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Quick.db is an open-source package meant to provide an easy way for beginners and people of all levels to access & store data in a low to medium volume environment. All data is stored persistently via either better-sqlite3 or promise-mysql and comes way various other quality-of-life features.

  • Persistent Storage - Data doesn't disappear through restarts
  • Multiple Drivers - You can use either better-sqlite3 or promise-mysql
  • Works out of the box - No need to set up a database server, all the data is stored locally in the same project
  • Beginner Friendly - Originally created for use in tutorials, the documentation is straightforward and jargon-free
  • & more...

Table of Contents

Beginner's Guide

  • todo

Changes in 9.0.0

  • Added drivers and file path option Now when using Quick.db you can choose the driver you want (SqliteDriver or MySQLDriver included for now)

  • Changed the api to use async/await why? because now with different drivers some of them need async so may as well put everything async

  • Changed quickdb to be a class so the initialization part is a bit different

  • Changed function subtract to sub. To match the length of add

  • Added deleteAll function to whipe the entire database

  • Added pull function to remove from an array
// db contains key: "test" -> ["nice"]
db.pull("test", "nice"); // will remove from array
// multiple values can be removed by using an array
db.pull("test", ["nice", "other"]);
// if you are using objects inside the array you can pass your own function to filter them
// db contains key: "test" -> [{id: "nice"}]
db.pull("test", (e) => == "nice");
  • Changed how add and sub works Now they will both try to parse the current value if it is not a number so setting "100" as a string for example will still work


The current version of this GitHub repo is v9.0.0_ This example is for the rewrite only

SqliteDriver example

IMPORTANT To use this driver you need to install better-sqlite3 (not included)

(SqliteDriver is the default driver so no setup needed)

const { QuickDB } = require("quick.db");
const db = QuickDB(); // will make a json.sqlite in the root folder
// if you want to specify a path you can do so like this
// const db = QuickDB({ filePath: "source/to/path/test.sqlite" });

(async () => {
    // self calling async function just to get async
    // Setting an object in the database:
    await db.set("userInfo", { difficulty: "Easy" });
    // -> { difficulty: 'Easy' }

    // Pushing an element to an array (that doesn't exist yet) in an object:
    await db.push("userInfo.items", "Sword");
    // -> { difficulty: 'Easy', items: ['Sword'] }

    // Adding to a number (that doesn't exist yet) in an object:
    await db.add("userInfo.balance", 500);
    // -> { difficulty: 'Easy', items: ['Sword'], balance: 500 }

    // Repeating previous examples:
    await db.push("userInfo.items", "Watch");
    // -> { difficulty: 'Easy', items: ['Sword', 'Watch'], balance: 500 }
    await db.add("userInfo.balance", 500);
    // -> { difficulty: 'Easy', items: ['Sword', 'Watch'], balance: 1000 }

    // Fetching individual properties
    await db.get("userInfo.balance"); // -> 1000
    await db.get("userInfo.items"); // ['Sword', 'Watch']

Example With MySQLDriver

IMPORTANT To use this driver you need to install promise-mysql (not included)

const { QuickDB, MySQLDriver } = require("quick.db");
(async () => {
    const mysqlDriver = new MySQLDriver({
        host     : 'localhost',
        user     : 'me',
        password : 'secret',
        database : 'my_db'

    await mysqlDriver.connect(); // connect to the database **this is important**

    const db = new QuickDB({ driver: mysqlDriver });
    // Now you can use quick.db as normal

    await db.set("userInfo", { difficulty: "Easy" });
    // -> { difficulty: 'Easy' }


If you're having troubles installing, please follow this troubleshooting guide.

Linux & Windows

  • npm i quick.db
  • To use SqliteDriver also do npm i better-sqlite3
  • Or to use MySQLDriver npm i promise-mysql

*Note: Windows users may need to do additional steps listed here.*


  1. Install: XCode
  2. Run: npm i -g node-gyp in terminal
  3. Run: node-gyp --python /path/to/python2.7 (skip this step if you didn't install python 3.x)
  4. Run: npm i quick.db