DijkstraGraphSearchTest.java 6.54 KB
 * Copyright 2014-present Open Networking Laboratory
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package org.onlab.graph;

import org.junit.Test;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

import static com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet.of;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

 * Test of the Dijkstra algorithm.
public class DijkstraGraphSearchTest extends BreadthFirstSearchTest {

    protected AbstractGraphPathSearch<TestVertex, TestEdge> graphSearch() {
        return new DijkstraGraphSearch<>();

    public void defaultGraphTest() {
        executeDefaultTest(7, 5, 5.0);

    public void defaultHopCountWeight() {
        weight = null;
        executeDefaultTest(10, 3, 3.0);

    public void noPath() {
        graph = new AdjacencyListsGraph<>(of(A, B, C, D),
                                          of(new TestEdge(A, B, 1),
                                             new TestEdge(B, A, 1),
                                             new TestEdge(C, D, 1),
                                             new TestEdge(D, C, 1)));
        GraphPathSearch<TestVertex, TestEdge> gs = graphSearch();
        Set<Path<TestVertex, TestEdge>> paths = gs.search(graph, A, B, weight, 1).paths();
        assertEquals("incorrect paths count", 1, paths.size());
        assertEquals("incorrect path cost", 1.0, paths.iterator().next().cost(), 0.1);

        paths = gs.search(graph, A, D, weight, 1).paths();
        assertEquals("incorrect paths count", 0, paths.size());

        paths = gs.search(graph, A, null, weight, 1).paths();
        assertEquals("incorrect paths count", 1, paths.size());
        assertEquals("incorrect path cost", 1.0, paths.iterator().next().cost(), 0.1);

    public void simpleMultiplePath() {
        graph = new AdjacencyListsGraph<>(of(A, B, C, D),
                                          of(new TestEdge(A, B, 1),
                                             new TestEdge(A, C, 1),
                                             new TestEdge(B, D, 1),
                                             new TestEdge(C, D, 1)));
        executeSearch(graphSearch(), graph, A, D, weight, 2, 2.0);
        executeSinglePathSearch(graphSearch(), graph, A, D, weight, 1, 2.0);

    public void denseMultiplePath() {
        graph = new AdjacencyListsGraph<>(of(A, B, C, D, E, F, G),
                                          of(new TestEdge(A, B, 1),
                                             new TestEdge(A, C, 1),
                                             new TestEdge(B, D, 1),
                                             new TestEdge(C, D, 1),
                                             new TestEdge(D, E, 1),
                                             new TestEdge(D, F, 1),
                                             new TestEdge(E, G, 1),
                                             new TestEdge(F, G, 1),
                                             new TestEdge(A, G, 4)));
        executeSearch(graphSearch(), graph, A, G, weight, 5, 4.0);
        executeSinglePathSearch(graphSearch(), graph, A, G, weight, 1, 4.0);

    public void dualEdgeMultiplePath() {
        graph = new AdjacencyListsGraph<>(of(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H),
                                          of(new TestEdge(A, B, 1), new TestEdge(A, C, 3),
                                             new TestEdge(B, D, 2), new TestEdge(B, C, 1),
                                             new TestEdge(B, E, 4), new TestEdge(C, E, 1),
                                             new TestEdge(D, H, 5), new TestEdge(D, E, 1),
                                             new TestEdge(E, F, 1), new TestEdge(F, D, 1),
                                             new TestEdge(F, G, 1), new TestEdge(F, H, 1),
                                             new TestEdge(A, E, 3), new TestEdge(B, D, 1)));
        executeSearch(graphSearch(), graph, A, E, weight, 3, 3.0);
        executeSinglePathSearch(graphSearch(), graph, A, E, weight, 1, 3.0);

    public void negativeWeights() {
        graph = new AdjacencyListsGraph<>(of(A, B, C, D, E, F, G),
                                          of(new TestEdge(A, B, 1),
                                             new TestEdge(A, C, -1),
                                             new TestEdge(B, D, 1),
                                             new TestEdge(D, A, -2),
                                             new TestEdge(C, D, 1),
                                             new TestEdge(D, E, 1),
                                             new TestEdge(D, F, 1),
                                             new TestEdge(E, G, 1),
                                             new TestEdge(F, G, 1),
                                             new TestEdge(G, A, -5),
                                             new TestEdge(A, G, 4)));
        executeSearch(graphSearch(), graph, A, G, weight, 3, 4.0);
        executeSinglePathSearch(graphSearch(), graph, A, G, weight, 1, 4.0);

    public void disconnectedPerf() {

    public void disconnected() {
        Set<TestVertex> vertexes = new HashSet<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
            vertexes.add(new TestVertex("v" + i));

        graph = new AdjacencyListsGraph<>(vertexes, of());

        long start = System.nanoTime();
        for (TestVertex src : vertexes) {
            executeSearch(graphSearch(), graph, src, null, null, 0, 0);
        long end = System.nanoTime();
        DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat("#,###");
        System.out.println("Compute cost is " + fmt.format(end - start) + " nanos");
