TextureConverter.cs 6.51 KB
using System;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

namespace UniGLTF
    public interface ITextureConverter
        Texture2D GetImportTexture(Texture2D texture);
        Texture2D GetExportTexture(Texture2D texture);

    public static class TextureConverter
        public delegate Color32 ColorConversion(Color32 color);

        public static Texture2D Convert(Texture2D texture, glTFTextureTypes textureType, ColorConversion colorConversion, Material convertMaterial)
            var copyTexture = TextureItem.CopyTexture(texture, TextureIO.GetColorSpace(textureType), convertMaterial);
            if (colorConversion != null)
                copyTexture.SetPixels32(copyTexture.GetPixels32().Select(x => colorConversion(x)).ToArray());
            copyTexture.name = texture.name;
            return copyTexture;

        public static void AppendTextureExtension(Texture texture, string extension)
            if (!texture.name.EndsWith(extension))
                texture.name = texture.name + extension;

        public static void RemoveTextureExtension(Texture texture, string extension)
            if (texture.name.EndsWith(extension))
                texture.name = texture.name.Replace(extension, "");

    public class MetallicRoughnessConverter : ITextureConverter
        private const string m_extension = ".metallicRoughness";

        private float _smoothnessOrRoughness;

        public MetallicRoughnessConverter(float smoothnessOrRoughness)
            _smoothnessOrRoughness = smoothnessOrRoughness;

        public Texture2D GetImportTexture(Texture2D texture)
            var converted = TextureConverter.Convert(texture, glTFTextureTypes.Metallic, Import, null);
            TextureConverter.AppendTextureExtension(converted, m_extension);
            return converted;

        public Texture2D GetExportTexture(Texture2D texture)
            var converted = TextureConverter.Convert(texture, glTFTextureTypes.Metallic, Export, null);
            TextureConverter.RemoveTextureExtension(converted, m_extension);
            return converted;

        public Color32 Import(Color32 src)
            // Roughness(glTF): dst.g -> Smoothness(Unity): src.a (with conversion)
            // Metallic(glTF) : dst.b -> Metallic(Unity)  : src.r

            var pixelRoughnessFactor = (src.g * _smoothnessOrRoughness) / 255.0f; // roughness
            var pixelSmoothness = 1.0f - Mathf.Sqrt(pixelRoughnessFactor);

            return new Color32
                r = src.b,
                g = 0,
                b = 0,
                // Bake roughness values into a texture.
                // See: https://github.com/dwango/UniVRM/issues/212.
                a = (byte)Mathf.Clamp(pixelSmoothness * 255, 0, 255),

        public Color32 Export(Color32 src)
            // Smoothness(Unity): src.a -> Roughness(glTF): dst.g (with conversion)
            // Metallic(Unity)  : src.r -> Metallic(glTF) : dst.b

            var pixelSmoothness = (src.a * _smoothnessOrRoughness) / 255.0f; // smoothness
            // https://blogs.unity3d.com/jp/2016/01/25/ggx-in-unity-5-3/
            var pixelRoughnessFactorSqrt = (1.0f - pixelSmoothness);
            var pixelRoughnessFactor = pixelRoughnessFactorSqrt * pixelRoughnessFactorSqrt;

            return new Color32
                r = 0,
                // Bake smoothness values into a texture.
                // See: https://github.com/dwango/UniVRM/issues/212.
                g = (byte)Mathf.Clamp(pixelRoughnessFactor * 255, 0, 255),
                b = src.r,
                a = 255,

    public class NormalConverter : ITextureConverter
        private const string m_extension = ".normal";

        private Material m_decoder;
        private Material GetDecoder()
            if (m_decoder == null)
                m_decoder = new Material(Shader.Find("UniGLTF/NormalMapDecoder"));
            return m_decoder;

        private Material m_encoder;
        private Material GetEncoder()
            if (m_encoder == null)
                m_encoder = new Material(Shader.Find("UniGLTF/NormalMapEncoder"));
            return m_encoder;

        // GLTF data to Unity texture
        // ConvertToNormalValueFromRawColorWhenCompressionIsRequired
        public Texture2D GetImportTexture(Texture2D texture)
            var mat = GetEncoder();
            var converted = TextureConverter.Convert(texture, glTFTextureTypes.Normal, null, mat);
            TextureConverter.AppendTextureExtension(converted, m_extension);
            return converted;

        // Unity texture to GLTF data
        // ConvertToRawColorWhenNormalValueIsCompressed
        public Texture2D GetExportTexture(Texture2D texture)
            var mat = GetDecoder();
            var converted = TextureConverter.Convert(texture, glTFTextureTypes.Normal, null, mat);
            TextureConverter.RemoveTextureExtension(converted, m_extension);
            return converted;

    public class OcclusionConverter : ITextureConverter
        private const string m_extension = ".occlusion";

        public Texture2D GetImportTexture(Texture2D texture)
            var converted = TextureConverter.Convert(texture, glTFTextureTypes.Occlusion, Import, null);
            TextureConverter.AppendTextureExtension(converted, m_extension);
            return converted;

        public Texture2D GetExportTexture(Texture2D texture)
            var converted = TextureConverter.Convert(texture, glTFTextureTypes.Occlusion, Export, null);
            TextureConverter.RemoveTextureExtension(converted, m_extension);
            return converted;

        public Color32 Import(Color32 src)
            return new Color32
                r = 0,
                g = src.r,
                b = 0,
                a = 255,

        public Color32 Export(Color32 src)
            return new Color32
                r = src.g,
                g = 0,
                b = 0,
                a = 255,