 + while (!done) {
33 + let frame = vCap.read();
34 + cv.imwrite('./data/' + cnt + '.jpg');
35 + cnt++;
36 + if (frame.empty) {
37 + vCap.reset();
38 + frame = vCap.read();
39 + }
40 + }
41 + });
42 + } catch (err) {
43 + console.log("err : " + err);
44 + }
45 +
46 + return res.json({ data: 'myData' });
9 }); 47 });
10 48
49 +//================================================================
50 +
51 +// router.post('/faceRecognition', function (req, res) {
52 +
53 +// try {
54 +// let preview = req.body[0].preview;
55 +
56 +// str = preview.replace(/^data:(.*?);base64,/, "");
57 +// str = str.replace(/ /g, '+');
58 +
59 +// // 임시파일 저장
60 +// fs.writeFile(`./data/temp.jpg`, str, 'base64', function (err) {
61 +// if (err) throw err;
62 +// console.log("saved");
63 +// detectFaceAndEyes('./data/temp.jpg');
64 +// });
65 +
66 +
67 +
68 +// } catch (err) {
69 +// console.log('err: ' + err);
70 +// }
71 +
72 +// return res.json({ data: 'myData' });
73 +// });
74 +
75 +//================================================================
76 +
77 +function base64encode(plaintext) {
78 + return Buffer.from(plaintext, "utf8").toString('base64');
79 +}
80 +
81 +function base64decode(base64text) {
82 + console.log(base64text.length);
83 + return Buffer.from(base64text, 'base64').toString('utf8');
84 +}
85 +
86 +// function detectFaceAndEyes(filePath) {
87 +// const image = cv.imread(filePath);
88 +// const faceClassifier = new cv.CascadeClassifier(cv.HAAR_FRONTALFACE_DEFAULT);
89 +// const eyeClassifier = new cv.CascadeClassifier(cv.HAAR_EYE);
90 +
91 +// // detect faces
92 +// const faceResult = faceClassifier.detectMultiScale(image.bgrToGray());
93 +
94 +// if (!faceResult.objects.length) {
95 +// throw new Error('No faces detected!');
96 +// }
97 +
98 +// const sortByNumDetections = result => result.numDetections
99 +// .map((num, idx) => ({ num, idx }))
100 +// .sort(((n0, n1) => n1.num - n0.num))
101 +// .map(({ idx }) => idx);
102 +
103 +// // get best result
104 +// const faceRect = faceResult.objects[sortByNumDetections(faceResult)[0]];
105 +// console.log('faceRects:', faceResult.objects);
106 +// console.log('confidences:', faceResult.numDetections);
107 +
108 +// // detect eyes
109 +// const faceRegion = image.getRegion(faceRect);
110 +// const eyeResult = eyeClassifier.detectMultiScale(faceRegion);
111 +// console.log('eyeRects:', eyeResult.objects);
112 +// console.log('confidences:', eyeResult.numDetections);
113 +
114 +// // get best result
115 +// const eyeRects = sortByNumDetections(eyeResult)
116 +// .slice(0, 2)
117 +// .map(idx => eyeResult.objects[idx]);
118 +
119 +
120 +// // draw face detection
121 +// drawBlueRect(image, faceRect);
122 +
123 +// // draw eyes detection in face region
124 +// eyeRects.forEach(eyeRect => drawGreenRect(faceRegion, eyeRect));
125 +
126 +// cv.imwrite(`./data/temp2.jpg`, image);
127 +// }
128 +
11 module.exports = router; 129 module.exports = router;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +const path = require('path');
2 +const cv = require('opencv4nodejs');
3 +
4 +exports.cv = cv;
5 +
6 +const dataPath = path.resolve(__dirname, './data');
7 +exports.dataPath = dataPath;
8 +exports.getDataFilePath = fileName => {
9 + let targetPath = path.resolve(dataPath, fileName);
10 + return targetPath;
11 +}
12 +
13 +const grabFrames = (videoFile, delay, onFrame) => {
14 + const cap = new cv.VideoCapture(videoFile);
15 + let done = false;
16 + const intvl = setInterval(() => {
17 + let frame = cap.read();
18 + // loop back to start on end of stream reached
19 + if (frame.empty) {
20 + cap.reset();
21 + frame = cap.read();
22 + }
23 + onFrame(frame);
24 +
25 + const key = cv.waitKey(delay);
26 + done = key !== -1 && key !== 255;
27 + if (done) {
28 + clearInterval(intvl);
29 + console.log('Key pressed, exiting.');
30 + }
31 + }, 0);
32 +};
33 +exports.grabFrames = grabFrames;
34 +
35 +exports.runVideoDetection = (src, detect) => {
36 + grabFrames(src, 1, frame => {
37 + detect(frame);
38 + });
39 +};
40 +
41 +exports.drawRectAroundBlobs = (binaryImg, dstImg, minPxSize, fixedRectWidth) => {
42 + const {
43 + centroids,
44 + stats
45 + } = binaryImg.connectedComponentsWithStats();
46 +
47 + // pretend label 0 is background
48 + for (let label = 1; label < centroids.rows; label += 1) {
49 + const [x1, y1] = [stats.at(label, cv.CC_STAT_LEFT), stats.at(label, cv.CC_STAT_TOP)];
50 + const [x2, y2] = [
51 + x1 + (fixedRectWidth || stats.at(label, cv.CC_STAT_WIDTH)),
52 + y1 + (fixedRectWidth || stats.at(label, cv.CC_STAT_HEIGHT))
53 + ];
54 + const size = stats.at(label, cv.CC_STAT_AREA);
55 + const blue = new cv.Vec(255, 0, 0);
56 + if (minPxSize < size) {
57 + dstImg.drawRectangle(
58 + new cv.Point(x1, y1),
59 + new cv.Point(x2, y2),
60 + { color: blue, thickness: 2 }
61 + );
62 + }
63 + }
64 +};
65 +
66 +const drawRect = (image, rect, color, opts = { thickness: 2 }) =>
67 + image.drawRectangle(
68 + rect,
69 + color,
70 + opts.thickness,
71 + cv.LINE_8
72 + );
73 +
74 +exports.drawRect = drawRect;
75 +exports.drawBlueRect = (image, rect, opts = { thickness: 2 }) =>
76 + drawRect(image, rect, new cv.Vec(255, 0, 0), opts);
77 +exports.drawGreenRect = (image, rect, opts = { thickness: 2 }) =>
78 + drawRect(image, rect, new cv.Vec(0, 255, 0), opts);
79 +exports.drawRedRect = (image, rect, opts = { thickness: 2 }) =>
80 + drawRect(image, rect, new cv.Vec(0, 0, 255), opts);
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