
chore: products -> category 디렉토리 변경

1 -<% include ../includes/header.ejs %>
2 - <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
3 - <input type="hidden" name="_csrf" value="<%=csrfToken%>" />
4 - <table class="table table-bordered">
5 - <tr>
6 - <th>카테고리명</th>
7 - <td><input type="text" name="name" class="form-control" value="<%=product.name%>"/></td>
8 - </tr>
9 - <tr>
10 - <th>섬네일</th>
11 - <td>
12 - <input type="file" name="thumbnail" />
13 - <% if(product.thumbnail){ %>
14 - <a href="/uploads/<%=product.thumbnail%>" target="_blank">업로드 이미지 보기</a>
15 - <% } %>
16 - </td>
17 - </tr>
18 - <tr>
19 - <th>가격</th>
20 - <td><input type="text" name="price" class="form-control" value="<%=product.price%>"/></td>
21 - </tr>
22 - <tr>
23 - <th>설명</th>
24 - <td><input type="text" name="description" class="form-control" value="<%=product.description%>"/></td>
25 - </tr>
26 - </table>
27 - <button class="btn btn-primary">작성하기</button>
28 - </form>
29 -<% include ../includes/footer.ejs %>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -<% include ../includes/header.ejs %>
2 - <table class="table table-bordered table-hover">
3 - <tr>
4 - <th width="100px" style="text-align: center;">카테고리명</th>
5 - <th style="text-align: center;">영상 개수</th>
6 - <th>내용</th>
7 - <th>삭제</th>
8 - </tr>
9 - <%products.forEach(function(product){%>
10 - <tr>
11 - <td>
12 - <a href="/admin/products/detail/<%=product.id%>"><%=product.name%></a>
13 - </td>
14 - <td>
15 - <%=product.getDate.year%> -
16 - <%=product.getDate.month%> -
17 - <%=product.getDate.day%>
18 - </td>
19 - <td>
20 - <a href="/admin/products/delete/<%=product.id%>" class="btn btn-danger" onclick="return confirm('삭제하시겠습니까?')">삭제</a>
21 - </td>
22 - </tr>
23 - <% }); %>
24 - </table>
25 -
26 - <a href="/admin/products/write" class="btn btn-default">작성하기</a>
27 -
28 -<% include ../includes/footer.ejs %>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -<% include ../includes/header.ejs %>
2 - <div class="panel panel-default">
3 - <div class="panel-heading">
4 - <%=product.name%>
5 - </div>
6 - <div class="panel-body">
7 - <div style="padding-bottom: 10px">
8 - 작성일 :
9 - <%=product.getDate.year%> -
10 - <%=product.getDate.month%> -
11 - <%=product.getDate.day%>
12 - </div>
13 - <% if(product.thumbnail){%>
14 - <p>
15 - <img src="/uploads/<%=product.thumbnail%>" style="max-width: 100%"/>
16 - </p>
17 - <% } %>
18 - <%=product.description%>
19 - <!-- 댓글영역 -->
20 - <div>
21 - 댓글작성하기
22 - <form id="commentForm" action="" method="post">
23 - <input type="hidden" name="product_id" value="<%=product.id%>" />
24 - <textarea class="form-control" name="content"></textarea>
25 - <button class="btn btn-primary" style="margin-top: 10px">댓글작성</button>
26 - </form>
27 - </div>
28 - <!-- 댓글영역 -->
29 - <hr />
30 - <div id="comment_area">
31 - <% comments.forEach(function(comment){ %>
32 - <div>
33 - <%=comment.content%>
34 - ( <a class='comment_delete' comment_id='<%=comment.id%>'>삭제</a> )
35 - </div>
36 - <% }); %>
37 - </div>
38 - </div>
39 - </div>
40 -
41 - <a href="/admin/products" class="btn btn-default">목록으로</a>
42 - <a href="/admin/products/edit/<%=product.id%>" class="btn btn-primary">수정</a>
43 -<% include ../includes/footer.ejs %>
44 -<script>
45 -(function(){
46 - $(document).ready(function() {
47 - $('#commentForm').submit(function(){
48 - var $contentVal = $(this).children('textarea[name=content]').val();
49 - if($contentVal){
50 - $.ajax({
51 - url: '/admin/products/ajax_comment/insert',
52 - type: 'POST',
53 - data: $(this).serialize(),
54 - })
55 - .done(function(args) {
56 - if(args.message==="success"){
57 - $('#comment_area').append(
58 - '<div>' + args.content +
59 - " ( <a class='comment_delete' comment_id='"+ args.id +"'>삭제</a> ) </div>"
60 - );
61 - $('#commentForm textarea[name=content]').val("");
62 - }
63 - })
64 - .fail(function(args) {
65 - console.log(args);
66 - });
67 - }else{
68 - alert('댓글 내용을 입력해주세요.')
69 - }
70 - return false;
71 - });
72 - });
73 -})();
74 -</script>
75 -<script>
76 -$(document).on('click' , '.comment_delete' , function(){
77 - if(confirm('삭제하시겠습니까?')){ //확인창 예 눌렀을 시만 진행
78 - var $self = $(this);
79 - $.ajax({
80 - url: '/admin/products/ajax_comment/delete',
81 - type: 'POST',
82 - data: { comment_id : $self.attr('comment_id') },
83 - })
84 - .done(function() {
85 - $self.parent().remove();
86 - alert("삭제가 완료되었습니다.");
87 - })
88 - .fail(function(args) {
89 - console.log(args);
90 - });
91 - }
92 -});
93 -</script>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file