clientutils.rst 14.7 KB

.. _clientutils_module:

.. index:: Client utils, __utils__, DOM

The ``clientutils`` module

Casper ships with a few client-side utilities which are injected in the remote DOM environment, and accessible from there through the ``__utils__`` object instance of the ``ClientUtils`` class from the ``clientutils`` module::

casper.evaluate(function() {
__utils__.echo("Hello World!");

.. note::

These tools are provided to avoid coupling CasperJS to any third-party library like :index:`jQuery`, Mootools or something; but you can always include these and have them available client-side using the :ref:`Casper.options.clientScripts ` option.

.. _bookmarklet:

.. index:: bookmarklet, DOM, Debugging


A bookmarklet is also available to help injecting Casper's client-side utilities in the DOM of your favorite browser.

Just drag the following link onto your favorites toobar; when clicking it, a ``__utils__`` object will be available within the console of your browser:

.. raw:: html

.. note::

CasperJS and PhantomJS being based on `Webkit `_, you're strongly encouraged to use a recent Webkit compatible browser to use this bookmarklet (Chrome, Safari, etc…)

.. _clientutils_prototype:

``ClientUtils`` prototype

.. index:: echo


**Signature:** ``echo(String message)``

.. versionadded:: 1.0

Print a message out to the casper console from the remote page DOM environment::

casper.start('http://foo.ner/').thenEvaluate(function() {
__utils__.echo('plop'); // this will be printed to your shell at runtime

.. index:: Base64


**Signature:** ``encode(String contents)``

Encodes a string using the `base64 algorithm `_. For the records, CasperJS doesn't use builtin ``window.btoa()`` function because it can't deal efficiently with strings encoded using >8b characters::

var base64;
casper.start('', function() {
base64 = this.evaluate(function() {
return __utils__.encode("I've been a bit cryptic recently");
}); {

.. index:: DOM


**Signature:** ``exists(String selector)``

Checks if a DOM element matching a given :ref:`selector expression ` exists::

var exists;
casper.start('', function() {
exists = this.evaluate(function() {
return __utils__.exists('#some_id');
}); {


**Signature:** ``findAll(String selector)``

Retrieves all DOM elements matching a given :ref:`selector expression `::

var links;
casper.start('', function() {
links = this.evaluate(function() {
var elements = __utils__.findAll('');
return {
return e.getAttribute('href');
}); {


**Signature:** ``findOne(String selector)``

Retrieves a single DOM element by a :ref:`selector expression `::

var href;
casper.start('', function() {
href = this.evaluate(function() {
return __utils__.findOne('#my_id').getAttribute('href');
}); {


**Signature:** ``forceTarget(String selector, String target)``

Force the engine to use another target instead of the one provided. Very useful to limit the number of open windows and reduce memory consumption::

casper.start('', function() {
var href = this.evaluate(function() {
return __utils__.forceTarget('#my_id', '_self').click();
}); {

.. index:: Base64


**Signature:** ``getBase64(String url[, String method, Object data])``

This method will retrieved a base64 encoded version of any resource behind a url. For example, let's imagine we want to retrieve the base64 representation of some website's logo::

var logo = null;
casper.start('', function() {
logo = this.evaluate(function() {
var imgUrl = document.querySelector('img.logo').getAttribute('src');
return __utils__.getBase64(imgUrl);
}); {

.. index:: Binary


**Signature:** ``getBinary(String url[, String method, Object data])``

This method will retrieved the raw contents of a given binary resource; unfortunately though, PhantomJS cannot process these data directly so you'll have to process them within the remote DOM environment. If you intend to download the resource, use `getBase64()`_ or :ref:`Casper.base64encode() ` instead::

casper.start('', function() {
this.evaluate(function() {
var imgUrl = document.querySelector('img.logo').getAttribute('src');


**Signature:** ``getDocumentHeight()``

.. versionadded:: 1.0

Retrieves current document height::

var documentHeight;

casper.start('', function() {
documentHeight = this.evaluate(function() {
return __utils__.getDocumentHeight();
this.echo('Document height is ' + documentHeight + 'px');


**Signature:** ``getDocumentWidth()``

.. versionadded:: 1.0

Retrieves current document width::

var documentHeight;

casper.start('', function() {
documentWidth = this.evaluate(function() {
return __utils__.getDocumentWidth();
this.echo('Document width is ' + documentWidth + 'px');


**Signature:** ``getElementBounds(String selector)``

Retrieves boundaries for a DOM elements matching the provided :ref:`selector `.

It returns an Object with four keys: ``top``, ``left``, ``width`` and ``height``, or ``null`` if the selector doesn't exist.


**Signature:** ``getElementsBounds(String selector)``

Retrieves boundaries for all DOM element matching the provided :ref:`selector `.

It returns an array of objects each having four keys: ``top``, ``left``, ``width`` and ``height``.

.. index:: XPath


**Signature:** ``getElementByXPath(String expression [, HTMLElement scope])``

Retrieves a single DOM element matching a given :ref:`XPath expression `.

.. versionadded:: 1.0

The ``scope`` argument allow to set the context for executing the XPath query::

// will be performed against the whole document

// will be performed against a given DOM element
__utils__.getElementByXPath('.//a', __utils__.findOne('div.main'));

.. index:: XPath


**Signature:** ``getElementsByXPath(String expression [, HTMLElement scope])``

Retrieves all DOM elements matching a given :ref:`XPath expression `, if any.

.. versionadded:: 1.0

The ``scope`` argument allows to set the context for executing the XPath query.

.. _clientutils_getfieldvalue:

.. index:: Form


**Signature:** ``getFieldValue(String selector[, HTMLElement scope])``

.. versionadded:: 1.0

Retrieves the value from the field named against the ``inputNamed`` argument:

.. code-block:: html

Using the ``getFieldValue()`` method for ``plop``::

__utils__.getFieldValue('[name="plop"]'); // 42


.. index:: Form


**Signature:** ``getFormValues(String selector)``

.. versionadded:: 1.0

Retrieves a given form and all of its field values:

.. code-block:: html

To get the form values::

__utils__.getFormValues('form#login'); // {username: 'foo', password: 'bar'}

.. index:: log


**Signature:** ``log(String message[, String level])``

Logs a message with an optional level. Will format the message a way CasperJS will be able to log phantomjs side. Default level is ``debug``::

casper.start('http://foo.ner/').thenEvaluate(function() {
__utils__.log("We've got a problem on client side", 'error');


**Signature:** ``makeSelector(String selector [, String type])``

.. versionadded:: 1.1-beta5

Makes selector by defined type XPath, Name or Label. Function has same result as selectXPath in Casper module for XPath type - it makes XPath object. Function also accepts name attribute of the form field or can select element by its label text.

Parameter ``type`` values:

- 'css'

CSS3 selector - selector is returned transparently

- 'xpath' || null

XPath selector - return XPath object

- 'name' || 'names'

select input of specific name, internally covert to CSS3 selector

- 'label' || 'labels'

select input of specific label, internally converted into XPath selector. As selector is label's text used


__utils__.makeSelector('//li[text()="blah"]', 'xpath'); // return {type: 'xpath', path: '//li[text()="blah"]'}
__utils__.makeSelector('parameter', 'name'); // return '[name="parameter"]'
__utils__.makeSelector('My label', 'label'); // return {type: 'xpath', path: '//*[@id=string(//label[text()="My label"]/@for)]'}


**Signature:** ``mouseEvent(String type, String selector, [Number|String X, Number|String Y])``

Dispatches a mouse event to the DOM element behind the provided selector.

Supported events are ``mouseup``, ``mousedown``, ``click``, ``dblclick``, ``mousemove``, ``mouseover``, ``mouseout``, ``mouseenter``, ``mouseleave`` and ``contextmenu``::

.. index:: XPath


**Signature:** ``removeElementsByXPath(String expression)``

Removes all DOM elements matching a given :ref:`XPath expression `.

.. index:: AJAX


**Signature:** ``sendAJAX(String url[, String method, Object data, Boolean async, Object settings])``

.. versionadded:: 1.0

Sends an AJAX request, using the following parameters:

- ``url``: The url to request.
- ``method``: The HTTP method (default: ``GET``).
- ``data``: Request parameters (default: ``null``).
- ``async``: Flag for an asynchroneous request? (default: ``false``)
- ``settings``: Custom Headers when perform the AJAX request (default: ``null``). WARNING: an invalid header here may make the request fail silently.

.. warning::

Don't forget to pass the ``--web-security=no`` option in your CLI call in order to perform cross-domains requests when needed::

var data, wsurl = '';

casper.start('', function() {
data = this.evaluate(function(wsurl) {
return JSON.parse(__utils__.sendAJAX(wsurl, 'GET', null, false));
}, {wsurl: wsurl});

casper.then(function() {


**Signature:** ``setFieldValue(String|Object selector, Mixed value [, HTMLElement scope])``

.. versionadded:: 1.1-beta5

Sets a value to form field by CSS3 or XPath selector.
With `makeSelector()`_ function can be easily used with ``name`` or ``label`` selector


- ``(String|Object) scope: selector :``

specific form scope


__utils__.setFieldValue("input[name='email']", '');
__utils__.setFieldValue("input[name='email']", '', {'formSelector': '#myform'});
__utils__.setFieldValue(__utils__.makeSelector('email', 'name'), '');


**Signature:** ``visible(String selector)``

Checks if an element is visible::

var logoIsVisible = casper.evaluate(function() {
return __utils__.visible('h1');